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The BEST Minutes listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST Minutes listings near North Central Wisconsin


Ashwaubenon WNAXLP Ashwaubenon Board of Education Regular Board Meeting Wednesday, May 08, 2024 CALL TO ORDER: Board President Vyskocil called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm ROLL CALL: Board Members Present: Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson; Board Members Excused: All present; School Choice Advisory Representative: excused - Matthew Rotter DECLARATION OF QUORUM: Quorum present PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The pledge was recited ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Moved Anderson, seconded by Garrigan to adopt the agenda as presented with the addition of moving Agenda Items K and L.1 to be presented following Agenda Item F to accommodate the presenter’s schedule. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 ANNOUNCEMENT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION: In accordance with W.S. 19.85(1) (c) an executive session is being held for the consideration of employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. (Staff Compensation) ELECTION OF OFFICES: a. President: VanDeKreeke nominated Vyskocil for Board President, seconded by Garrigan. There were no other nominations. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 to elect Vyskocil as Board President. b. Vice President: VandeWalle nominated VanDeKreeke for Board Vice President, seconded by Anderson. There were no other nominations. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 to elect VanDeKreeke as Board Vice President. c. Clerk: VanDeKreeke nominated VandeWalle for Board Clerk, seconded by Anderson. There were no other nominations. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 to elect VanDeKreeke as Board Clerk. d. Treasurer: Anderson nominated Garrigan for Board Treasurer, seconded by VanDeKreeke. There were no other nominations. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 to elect Garrigan as Board Treasurer. e. Member At Large: will be Anderson ESTABLISH BOARD MEETING TIME AND PLACE a. Annual Meeting/Budget Hearing: July 10, 2024; 6:00 pm in the District Office; 1055 Griffiths Lane. b. Monthly Board Meeting: Second Wednesday of the month (with exception to dates listed below); 6:30 pm; District Office - 1055 Griffiths Lane; Green Bay WI. • October 2024: October 2023 meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. The Levy certification information will not be available by the second Wednesday of the month. CITIZENS AND/OR DELEGATIONS: No topics presented CONSENT AGENDA: Moved by VandeWalle, seconded by VanDeKreeke to approve Consent Agenda items 1-5 as presented. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 1. Minutes of the regular meeting held on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 2. Minutes of the executive session held on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 3. The schedule of checks written 4/02/24 to 4/30/24 4. Staffing: hirings, resignations, retirements, leave of absences 5. Board financial reports for March SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT (Special Recognition) • Ashwaubenon High School Musical: AHS’s musical production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was honored by the Fox Cities PAC Center Stage High School Musical Theater Awards program. The cast and production were honored as Outstanding Ensemble; the crew was honored for Outstanding Student Pit Orchestra, Aren Damayo for Outstanding Performance in a Lead Role, Isabelle Garrigan for Outstanding Performance in a Supporting Role, Lydia Fite for Honorable Mention for a Lead Role Performance and Bernie Rocheleau as an Influential Educator. • Ashwaubenon School District’s HOPE Squad Walk: The AHS Hope Squad is holding the 2nd Annual Hope Walk at the AHS track on Saturday, June 1st, 2024. The walk will start at 9am and go until 12pm with various games, crafts, resources, and prizes for all ages! • Mandy Schroeder: Friday, May 10th is National School Communication Day. We recognize Mandy Schroeder for her outstanding job of leading our school communications. • Jaguar Excellence Awards: 55 Jaguar Excellence awards were handed out to staff for the month of April. • Parkview’s Hope Squad: On Thursday, April 29th Parkview's Hope Squad hosted a leadership conference called Hope Across Brown County. Hope Squads from De Pere, Howard-Suamico, Pulaski and West De Pere school districts were represented. • Parkview Middle School Celebrates Second Annual Jag Jog: On Friday, May 10th, Parkview Middle School students and staff will be participating in the second annual Jag Jog. Parkview students have been fundraising for the past month to promote the Parent Faculty Club-sponsored Jag Jog. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. Community Referendum Survey Results: Bill Foster presented the results of the Community Referendum Survey. 