VILLAGE OF HORTONVILLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FINAL ASSESSMENT OF NORTH MILL STREET THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2025 6:00 P.M. Please take notice that the Village Board hereby declares its intention to exercise its Special Assessment power under Sec.
66.0703, Wisconsin Statutes, to levy Special Assessment upon property adjacent to the following described area for special benefits conferred upon such property by the improvement of the street adjacent to parcels along North Mill Street. Parcels include: 240009800, 240010000, 240009600, 240009601, 240009200, 240009300, 240008700, 240008800, 240006200, 240006300, 240007000, 240006900, 240007100, 240007600, 240007500, 240008000, 240007900, 240007800 The report of the Village Engineer showing proposed plans and specifications, boundary of assessment district, cost estimates and proposed assessments is on file at the Village Administration Office, 531 N Nash Street, and may be inspected there on any business day between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday - Thursday, and 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Fridays. All interested persons, their agents or attorneys will be heard concerning the proposed assessments and all matters contained in the Final Resolution R-06-25, at 6:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter February 20, 2025 at the Community Hall, 531 N Nash Street, Hortonville, Wisconsin. All comments and objections will be considered at this hearing and thereafter, the amount of the assessments will be finally determined. Although the Engineering Report shows the amount that was presented to affected residents in April, the Village Board reserves the right to review/alter the given amount, along with years of payback and interest, which will be discussed at the meeting. Jane Booth, WCMC Village Clerk-Treasurer Publish: February 13th, February 20th WNAXLP