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Nicolette Coffee
Best Rummage Sales

The BEST All listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST All listings near North Central Wisconsin


STORAGE UNIT FOR AUCTION: Nelson Rivera Ruiz, Storage unit 72 for auction. Located at 3410 Delmar Lane, Green Bay, WI. Auction will be online at concluding 05/09/2024 at 1PM. Pleasant Valley 715-226-6200

Estate Sales 

Es­tate Spe­cial­ists Large Es­tate Sale April 25-26 @ 9:00am Thurs­day & Fri­day N3616 Hwy 13, Med­ford Lo­cated Just Past The Kwik Trip On The Far North End Of Town. Multi Gen­er­a­tional Es­tate!! Lots of Vin­tage Items on This Sale!! Well Worth A Look. Ve­hi­cles: 1962 Dodge Po­lara 500 Sedan, (Body Is Clean), 1999 Chrysler Town & Coun­try Mini Van, 107,000 Miles, (No Rust) 1989 Chrysler Maserati 2 Door Hard­top, (No Rust) 95,000 Miles. Out­door Items & Tools: Husq­varna Rid­ing Mower 48'' Cut, 18' Wooden Fish­ing Boat With Pad­dle Wheel, Oars, Lawn & Gar­den Tools, Wheel Bar­row, 2 Wheel Cart, Steplad­ders, MTD 28'' Snow­blower, Gas Cans, Good Se­lec­tion Of Hand & Power Tools, Bench Vise, Pry bars, Ham­mers, Pipe & Cres­cent Wrenches, Vise Grips, Power Cords, Hand­saws, Sears Crafts­man 10'' Table Saw, Pipe & C-Clamps, Fire­wood, Bat­tery Charger, Floor Jacks, Car Ramps, Old Welder, Bench Grinder, Air Com­pres­sor, Dado Blades, Chains, Crafts­man Sawzall, Fence Posts, Lawn Chairs, Guns & Ammo: Con­necti­cut Val­ley Arms Muz­zle­loader Kits, Smith & Wes­son .40 Cal Hand­gun, Model Sw40f, Smith & Wes­son 9mm Hand­gun, Model 469, Win­ches­ter 12 Gauge Pump, Model 97, .22 Shells, Oak Gun Cab­i­net, An­tiques & Col­lec­tables: Old Milk Cans, Cross­cut Saws, Old Lanterns, Pul­leys, Vin­tage Bi­cy­cles, Drill Press, Water Can, Old Car Parts & Hub Caps, Old Boat Mo­tors, Blue Jars, Milk Bot­tles, Small Crocks & Jugs, Cream Sep­a­ra­tor, Porce­lain Ice Cream Sign & Other Adv Signs, Li­cense Plates, Med­ford Adv Items, Hamm’s Bar Glass­ware, Nice Col­lec­tion Of Jim Beam De­canters, (Old Cars & More) An­tique Fur­ni­ture, Wa­ter­fall 3 Piece Full Size Bed­room Set, Salt & Pep­per Shak­ers, Pabst & Coors Beer Mir­rors, Mid Cen­tury Lamps, Philco Cab­i­net Radio, Banks & Maxwell 66'' Wooden Air­plane Pro­peller, Pocket Watches, Watch Fobs, Bar To­kens, Belt Buck­les, Pocket Knives, De­pres­sion Glass, Pyrex, Old Kitchen Uten­sils, Spice Tins, In­dian Cigar Box, Linens, Doilies, Aprons, Med­ford HS Year­books, Cos­tume Jew­elry, Cedar Chests, Post­cards, Gate Leg Table, Walk­ing Sticks, Vin­tage Rugs, Coins: Mor­gan & Peace Sil­ver Dol­lars, Mer­cury Dimes, Ike Dol­lars, Kennedy Half Dol­lars, Wheat Pen­nies House­hold & Fur­ni­ture: Stove & Re­frig­er­a­tor, Twin Size Bed, Hos­pi­tal Bed, Tow­els, Re­cliner & Lift Chairs, Chest Of Draw­ers, Kitchen Cook­ware & Bake­ware, Small Ap­pli­ances, Books, Avi­a­tion & Gun Mag­a­zines, Win­dow Air Con­di­tion­ers, Bar Stools, Games & Puz­zles, Men's Cloth­ing & Shoes, Vin­tage Cloth­ing, Vizio 42'' TV, Ex­er­cise Equip­ment, Total Gym, Weight Bench & More, Eden Pure Heater And So Much More!! Check Out My Face­book Page for Pho­tos - Es­tate Spe­cial­ists of Central WI 715-305-3996
