Category: Legal Minutes
Listed: Fri Feb 21st
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF IOLA-SCANDINAVIA Regular School Board Meeting Elementary School - Room #6 450 Division Street, Iola, WI 54945 Monday, January 13, 2025 at 6 pm I. Meeting was called to order in the Elementary School - Room #6 at 6 pm by Mike Harbridge with the reading of the official notice. Roll call was taken and The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members present - Mike Harbridge, Tony Neumann, Mike Grassl, Laura Krogwold, Diana Jones, Vanessa Kirmse and Jason Boris Administration present - Chris Nelson, Sarah Thiel, Stacey Wester, Jan Bue-Wells and Tammy Bauer Obeserver’s present - Isaiah Hoyord, Kimberlisa Przychocki, Erikka Flowers, Phillip Johnsrud, John McConnell, Damien Aguirre, Tim Welch, Emily Conroy and Matt McGregor II. Approval of agenda Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. III. Public input/comments - None IV. Approval of consent agenda Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. A. Approval of the December 9, 2024 meeting minutes and January 6, 2025 working committee meeting minutes B. Auditing and approval of checks (receipts, checks) C. Treasurer’s report and Pupil Activity Accounts D. Fundraiser requests 1. Softball - Rib Fest and Egg My House 2. Spirit Club - Little Caesar Pizza Kits 3. HS Girls Basketball - Little Tbirds Winter Camp 4. HS Baseball - Meat Raffle 5. HS Baseball - Calendar Raffle E. Gifts and Donations 1. Our Saviors Lutheran Church V. District presentations A. Research/Technical Writing Students VI. Administration reports A. FAC Director’s Report - informational B. Principal’s Report - informational C. Administrator’s Report - informational D. Student Representative Report - informational VII. School Board News and Updates A. WASB Meeting/Convention Updates B. CESA 5 Meeting Updates VIII. Old Business A. Referendum Updates B. Hoffman information and approvals IX. Committee reports A. Building & Grounds - Chairperson Boris 1. Rezoning school property - informational B. Personnel & Nominations - Chairperson Kirmse 1. Resignation/Retirement a) Transportation Director Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Diana Jones to approve the retirement of the Transportation Director, Gary Trzebiatowski as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 2. Co-Curricular Assignments Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the updated Co-Curricular Assignments as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. C. Finance - Chairperson Krogwold; lay committee members Erikka Flowers and Mark Sether No report D. Transportation - Chairperson Neumann No report E. Curriculum - Chairperson Jones 1. MS/HS course requests Motion was made by Vanessa Kirmse and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve the MS/HS course requests as presented and for Mrs. Bue-Wells to use her discretion as needed and as staff allows with courses that are held. Motion carried by a voice vote. F. Policy & Legislation - Chairperson Grassl No report G. Negotiations - Chairperson Harbridge No report X. New Business A. Spanish Trip 2026 Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Vanessa Kirmse to approve the 2026 Spanish Trip as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. B. 25-26 School Calendar Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the 25-26 School Calendar as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. C. 25-26 Special Education Open Enrollment Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve zero special education open enrollment spaces for the 2025-2026 school year. Motion carried by a voice vote. D. 25-26 Open Enrollment Spaces Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Tony Neumann to approve 2024-2025 open enrollment spaces with no limits. Motion carried by a voice vote. XI. Future Agenda Items A. Upcoming Dates 1. February 3, 2025 Working Committee Meeting, Elementary School - Room #6 at 6 pm 2. February 10, 2025 Regular BOE Meeting, Elementary School - Room #6 at 6 pm XII. Adjourn to executive session. The following motion would be in order (roll call vote): Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl at 6:55 pm to go into executive session in accordance with Wisconsin §19.85 (1)(c), (e) and (f) for the purposes and taking action, if appropriate concerning: 1. Employment, compensation, or performance evaluation data a. District Administrator Evaluation Motion carried by a roll call vote. XIII. Reconvene into open session to take possible action regarding XII. Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Jason Boris at 8:05 pm to reconvene into open session. Roll call vote - motion carried unanimously. XIV. Adjourn Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Tony Neumann at 8:06 pm to adjourn. Motion carried by a voice vote. Publish Feb. 20, 2025 WNAXLP