1,612 people took the survey; 76% of staff residents support (would definitely or probably yes) a $960,000 referendum; 74% of parent residents support (would definitely or probably yes) a $960,000 referendum; 57% of non-parent/non-staff resident support (would definitely or probably yes) a $960,000 referendum. Overall, 61.3% of eligible voters that took the survey would definitely/probably vote yes. 2. Native American Grant: As part of the Native American Grant, a public hearing must be held to share the objectives of the grant. Native American Grant Coordinator Jane Ryczkowski provided an overview of the grant and her role in providing support to the district’s Native American students. 3. Cormier, Pioneer and Valley View Strategic Plan Updates: Cormier, Pioneer and Valley View Administrators provided an update on their 2023-24 building strategic plans and goal progress for Pillar 2 (Safe, Inclusive Leaning Environments) and Pillar 3 (High Expectations for All). ACTION ITEMS: 1. Bylaw and Policy Updates - second read: Weyers presented the board policy and bylaw updates for second read and approval. No additional changes were recommended. Moved by VanDeKreeke, seconded by Anderson to approve the second read and updates to school board policies and bylaws as presented. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 2. Dance Trip 2025: Nick Senger presented the request for the Dance Team to travel to Orlando, Florida to compete in the Dance Team Union Nationals in February 2025. This competition is a higher level competition over a shorter duration of time. Students will miss 4 days of school versus 6-7 in previous trips. This trip is 100% funded by the dance team. Moved by VanDeKreeke, seconded by VandeWalle to approve the 2025 Dance Trip as presented. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 3. Open enrollment IN Applications : Lucius presented the recommendations for the 2024-25 open enrollment IN applications. Moved Anderson, seconded by VanDeKreeke to approve 240 applications and deny 21 applications for 2024-25 open enrollment into Ashwaubenon as presented. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 4. Open enrollment OUT Applications: Lucius presented the recommendations for the 2024-25 open enrollment OUT applications. Moved Anderson, seconded by VanDeKreeke to approve 49 applications and deny 0 for 2024-25 open enrollment out of Ashwaubenon as presented. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 5. Staffing Layoffs: Lucius reminded the board that they approved the preliminary non-renewals for purpose of lay-offs at the April board meeting. The board is asked to approve the final non-renewals for the purpose of lay-off as recommended. Partial lay-off of 0.13 FTE of Amy Kopp from her teacher position at Valley View and Cormier. Moved VanDeKreeke, seconded by Anderson to approve the staffing layoffs as presented. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 BOARD & SUPERINTENDENT COMMUNICATIONS: FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS & TOPICS: The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the District Office Board Room. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Moved Anderson, seconded by VandeWalle to adjourn to executive session at 8:03 pm. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0. ADJOURNMENT TO OPEN SESSION: Moved by Anderson, seconded by VanDeKreeke to adjourn to open session at 8:50 p.m. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0. ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION: 1. Staff Compensation : • Moved by Anderson seconded by VanDeKreeke to approve a 4% increase in compensation to all employees (i.e. hourly, salary, substitutes, and co-curriculars) effective the 2024-25 school year. Aye 4 (Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Abstain 1 (Vyskocil); Nay 0. Motion carried 4:1:0 • Moved by Anderson seconded by VanDeKreeke to approve a change in retirement calculation for part time teachers to use the 20 highest years and not the 20 most recent years. The change in calculation is effective the 2024-25 school year. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 • Moved by Anderson seconded by VanDeKreeke to approve a one year bereavement day pilot. Effective the 2024-25 school year, staff will receive 3 bereavement days per year. Unused days can’t be carried over to the following year. If a staff member has a need for additional bereavement days beyond the 3 provided, these days will be taken out of their sick bank. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0 ADJOURNMENT: Moved Garrigan, seconded by Anderson to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm. Aye 5 (Vyskocil, Garrigan, VandeWalle, VanDeKreeke, Anderson), Nay 0. Motion carried 5:0. Respectfully submitted, Brett VandeWalle Publish 06.21.24 WNAXLP
