Category: Legal Minutes
Listed: Sat Feb 22nd
NPSD Charter Governance ( One week 2/26/25 ) Regular Board Meeting Minutes January 16, 2025 The regular meeting of the NPSD Charter Governance Board, Ltd. was called to order by Emilie Braunel at seven thirty-four a.m. (7:34 a.m.) on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at Northland Pines Community meeting room. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present were Board members: Emilie Braunel, Kari Kirschbaum, Sara Owens-Keenan and Phillip Epping. Quorum was established. Also present were Tony Duffek, St. Germain Elementary and NPMLC Principal, Carie Nodine, Land O’ Lakes Elementary and SOAR MS Principal, Harlan Leusink, Director of Technology and SOAR HS Principal (left @ 7:50), Scott Foster, District Administrator, and Michele Hotmar, recording secretary. Open Meeting Verification – Emilie Braunel stated that the meeting had been duly called with meeting notices posted at the following locations: 1. The Northland Pines High School and Middle School in Eagle River 2. The Northland Pines Elementary Schools in Eagle River, Land O’ Lakes and St. Germain 3. The Vilas County Courthouse in Eagle River 4. The Eagle River City Hall 5. The Vilas County News Review in Eagle River Approval of Agenda – MOTION by Sara Owens-Keenan that the Board approves the agenda as presented and leaves the order to the discretion of the Chair. Second by Kari Kirsch-baum. Voice vote 4-0. Motion carried. Public Participation – There were no citizen comments. Minutes of Past Meetings – MOTION by Kari Kirschbaum that the Board dispenses with the reading of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of November 21, 2024 and the Board approves the minutes with the correction to remove a duplicate on 11b. Second by Sara Owens-Keenan. Voice vote 4-0. Motion carried. Board Communication – None. Administrative Report : Tony Duffek - NPMLC: Written report Carie Brock - SOAR MS: Written report Harlan Leusink – SOAR HS: Written report Finance Update: Each Charter School presented current budget and expenditures. Discussion/Action items : 11a) Charter school contracts: Tony Duffek is working on the contracts for NPMLC and SOAR HS to present to the Northland Pines Policy committee. 11b) Act 20 update: Scott Foster updated the Board on how the implementation of Act 20 is going in the district. 11c) Charter school application window and lottery update: Tony Duffek and Carie Nordine updated the Board on the number of applications and how the lottery process will proceed. 11d) Referendum update: Scott Foster has been having meetings in the community to explain why the district is going to referendum and to answer any questions the public may have regarding the referendum. 11e) Subcommittee updates: The subcommittees gave an update on the things they have been working on. 12) Adjournment: MOTION by Kari Kirschbaum that the Board adjourn. Second by Sara Owens-Keenan. Voice vote 4-0. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m. 2747 WNAXLP
Listed: Sat Feb 22nd
NPSD Charter Governance ( One week 2/26/25 ) Regular Board Meeting Minutes January 16, 2025 The regular meeting of the NPSD Charter Governance Board, Ltd. was called to order by Emilie Braunel at seven thirty-four a.m. (7:34 a.m.) on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at Northland Pines Community meeting room. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present were Board members: Emilie Braunel, Kari Kirschbaum, Sara Owens-Keenan and Phillip Epping. Quorum was established. Also present were Tony Duffek, St. Germain Elementary and NPMLC Principal, Carie Nodine, Land O’ Lakes Elementary and SOAR MS Principal, Harlan Leusink, Director of Technology and SOAR HS Principal (left @ 7:50), Scott Foster, District Administrator, and Michele Hotmar, recording secretary. Open Meeting Verification – Emilie Braunel stated that the meeting had been duly called with meeting notices posted at the following locations: 1. The Northland Pines High School and Middle School in Eagle River 2. The Northland Pines Elementary Schools in Eagle River, Land O’ Lakes and St. Germain 3. The Vilas County Courthouse in Eagle River 4. The Eagle River City Hall 5. The Vilas County News Review in Eagle River Approval of Agenda – MOTION by Sara Owens-Keenan that the Board approves the agenda as presented and leaves the order to the discretion of the Chair. Second by Kari Kirsch-baum. Voice vote 4-0. Motion carried. Public Participation – There were no citizen comments. Minutes of Past Meetings – MOTION by Kari Kirschbaum that the Board dispenses with the reading of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of November 21, 2024 and the Board approves the minutes with the correction to remove a duplicate on 11b. Second by Sara Owens-Keenan. Voice vote 4-0. Motion carried. Board Communication – None. Administrative Report : Tony Duffek - NPMLC: Written report Carie Brock - SOAR MS: Written report Harlan Leusink – SOAR HS: Written report Finance Update: Each Charter School presented current budget and expenditures. Discussion/Action items : 11a) Charter school contracts: Tony Duffek is working on the contracts for NPMLC and SOAR HS to present to the Northland Pines Policy committee. 11b) Act 20 update: Scott Foster updated the Board on how the implementation of Act 20 is going in the district. 11c) Charter school application window and lottery update: Tony Duffek and Carie Nordine updated the Board on the number of applications and how the lottery process will proceed. 11d) Referendum update: Scott Foster has been having meetings in the community to explain why the district is going to referendum and to answer any questions the public may have regarding the referendum. 11e) Subcommittee updates: The subcommittees gave an update on the things they have been working on. 12) Adjournment: MOTION by Kari Kirschbaum that the Board adjourn. Second by Sara Owens-Keenan. Voice vote 4-0. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m. 2747 WNAXLP