Category: Legal Meetings and Public Hearings Source: Listed: Tue Feb 4th
Town and Village of Eden Notice of Public Hearing PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town and Village of Eden will hold a Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 24th, 2024, at the Eden Community Center, 104 Pine St, Eden, WI 53019, to consider an update to the Town and Village of Eden Comprehensive Plan. Any interested person may be heard at the time of the public hearing. The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is to guide land use and development-related deci-sions to meet an identified long-term vision. Chapters include goals, objectives, and policies pertaining to Housing; Transportation; Economic Development; Agricultural, Cultural and Natural Resources; Utilities and Community Facilities; Intergovernmental Co-operation and Land Use. The public hearing draft plan is available on the Village’s website homepage (https://www.villageofeden com). Questions regarding the Comprehensive Plan update can be directed to the Village Clerk at villageclerk@villageofeden .com or (920) 477-4304 and Town Clerk at or (920) 539-0405. 2/20 WNAXLP