Listed: Fri Feb 21st
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF IOLA-SCANDINAVIA Regular School Board Meeting Elementary School - Room #6 450 Division Street, Iola, WI 54945 Monday, January 13, 2025 at 6 pm I. Meeting was called to order in the Elementary School - Room #6 at 6 pm by Mike Harbridge with the reading of the official notice. Roll call was taken and The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members present - Mike Harbridge, Tony Neumann, Mike Grassl, Laura Krogwold, Diana Jones, Vanessa Kirmse and Jason Boris Administration present - Chris Nelson, Sarah Thiel, Stacey Wester, Jan Bue-Wells and Tammy Bauer Obeserver’s present - Isaiah Hoyord, Kimberlisa Przychocki, Erikka Flowers, Phillip Johnsrud, John McConnell, Damien Aguirre, Tim Welch, Emily Conroy and Matt McGregor II. Approval of agenda Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. III. Public input/comments - None IV. Approval of consent agenda Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. A. Approval of the December 9, 2024 meeting minutes and January 6, 2025 working committee meeting minutes B. Auditing and approval of checks (receipts, checks) C. Treasurer’s report and Pupil Activity Accounts D. Fundraiser requests 1. Softball - Rib Fest and Egg My House 2. Spirit Club - Little Caesar Pizza Kits 3. HS Girls Basketball - Little Tbirds Winter Camp 4. HS Baseball - Meat Raffle 5. HS Baseball - Calendar Raffle E. Gifts and Donations 1. Our Saviors Lutheran Church V. District presentations A. Research/Technical Writing Students VI. Administration reports A. FAC Director’s Report - informational B. Principal’s Report - informational C. Administrator’s Report - informational D. Student Representative Report - informational VII. School Board News and Updates A. WASB Meeting/Convention Updates B. CESA 5 Meeting Updates VIII. Old Business A. Referendum Updates B. Hoffman information and approvals IX. Committee reports A. Building & Grounds - Chairperson Boris 1. Rezoning school property - informational B. Personnel & Nominations - Chairperson Kirmse 1. Resignation/Retirement a) Transportation Director Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Diana Jones to approve the retirement of the Transportation Director, Gary Trzebiatowski as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 2. Co-Curricular Assignments Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the updated Co-Curricular Assignments as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. C. Finance - Chairperson Krogwold; lay committee members Erikka Flowers and Mark Sether No report D. Transportation - Chairperson Neumann No report E. Curriculum - Chairperson Jones 1. MS/HS course requests Motion was made by Vanessa Kirmse and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve the MS/HS course requests as presented and for Mrs. Bue-Wells to use her discretion as needed and as staff allows with courses that are held. Motion carried by a voice vote. F. Policy & Legislation - Chairperson Grassl No report G. Negotiations - Chairperson Harbridge No report X. New Business A. Spanish Trip 2026 Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Vanessa Kirmse to approve the 2026 Spanish Trip as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. B. 25-26 School Calendar Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the 25-26 School Calendar as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. C. 25-26 Special Education Open Enrollment Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve zero special education open enrollment spaces for the 2025-2026 school year. Motion carried by a voice vote. D. 25-26 Open Enrollment Spaces Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Tony Neumann to approve 2024-2025 open enrollment spaces with no limits. Motion carried by a voice vote. XI. Future Agenda Items A. Upcoming Dates 1. February 3, 2025 Working Committee Meeting, Elementary School - Room #6 at 6 pm 2. February 10, 2025 Regular BOE Meeting, Elementary School - Room #6 at 6 pm XII. Adjourn to executive session. The following motion would be in order (roll call vote): Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl at 6:55 pm to go into executive session in accordance with Wisconsin §19.85 (1)(c), (e) and (f) for the purposes and taking action, if appropriate concerning: 1. Employment, compensation, or performance evaluation data a. District Administrator Evaluation Motion carried by a roll call vote. XIII. Reconvene into open session to take possible action regarding XII. Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Jason Boris at 8:05 pm to reconvene into open session. Roll call vote - motion carried unanimously. XIV. Adjourn Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Tony Neumann at 8:06 pm to adjourn. Motion carried by a voice vote. Publish Feb. 20, 2025 WNAXLP