BOARD OF EDUCATION CLINTONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT CLINTONVILLE, WISCONSIN 54929 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION June 10, 2024 A special meeting of the Board of Education of the Clintonville Public School District was called to order on June 10, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. in the High School IMC by President Ben Huber. Members Present: Ben Huber, Kris Strauman, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, Mark Zachow, Klint Barkow, and Glen Drew Lundt arrived at 4:32 p.m. Administration Present: Troy Kuhn, James Blashe, and Charles Seils Also Present: Bob Burns, Casey Ebert, student, and parent of student. OPEN MEETING STATEMENT: This June 10, 2024, special meeting of the Clintonville Board of Education and all other meetings of the board are open to the public in compliance with state statute. Notice of the meeting has been sent to the media, and has been publicly posted, in an attempt to make the citizens of the district aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting. APPROVE AGENDA: Moved by Mark Zachow, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the agenda. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Jason Moder to adjourn to closed session for the consideration of matters over which the Board has jurisdiction pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(a)(f) - Deliberating concerning a case which was the subject of any judicial or quasi-judicial trial or hearing before that governmental body and considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations for the purpose of conducting a hearing on a student disciplinary matter. Roll call vote was taken with Ben Huber, Mark Zachow, Klint Barkow, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, and Kris Strauman voting aye (Glen Drew Lundt arrived at 4:32). Motion carried, and meeting adjourned to closed session at 4:30 p.m. Student Hearing: A hearing was conducted on a student disciplinary matter. Present: Board of Education members, Superintendent Troy Kuhn, HS Principal James Blashe, MS/HS Associate Principal Charles Seils, Attorney Bob Burns, Police Liaison Officer Casey Ebert, student, and parents of student. Following a discussion of the charges against the student and evidence presented at the hearing, it was moved by Jason Moder, seconded by Glen Drew Lundt to accept that sufficient evidence exists to support the charges and to accept the administration’s recommendations that such charges demand the student’s expulsion, and proceed with the expulsion of the student through their 21st birthday. The student shall not be allowed on school premises nor in attendance at any school functions. Further ordered that the student shall be eligible to return no sooner than the beginning of the first semester of the 2025-2026 school year, provided that the student complies with recommended reinstatement requirements. The school board members voted unanimously, and motion to expel student carried. The hearing concluded at approximately 6:00 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Mark Zachow to return to open session. Roll call vote was taken with Mark Zachow, Klint Barkow, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, Kris Strauman, Glen Drew Lundt, and Ben Huber voting aye. Motion carried and meeting returned to open session at 6:10 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Glen Drew Lundt seconded by Kris Strauman to adjourn. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:11 p.m. Laurie Vollrath, Clerk Publish July 4, 2024 WNAXLP
Howard WNAXLP Minutes of the Village Board Meeting June 10, 2024 Village Board Room at Village Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER Village President Burt R. McIntyre called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL President McIntyre called for a roll call. Present: Village President Burt R. McIntyre; Trustee Maria Lasecki, District 1; Trustee Chris Nielsen, District 2; Trustee Cathy Hughes, District 3; Trustee John Muraski, District 4; Trustee Scott Beyer, District 5; Trustee Ray Suennen, District 6; Trustee Adam Lemorande, District 7; Trustee Craig McAllister, District 8 Staff: Paul Evert, Chris Haltom, Dave Wiese, Geoff Farr, Josh Gerrits, Dennis Staeven, Brandon Dhuey, Leigh Ann Wagner Kroening 3. RECITE THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President McIntyre led the meeting in the pledge. 4. REPORT BY THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH OPEN MEETING LAWS President McIntyre read the following notice: Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.81-19.98, the Village Board is meeting to conduct public business. In accordance with state law, the meeting agenda was posted at Village Hall, other municipal buildings, and on the Village of Howard website and was also distributed to the local media and other requesters at least 24 business hours prior to the start of this meeting. 5. APPROVE THE AGENDA FOR THE MEETING C. Hughes moved to approve the agenda. M. Lasecki seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC APPEARANCES (NONE) 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS/ANNOUNCEMENTS • M. Lasecki requested a review of the village’s sign ordinance as it relates to political signs. She said if the laws regarding political signs are different than the village ordinance than it should be updated to be consistent. • M. Lasecki asked for a review of Johnny Junk and the area around it, as she has received complaints regarding parking, debris in the road, and other traffic hazards. 8. COMMUNICATIONS (NONE) 9. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA J. Muraski moved to approve the Consent Agenda. S. Beyer seconded. The motion carried unanimously, and the following items were approved: a. Village Board meeting minutes from May 13, 2024 b. Accept the Plan Commission meeting minutes from May 20, 2024 c. Municipal invoices totaling $1,041,913.96 paid with checks #080899 - #080974 d. The following new Operator Licenses: Operator licenses, per s. 125.17 of the Wisconsin Statutes and s. 12.02(4)(h) of the Howard Municipal Code, if approved, are valid for a period of up to two years expiring on June 30. i. Christina M. Ciurro ii. Chelsea M. Clark iii. Noah J. Cousineau iv. Emma G. Kumbalek v. Caden M. Lindner vi. Taylor L. Micolichek vii. Kylene P. Seiler viii. Ariel M. Vokracka ix. Mariah L. Webster e. The following renewal Operator Licenses: Operator licenses, per s. 125.17 of the Wisconsin Statutes and s. 12.02(4)(h) of the Howard Municipal Code, if approved, are valid for a period of up to two years expiring on June 30. i. Mary Athey ii. Elijah Aulik iii. Timothy Bolssen iv. Michelle Bussiere v. Debra Calcagni vi. Vicky Collin vii. Jennifer Geiger viii. Hunter Grant ix. Bret Gustafson x. Kaleanne Gwidt xi. Nicole Hansen xii. Wendy Harteau xiii. Andy Hartman xiv. Addison Hatch xv. Brian Healey xvi. Kelly Healey xvii. Aaron Jensen xviii. Jacob Johnson xix. Jefferey Jordan Jr. xx. Douglas Jubert xxi. Kendra Komoroski xxii. Jody Martin xxiii. Preslie Mateyka xxiv. Michelle Motiff xxv. Kimberly Nowak xxvi. Shashikant Panchal xxvii. Bhagvat Patel xxviii. Chandni Patel xxix. Chirag Patel xxx. Gitaben Patel xxxi. Louis Pileggi xxxii. Dylan Potthier xxxiii. John Schwartz xxxiv. Rosemarie Soletske xxxv. Jennifer Solper xxxvi. Jasmine Stone xxxvii. Lori Trasti xxxviii. Ryan Vollmer xxxix. Lea Zimanek xl. Hailey Zuelke f. The Temporary Class B Beer License for the Stillmank Brewing Co. Beer Garden 3 p.m. to sunset June 28, 2024 and July 26, 2024 at Pamperin Park, 2801 County Road RK g. The Temporary Class B Beer License for Packerland Sunrise Rotary for the Puttin’ for a Purpose event 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024 at Duck Creek Golf Center, 345 Village Court h. The 2024-2025 Class A beer and liquor license renewals for the following establishments: i. CW Enterprises/Maplewood Shell, 4720 Milltown Road, Hugh Swanson – Agent ii. Kwik Trip #725, 399 Cardinal Lane, Sarah-Jo Jensen – Agent iii. LTB 2 LLC / Townline Shell, 1773 Cardinal Lane, Timothy Bui – Agent iv. Meijer Store # 298, 2015 Shawano Ave., Brandon Harrison – Agent v. Piggly Wiggly Supermarket # 36, 2465 Lineville Road, Jason Mills – Agent vi. Varsha Inc./Express Pantry 2522 Glendale Ave., Varsha B. Patel – Agent vii. Velp Ave. Shell, Inc./Bayport Shell, 2401 Velp Ave., Penny Dehart – Agent viii. Woodman’s Food Market Inc., 2400 Duck Creek Parkway, Josh Hamill – Agent i. The 2024-2025 Class B beer and liquor license renewals for the following establishments: i. Avenue Bar, 1745 Velp Ave., Steven J. Van Straten – Agent ii. Bark & Brew, 2514 Glendale Ave., Tara Brunette – Agent iii. Barley’s Deerfield Diner, Inc, 1780 E. Deerfield Ave., Bobbi Rudolph – Agent iv. Hot Sake Sushi Bar & Kitchen, 1773B Cardinal Lane, Juan Sanchez – Agent v. It’s About Graham Time LLC / Duck Creek Pub & Grill, 754 Riverview Dr., Joel Graham – Agent vi. Mexico Lindo, 445 Cardinal Ln-Ste. 104, Amber Barajas – Agent Narrow Bridge LLC / vii. Narrow Bridge Plate & Pour, 2840 Shawano Ave., Scott Vann – Agent viii. Olde 41, LLC, 1966 Velp Ave., Lynn J. Vandervest – Agent ix. Village Lanes of Howard, 3798 Velp Ave., Sara Polarek – Agent j. The 2024-2025 Class B beer license renewals for the following establishments: i. Brown County Sportsmen’s Club, 1711 W. Deerfield Ave., David Holub – Agent ii. Howard Commons Activity Complex, 550 Commons Place, Melissa Martinson – Agent iii. WRC Properties/Americinn by Wyndham Green Bay West, 2032 Velp Ave., Shooter Loch – Agent k. The 2024-2025 Class A beer license renewals for the following establishments: i. Fleet Farm Retail Store, 213 N. Taylor St., Justin G. Kangas – Agent ii. Fleet Farm Fuel Station, 213 N. Taylor St., Justin G. Kangas – Agent l. Change Order #2 to KCG Excavating for the Hazel Estates 1st Addition - Road Contract involving a $600.00 increase m. Change Order #2 to MC Excavating, LLC for the Whispering Winds - Utility Contract involving a $9,166.78 decrease n. PLAN COMMISSION ITEMS (The Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of the following items.) i. The request from John Anderson to rezone 4456 Milltown Road, Parcel VH-42-2, from R-5 Rural Estate Residential to R-1 Residential Single Family ii. The request from Shad Loch and Allyson Loch for conditional use approval to allow an accessory building over 1,600 square feet in the R-5 zoning district at 1141 Cottage Grove Ave., Parcel VH-106 o. Approve the following committee appointments and re-appointments: Name Committee Years Term Expire Ellery Gulbrand Board of Appeals (Alternate 1) 3 April 2027 Mike Soletski Board of Appeals 3 April 2027 Karen Will Board of Appeals 3 April 2027 Geoff Heezen Board of Appeals 3 April 2027 Randy Smith Plan Commission 3 April 2027 Natasha Gwidt Plan Commission 3 April 2027 Mark Semrau Plan Commission 3 April 2027 Daniel Kussow Plan Commission 3 April 2027 Bruce Wolf Room Tax Commission 1 April 2025 Aaron Wolf Room Tax Commission 1 April 2025 Burt McIntyre Room Tax Commission (Alternate) 1 April 2025 Burt McIntyre Legislative Agenda Committee 1 April 2025 Maria Lasecki Legislative Agenda Committee 1 April 2025 Craig McAllister Legislative Agenda Committee 1 April 2025 Geoff Farr Brown County Planning Commission 1 April 2025 Burt McIntyre Brown County Planning Commission (Alternate) Elected Term Elected Term 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS OR OLD BUSINESS ITEMS (NONE) 11. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS a. PLAN COMMISSION ITEM – Review and take action on a request from Nicole Meacham-Ahlborg for Final Planned Development District approval to allow for attached single-family townhomes, a zero-lot-line development, at 675 Sunset Ridge, Parcel VH-3600 (The Plan Commission voted 5-1 to recommend denial of the request.) D. Wiese reviewed the original Planned Development request for a four-unit building fronting Shawano Avenue and two two-unit buildings fronting Sunset Ridge. The Plan Commission recommended denial of that proposal, and the applicant submitted a revised plan earlier today. S. Bieda of Mau & Associates came forward to explain the revised plan, which includes: • Reducing the units from five along Sunset Ridge (two duplex and a single-family) to four single-family lots • The four single-family lots would be three at 71' wide and the fourth would meet the Village Code. • The four single-family lots would follow the same restrictive covenants as the other homes along Sunset Ridge. • The four-unit building would proceed as planned. C. Hughes moved to suspend the rules to hear from the audience. R. Suennen seconded. The motion to suspend the rules carried unanimously, and the following people spoke: • Don Snyder, 644 Sunset Ridge, asked for clarification on the existing and proposed zoning for the property. • Kayla Malecki, 634 Sunset Ridge, said she likes the revision that puts only single-family homes on Sunset Ridge, but she said the smaller lot sizes do not match the other single-family lots in the neighborhood. • Chad Caelwaerts, 674 Sunset Ridge, said he also likes the change to single-family homes, but he would like to see only two or three larger lots, instead of four small ones. C. Nielsen moved to return to regular order. C. Hughes seconded, and the board returned to regular order. Nicole Meacham-Ahlborg, the applicant, said the Meachams have always planned for the corner parcel to be different, and the revised version is a compromise between what the neighbors and the developers desire for the property. She said the proposed development matches the neighborhood across the street and is like other developments in Howard. C. Nielsen moved to refer the item back to Plan Commission to review the revisions. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously, and the item will go back to the Plan Commission. b. Review and take action on Resolution 2024-12, authorizing an application for an Urban Forestry Grant P. Evert said the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has made a portion of the funds they received from the Inflation Reduction Act available for the planting of trees in qualifying census blocks. There are two qualifying census block areas in Howard, located in Wards 3-4. The Village of Howard Forestry Department would plant and maintain 156 street trees along Melody Drive, Nier Court, Roland Lane, Lenwood Avenue, Barlament Drive, North Taylor Street, Reinhard Court, and Reinhard Drive or in Deer Run Park for an estimated project cost of $38,694.05, all of which the grant will cover if awarded. C. Nielsen moved to approve Resolution 2024-12, authorizing an application for an Urban Forestry Grant. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously. c. Review and take action on a proposal to outfit Howard Fire Station #1 with the Phoenix G2 Station Alerting System D. Staeven said Howard Fire Rescue has been operating on a wearable pager alerting system for over 30 years. The antiquated system is becoming unreliable, costly, and causes strain on responders awaking from the high-pitched, jarring sounds. He reviewed the Phoenix G2 ramped station alerting system that alerts all members of the on-duty crew of an incoming call without the use of pagers during daytime hours. At night, the rooms can be selected to assign members who are on the primary ambulance to be alerted only, and secondary calls to other members. On-call staff members who are at home can rely on web-based apps that have similar technology to only alert for fire calls and not EMS calls. D. Staeven said Green Bay Metro Fire Department is implementing and paying for the technology at Brown County Dispatch ($100,000) at no cost to the village. The cost to the village for materials and installation is $91,557.50 with an annual cost of $5,236.24 that will be paid by the fire department operating budget. A. Lemorande moved to approve Howard Fire Rescue purchasing the Phoenix G2 Station Alerting System for a cost of $91,557.50. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously. d. Review and take action on Resolution 2024-13, approving the 2023 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report for Howard Sewer Utility G. Farr said the DNR annually requires adoption of a resolution approving the Sewer Utility CMAR by June 30 each year. This report grades the village’s sanitary sewer collection system, operation, and maintenance activities. He said the CMAR report grades the financial, operational and asset management, maintenance, and performance indicators associated with Howard’s sanitary sewer collection system, and the village received an “A” on this and every report since 2007. M. Lasecki moved to approve Resolution 2024-13, adopting Howard’s Sewer Utility 2023 Compliance Maintenance Report. S. Beyer seconded. The motion carried unanimously. e. Review and take action on Resolution 2024-14 for the application of potable well and septic system credits for sanitary sewer and water assessments on Parcel VH-118-4 as established in Resolution 2024-08 J. Gerrits said the owner of Parcel VH-118-4 has provided paperwork and receipts showing his well and septic were installed three years ago, and according to village policy should receive a $5,436 credit toward the sanitary sewer and water assessments recently levied against the property. M. Lasecki moved to approve Resolution 2024-14 for application of potable well and septic system credits for sanitary sewer and water assessments on Parcel VH-118-4 as established in Resolution 2024-08. C. Nielsen seconded. The motion carried unanimously. f. Review and take action on Final Resolution 2024-15, authorizing the levying of special assessments upon Security Boulevard and the Plat of Lancaster Creek Residential Addition J. Gerrits said the project includes installation of improvements for nine new single-family residential lots and a new regional storm water pond, and only developer and village properties are being assessed. J. Muraski moved to approve Resolution 2024-15, authorizing the levying of special assessments upon Security Boulevard and the Plat of Lancaster Creek Residential Addition. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously. g. Review and take action on awarding the Nature Court Sanitary Sewer extension project to PTS Contractors, Inc. for $1,334,314, contingent on property acquisition J. Gerrits said to service the proposed 34-lot subdivision, the 18” sanitary sewer interceptor needs to be extended from its current terminus at the end of Antwerp Avenue to the north through property VH-4 (Greenfield Equestrian Farm) and west along Nature Court to the proposed plat. He said this interceptor will serve a large area beyond the subdivision to the north and west, and the proposed project includes sanitary sewer and resurfacing of Nature Court due to sanitary sewer construction. Village staff is requesting that award of the contract be contingent upon land acquisition of property on the Greenfield Equestrian Farm. The necessary land division has been completed and recorded with the county. Village staff received bids, and the low bidder is PTS Contractor, Inc., which presented a bid nearly $500,000 below the village’s estimate for the project. C. Hughes moved to award the Nature Court Sanitary Sewer Extension Construction Project to PTS Contractors, Inc., for $1,334,314, contingent on attorney review of the contracts and property acquisition. A. Lemorande seconded. The motion carried unanimously. h. Review and take action on awarding the Nature Ridge roadway project to McKeefry & Sons, Inc. for $539,698.30, contingent on property acquisition J. Gerrits said the proposed project includes the full improvements for the Nature Ridge subdivision and utilities along Greenfield Avenue from Nature Court to the northern plat limit, which will need to be extended to service the new homes. Storm water management for the project will be satisfied by the proposed regional storm water pond within the subdivision. The project includes oversizing of sanitary sewer as the large 18” sanitary sewer interceptor for areas west and north of the subdivision will run through the subdivision. J. Muraski moved to award the Nature Ridge Roadway Construction Project to McKeefry & Sons, Inc. for $539,698.30, contingent on attorney review of the contracts and property acquisition. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously. i. Review and take action on awarding the Nature Ridge utility project to Feaker & Sons Co. for $1,084,427.75, contingent on property acquisition B. McIntyre moved to award the Nature Ridge utility construction project to Feaker & Sons Co. for $1,084,427.75, contingent on attorney review of the contracts and property acquisition. C. Nielsen seconded. The motion carried unanimously. j. Review and take action on awarding the 2024 Resurfacing Project to Northeast Asphalt, Inc. for $387,230.00 G. Farr said the board budgeted for and approved the 2024 resurfacing plan streets anticipating to spend $455,000 to include crack sealing, transverse joint, and miscellaneous concrete repair work. Two bidders provided quotes for this project, and Northeast Asphalt was the low, responsible, responsive bid. NEA, Inc. has successfully completed Howard’s resurfacing projects in the past. M. Lasecki moved to award the 2024 Asphalt Resurfacing Project, schedules as listed and recommended to NEA Inc., for $387,230.00, contingent upon Attorney review of the contract. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously. k. Review and take action on awarding the Hazel Estates 2nd Addition roadway project to KCG Excavating for $488,823.50 J. Gerrits said the proposed project is located at the end of Paul Lane and will extend improvements all the way to the future extension of Kathryn Lane. It also includes extending Kathryn Lane from the north property limit, approximately 120’ north of Paul Lane to approximately 200’ south of Richard Lane. Improvements required for the project include sidewalk, asphalt roadway construction, service laterals, sanitary sewer extension, water main extension, and storm sewer extension. The existing regional storm water pond southeast of Marie Lane will serve this development as well. Costs for the project will be assessed to the development with no other properties receiving improvements or being assessed. C. Nielsen moved to award the Hazel Estates 2nd Addition Roadway Construction Project to KCG Excavating LLC for $488,823.50, contingent on attorney review of the contracts. C. McAllister seconded. The motion carried unanimously. l. Review and take action on awarding the Hazel Estates 2nd Addition utility project to Calnin & Goss LLC for $618,346.75 C. Hughes moved to award the Hazel Estates 2nd Addition Utility Construction Project to Calnin & Goss for $618,346.75, contingent on attorney review of the contracts. C. McAllister seconded. The motion carried unanimously. m. Review and take action on Change Order #1 to Asphalt Seal & Repair for the 2024 Crack Sealing Contract involving a $4,871.04 increase J. Gerrits said the change order reflects additional crack sealing on Woodland Road. S. Beyer moved to approve Change Order #1 to Asphalt Seal & Repair for the 2024 crack sealing involving a $4,871.04 increase. R. Suennen seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 12. REPORTS OF VILLAGE OFFICIALS (NONE) 13. CLOSED SESSION M. Lasecki moved to convene to closed session. J. Muraski seconded, and the Village Board of the Village of Howard convened to closed session at 7:43 p.m., pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1)(e), Wis. Stats, to discuss a lease for the Residences at Howard Commons commercial space, an offer to purchase for VH-450-4, and an option to purchase for VH-3339. Additionally, pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1)(g), the board discussed oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in Wisconsin Public Service cases 2620-CW-104, 2620-WI-100, and 4890-CW-102. 14. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION M. Lasecki moved to re-convene to open session. C. McAllister seconded, and the board returned to open session at 8:21 p.m. 15. ACTION (NONE) 16. ADJOURNMENT J. Muraski moved to adjourn. C. McAllister seconded. The motion carried unanimously, and the board adjourned at 8:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Leigh Ann Wagner Kroening Village Administrator’s Assistant Publish 07.05.24 WNAXLP
Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2024 5:30 PM District Meeting Room, 1048 E King Road, Tomahawk, WI 54487 Present: W. Quesinberry, R. Huseby, S. Woodall, S. Bolder, G. Steckbauer, M. Schommer, W. Simonis, (3) staff members I. Call to Order: R. Zimmerman called the meeting to order at approximately 5:30 PM II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call: Present: R. Zimmerman, K. Kissinger Wolf, D. Velleux, D. Long, L. Calhoun, D. Huseby, S. Kirsch, A. Swenty, B. Skubal Absent: None IV. Declaration of a Quorum: R. Zimmerman declared there was a quorum. V. Adoption of Agenda: Motion by B. Skubal and seconded by S. Kirsch to adopt the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. VI. District Administrator Report: W. Quesinberry presented on several items including Title IX training, summer cleaning and maintenance schedules, legislative updates, and teacher retention. No official action was taken. VII. Consent Agenda Items A Approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting on April 9, 2024 B Approve the Minutes from the Special Meeting on May 1, 2024 C Approve the Minutes from the Closed Sessions for the Regular Meeting on April 9th and the Special Meeting on May 1, 2024 D Approve the Invoices from April 2024 E Employment/Contract Adjustments 1. Replacement Staff Melinda Vassar PT Special Ed. Paraprofessional, 2024-25 school year Amber Ames PT Special Ed. Paraprofessional, 2024-25 school year Justin Lauber High School Associate Principal, 2024-25 school year Cayla Kerschbaum High School Science Teacher, 2024-25 school year Hannah Fisher Elementary Teacher, 2024-25 school year Emily Bublitz Elementary Teacher, 2024-25 school year Jerret Flynn High School Technology Teacher, 2024-25 school year 2. Resignations Amanda Bandoch Middle School Forensics Assistant Coach Lisa Holliday Elementary 4th Grade Teacher, end of 2023-24 school year Logan Rudis High School Technology Education Teacher, HS SkillsUSA Advisor, end of 2023-24 school year Dawn Huseby High School Guidance Counselor, PBIS Coach, Link Crew Coordinator Caleb Grabow-Hohensee Middle School Track Assistant Coach (50%) Shirley Derleth Middle School Head and High School Assistant