Es­tate Spe­cial­ists Large Es­tate Sale May 2-3-4 @ 9:00am Thurs­day, Fri­day & Sat­ur­day 830 Ranger Rd, WI Rapids Dar­ryl Clau­son Es­tate Joyce Clau­son Owner This Is A Big One!! Large Se­lec­tion of An­tiques & Tools & Out­door Items. Well Worth A Look!! Every­thing Is Very Clean And Well Kept. An­tiques & Col­lec­tables: Red­wing Crocks, 70 Plus Ger­man Hum­mel Fig­urines, Col­lec­tion Of White Hob­nail Moon­stone Glass, Green De­pres­sion Glass, Car­ni­val Glass, Very Nice Col­lec­tion Of Wildlife Prints, Sev­eral Duck De­coys, New And Old, Large Set Of China, Rowe Pot­tery, Ducks Un­lim­ited Jim Beam De­canters, Mr. Peanut Bank, Elgin Pocket Watch, Gran­ite­ware, Tin Lunch Pail, Spool Cab­i­net, Rocker Chairs, Snow­shoes, Egg Scale, Kraut Cut­ters, Large Col­lec­tion Of An­tique Tools, Wood Planes, Wrenches, Draw­shaves, Chis­els And Many More. Cow­bells, Light­ning Rod & Ball, Wooden Sleds, JD & AC Toy Trac­tors, To­bacco Tins, To­bacco Cut­ter, Cross­cut Saws, Cop­per Fire Ex­tin­guisher, Milk Bot­tles, Soo Line RR Lantern, Nail Kegs, Steam Gauge, Cis­tern Pump, Old Scale, Cast Iron Fig­ural Van­ity Mir­ror, Singer Trea­dle Sewing Ma­chine, Old Toys, Wooden Wagon Wheels, Lanterns, Hay­forks, Barn Pul­leys, Hog Scrap­ers, Waf­fle Iron, Ice Tongs, Kerosene Cans, Corn Planters, Brass Blow Torches, Milk Cans And So Much More!! Out­door Items & Tools: Bench Grinder, Vise, Hand­saws, Ham­mers, Cres­cent Wrenches, Mil­wau­kee Power Tools To In­clude: Drills, Sawzall, Ham­mer Drill, C-Clamps, Pre­ci­sion Tools, 3000 Watt Gen­er­a­tor, Log Scribe, Spray Paints, Nails, Hard­ware, Nail­ers, Rolling Tool Chest, Delta Chisel Mor­tiser, Cum­mings Drill Press, Rock­well/Delta Band Saw, Sears Crafts­man 6'' Join­ter, Belt Sander, Cir­cu­lar Saws, Rikon Wood Lathe, De­walt Belt & Disc Sander & Bis­cuit Join­ter, Lathe Tool­ing, Jet Dust Col­lec­tor, Delta 10'' Tilt­ing Arbor Table Saw, Stihl String Trim­mers, Routers, Router Bit Sets, Steplad­ders, Cant Hook, Lawn & Gar­den Tools, Chains, Come-A Longs, Live Traps, Pry bars, Lawn Spread­ers, Push Mower, Crafts­man Wrenches, Gas Pres­sure Washer, Oils & Lubes, Stihl Chain­saws, Small Torch Set, Gas Cans, Shop Vac, Delta 12'' Planer, Wheel Bar­rows, Flower Pots, Patio Set, Shep­herd Hooks, Oak & Pine Lum­ber, Wood Stove, Cool­ers, Deer Head & Antler Mounts, Bear Skin Rug, Re­load­ing Equip­ment, Empty Shells And So Much More!! Fur­ni­ture & House­hold: Solid Cherry Din­ing Room Table & Chairs & Lighted China Hutch, Solid Cherry En­ter­tain­ment Cen­ter, Leather Re­cliner Chair, Loveseat Sofa, Sewing Stand, 5 Piece Queen Size Bed­room Set, Sam­sung 32'' TV, Sleeper Sofa, Kitchen Cook­ware & Bake­ware, Ger­man Beer Steins, Vin­tage Dinette Set, Wash­stand, 7' Slate Top Pool Table, Set Of Solid Oak Barstools, Bar Glass­ware, Fall & Easter & X-Mas Decor, Vac­uum, Lug­gage, Some Ex­cep­tional Log Cabin Fur­ni­ture In­clud­ing: Din­ing Room Table & Chairs, Side Ta­bles, End Ta­bles, Twin Size Bed, Chairs & Rock­ing Chair, Wash Stand, Cof­fee Table And So Much More!! Check Out My Face­book Page for Pho­tos - Es­tate Spe­cial­ists of Cen­tral WI 715-305-3996
