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The BEST Ordinances listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST Ordinances listings near North Central Wisconsin


Bellevue WNAXLP VILLAGE OF BELLEVUE ORDINANCE NO. 0-2024-05 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 326-3 PUBLIC NUISANCES AFFECTING PUBLIC HEALTH THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BELLEVUE, BROWN COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DOES ORDAIN THAT SECTION 326-3 PUBLIC NUISANCES AFFECTING PUBLIC HEALTH BE AMENDED SECTION 1. Section 326-3 Village of Bellevue Municipal Code, is hereby amended to read: F. Weed Cutting and Lawn Care ( 1) Definition of Noxious weeds. The following are hereby declared to be Noxious Weeds within the Village of Bellevue: (a) All noxious weeds as defined in§ 66.0407, Wis. Stats. (b) Any grasses, weeds brush or other rank or offensive vegetation which has grown over eight (8) inches in height. (2) Owner's Responsibility. The owner of every parcel of land within the Village shall cut or cause to be cut all Noxious Weeds upon said parcel of land and in the public right-of-way adjoining said land. Any owner failing to comply with this provision is subject to costs and penalties provided in Sections 326-14 and 326-15, and further, the Noxious Weeds may be eliminated and abated by the Village as provided below. (3) Exemptions. This ordinance shall not apply to the following areas ("Exempt Areas"): (a) Vegetation located on lands cultivated for agricultural purposes. (b) Vegetation identified for functional purposes on an approved stormwater management plan on the edge of a designated storm water pond. (c) Any area specifically exempted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) as being able to be mowed, maintained, or disturbed. (d) Temporary erosion control grasses. (e) Vegetation in publicly owned parks or publicly owned conservancies. (f) Vegetation on steep slopes that would be unsafe or unreasonable to mow, typically greater than a 3:1 slope. (g) Vegetation in natural wooded lots. (h) Unimproved/unbuilt lots in residential or nonresidential subdivisions shall have the right-of-way and a minimum of 5' from every adjacent property line mowed to height of eight (8) inches or less. (i) Natural landscape areas as approved by the Village of Bellevue on a site plan or landscape plan. (4) Appointment of Weed Commissioner. The powers and duties of the Weed Commissioner as defined by state statutes shall be performed by the Assistant Planner/Zoning Administrator, or staff designees. The duties shall be performed in conjunction with other duties of the assigned employee and said employees shall receive no additional compensation for said services other than their regular salary. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. Dated this 281h day of August 2024 Approved: Steve Soukup, President Attest: Michelle Seidl, Clerk Name Aye Nay Pres. Soukup X - Trustee Kaster X - Trustee Krull X - Trustee Murphy X - Trustee Sinkler X - Total 5 0 Motion: Krull Second: Sinkler Adopted X D efeated PUBLISHED: 09.20.24 WNAXLP


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