Forensics Coach, end of 2023-24 school year Michele Balda High School Head Forensics Coach, end of 2023-24 school year Mikayla Zipp High School ELA Teacher, end of 2023-24 school year 3. Above Pay Melissa Nieman WEB Leader Cassie Cerny WEB Leader Kayla Heldt WEB Leader 50% Becky Wegner WEB Leader 50% Amanda Bandoch Change to 100%-Middle School Track Assistant Coach Jerret Flynn High School SkillsUSA Advisor Raleigh Jahn High School Link Crew, 2024-25 school year 4. Independent Contractors Wendy DeNamur Occupational Therapist, contract for 2024-25 Tim Seiter School Psychologist, contract for 2024-25 Motion by K. Kissinger Wolf and seconded by D. Velleux to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. VIII. Approve the 2025-26 District Calendar: Motion by S. Kirsch and seconded by D. Long to approve the 2025-26 District Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. IX. Vote to modify 2023-24 District Calendar: Motion by A. Swenty and seconded by L. Calhoun to modify the last day of school from June 5 to May 31, 2024. Motion carried unanimously. X. Staff Reports: T. Remington presented and answered questions on the ongoing progress of the Community Education Program. No official action was taken. XI. Finance Report: W. Quesinberry presented the Quarter 3, 2023-24 Finance Report. Motion by D. Huseby and seconded by D. Long to approve the Quarter 3 2023-24 Finance Report. Motion carried unanimously. XII. Approval of Student Organization: Motion by B. Skubal and seconded by D. Velleux to approve the Raise Your Voice Student Organization. Motion carried unanimously. XIII. Approval of food service contract: Motion by S. Kirsch and seconded by D. Long to approve the 2024-25 Taher food service contract as presented. Motion carried unanimously. XIV. Approve the 2nd Readings of the following Policies: A Policy 6611 - District Supported/Sponsored Student Activity Accounts (New Policy) B Policy 8120 - Volunteers (New Policy) Motion by K. Kissinger Wolf and seconded by D. Huseby to approve the 2nd reading of the aforementioned policies. Motion carried unanimously. XV. Approve the revisions to the following policies: A Policy 5610 - Suspension and Expulsion B Policy 5772 - Weapons C Policy 6325 - Procurement - Federal Grants/Funds D Policy 6610 - Nondistrict-Supported Student Activity Accounts E Policy 7440 - Facility Security F Policy 7540 - Technology G Policy 7544 - Use of Social Media H Policy 8310 - Public Records I Policy 8330 - Student Records J Policy 8407 - School Resource Officer K Policy 8431 - Preparedness for Toxic Hazards L Policy 9130 - Public Requests, Suggestions, or Complaints M Policy 9140 - Citizen's Advisory Committees (Replacement Policy) Motion by A. Swenty and seconded by D. Velleux to approve the revisions to the aforementioned policies. The motion carried unanimously. XVI. Approval of Early Graduation List for January 2025: Motion by S. Kirsch and seconded by A. Swenty to approve the list of Early Graduated for January 2025. The motion carried unanimously. XVII. Approve the list of 2024 Graduation Candidates based on completion of Wisconsin and Tomahawk High School Graduation Requirements Motion by S. Kirsch and seconded by K. Kissinger Wolf to approve the list of 2024 Graduation Candidates based on completion of Wisconsin and Tomahawk High School Graduation Requirements. The motion carried unanimously. XVIII. Reorganization of the Board A Election of Officers 1. President: D. Huseby nominated R. Zimmerman for Board President. K. Kissinger Wolf seconded the nomination. R. Zimmerman accepted the nomination. 2. Vice President: D. Long nominated K. Kissinger Wolf for Vice President. D. Velleux seconded the nomination. K. Kissinger Wolf accepted the nomination. 3. Clerk: K. Kissinger Wolf nominated D. Velleux for Clerk. D. Long seconded the nomination. D. Velleux accepted the nomination. 4. Treasurer: B. Skubal nominated D. Long for Treasurer. S. Kirsch seconded the nomination. D. Long accepted the nomination. B Appoint the WASB delegate K. Kissinger Wolf nominated A. Swenty for the WASB delegate. B. Skubal seconded the nomination. A. Swenty accepted the nomination. C Appoint CESA Board of Control representative: K. Kissinger Wolf nominated D. Velleux for the CESA Board of Control representative. D. Long seconded the nomination. D. Velleux accepted the nomination. D Date for Summer School Board Work Session: The Board agreed to organize dates and times for the summer school board work session. No official action was taken. XIX. Public Comment: B. Skubal and D. Velleux thanked several staff members for their service. XX. Board Referrals: S. Kirsch thanked the Reapportionment Committee for their work. R. Zimmerman officially welcomed L. Calhoun to the Board. No official action was taken. Motion by B. Skubal and seconded by D. Long to move into a Closed Session. The motion carried unanimously in a roll call vote. XXI. CLOSED SESSION under Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) "Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility."A Personnel Matters XXII. Adjourn: R. Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:30 pm Published July 10, 2024 WNAXLP


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