Estate Sale Now thru April 28 6004 5th Ave Rudolph Boat, tools, sporting, hardware, gardening, furniture, & more (715)435-4029
JR’s Es­tate Ser­vices April 27 9:00-4:00 April 28 10:00-2:00 2020 SOUTH Cy­press DRIVE, Ark­dale, 54613 This whole house sale lo­cated just off of Cas­tle Rock Lake has many trea­sures wait­ing for you. Rus­tic/cabin style decor as well as items for the out­door en­thu­si­ast high­light this sale. Items in­clude: MCM Kent Cof­fey dresser, drop leaf table, arm­chair w/ot­toman, end ta­bles, night­stands, vin­tage ad­justable school desk, li­brary table, vin­tage wardrobe, Ash­ley cof­fee table, many unique lamps, vin­tage flip up type­writer desk, Roll Away bed, out­door/patio fur­ni­ture, Terry Redlin prints, qual­ity bed­ding - mostly Queen, Men's cloth­ing (Stormy Kromer, LL Bean, Pendle­ton), small ap­pli­ances, crocks, cos­tume jew­elry, de­hu­mid­i­fier, Fire­place tool sets, RCA Dig­i­tal Audio Sys­tem 5 CD Changer, home stereo power cen­ter, books, vin­tage puz­zles/games, su­per­hero toys, vin­tage Bar­bie items inc. 1963 Bar­bie doll case with doll/cloth­ing/ac­ces­sories, It's a Won­der­ful Life Christ­mas Vil­lage pieces, bar­ware, beer ad­ver­tis­ing, vin­tage Kien­zle wall clock, Total Body­works home gym, Crane fold­able ex­er­cise bike, cof­fee and ducks col­lectibles, cabin/lake life/fish­ing decor, Ducks Un­lim­ited carv­ings, Ladies Schwinn Fairhaven bike, Vin­tage Con­corde Lep­per bike, vin­tage wooden boxes/crates, bird feed­ers, fish­ing items (poles, tackle boxes, nets, creel bas­kets, reels) Hum­ming­bird Fish Finder, Duck de­coys, bird/game calls (Duck,, Quail, Turkey), some taxi­dermy, 12 foot gal­va­nized boat trailer, tele­scope, gal­va­nized truck bed tool box, Mr. Heater, gas cans, vin­tage cast iron water pump, 6 drawer metal tool chest, 1000 lb portable hoist, Makita grinder, San­born 3.5 hp air com­pres­sor, Lad­ders, Brinly 10 cubic ft. Util­ity cart, bat­tery charg­ers, power tools, hand tools, yard decor, planters, gar­den­ing items and so much more! This beau­ti­ful home with lake ac­cess can also be yours! Mo­ti­vated seller wait­ing for your offer! We look for­ward to see­ing you! Spe­cial Notes: Num­bers will be handed out start­ing 30 min­utes prior to the sale on Sat­ur­day only. For up­dates and pho­tos fol­low our Face­book and In­sta­gram page - JR's Es­tate Ser­vices
MARSHFIELD, 200526 North Frey Ave. April 25 & 25, 8a-5p; April 27th 7a-3p. HH items, gardening supplies & signs, flamingo, pig & knick knacks, ship décor, wall décor, RC cars, furniture, & a little bit of everything!

Flea Markets 

*THE FLEAS are BACK!! ** *FLEA MARKET* SUNDAYS Starting April 28th 7am-4pm SHAWANO FAIRGROUNDS weather permitting 715-526-9769

City Wide Rummage Sale 

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