Category: Legal Minutes
Listed: Fri Feb 21st
City of Eagle River ( One week 2/19/25 ) City Council Meeting Minutes February 11, 2025 A meeting of the Common Council of the City of Eagle River was called to order at 6:00PM by Mayor Jeff Hyslop. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dan Dumas and was recited by all present. Roll Call: Jerry Burkett, Dan Dumas, Kim Schaffer. Vic Washelesky present via Zoom. Also in attendance: Robin Ginner, Becky Bolte, Cory Hoffmann, Chris Dobbs via Zoom, Adam Ross, and Mike Adamovich. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to approve the agenda in any order. Carried, all. Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Burkett to approve the minutes of the 1/14/25 Finance Committee and Common Council meetings and minutes of the 1/17/25 Special City Council meeting. Carried, all. a) Street Closing/temporary sign/amplification/display of goods permits : Eagle River Revitalization Program: Eagle River Farmers Market – May 7 – October 8, 2025, Wednesdays and Sundays 8:30AM – 1PM; Direct Sellers permit fee waiver, sandwich boards, porta-potty, busking, and food trucks. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve Eagle River Revitalization Farmers market permit with waiver of direct sellers permit fee waiver, as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. b) Operator’s licenses : Regular: Melissa Gauthier, Hillary Marsh, Guy Mickelson, Rebecca Nyman Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve all regular operators licenses as presented. Carried, all. Pending: Jill Delcorps Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve all pending operators licenses upon approval from the Eagle River Police Chief/Assistant Police Chief. Carried, all. c) MSA Monthly Updates : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve the 2025 MSA Professional Services Agreement as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. d) Silver Lake Beach Discussion on closing Silver Lake Beach to all during the construction of the road and halting of swim lessons due to the construction of the road . Discussion. Beach to remain open until road construction begins and swim lessons will be offered for the 2025 summer season. Motion by Washelesky, 2nd by Dumas to start the Silver Lake Road project August 11, 2025, closing Silver Lake Beach during road construction. Carried on a roll call vote, all. e) RW Baird – Debt Management and Procurement policies : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve the City of Eagle River Procurement Policy as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve changes to the July 2024 Debt Management Policy, moving Financial Advisor and supporting paragraphs verbiage from the Debt Management Policy to the Procurement Policy. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve BAIRD General Consulting Services Agreement for up to 40 hours at $200/hour, with Mayor approval required for an additional 40 hours at $200/hour. Carried on a roll call vote, all. f) Report from Eagle River Historical Society Executive Director, Vito Bortolotti : Executive Director Vito Bortolotti presented and supplied a written report of Historical Society programs, work performed in the community, and collaborations over the course of 2024. The director was thanked by all for a job well done. Agenda order was changed, addressing Item m) next. m) Eagle River Fire Department – Fire extinguisher inspection agreement for City buildings : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to enter into agreement with the Eagle River Fire Department for fire extinguisher inspections for City buildings. Carried on a roll call vote, all. g) Proposal by the Landover ATV/UTV Club to request an ordinance change designating All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) and Utility-Terrain Vehicle (UTV) Routes on Wisconsin State Highway 70 from the west City limits to Forrest Street/W Division Street and Sundstein Road. Route to originate in the Town of Lincoln at Highway H/State Hwy 70 : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to deny the Landover ATV/UTV Club request for an ordinance change designating ATV/UTV routes on WI State Hwy 70 from the west city limits to Forrest St/W Division and Sundstein Rd. Carried on a roll call vote, all. h) Proposal for updates to SnoEagles lease of DPW buildings for groomer and equipment storage . Mayor Hyslop recommended that if Council wishes to proceed with proposed restricted sale to SnoEagles club, proposal should be brought to the Planning Commission first. i) Eagle River Pickleball Association request for court construction behind City Hall : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to refer the Pickleball Association proposal to the Planning Commission with a public hearing to discuss the future and fate of the park. Carried on a roll vote, all. j) Planning Commission Recommendations : Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Schaffer to accept Planning Commission recommendation and approve conditional use permit to Premier Eagle River, LLC for Phase II of a their development: building an additional four buildings in the multi-family housing complex consisting of up to 48 units total, pursuant to Zoning Section 106-393 Uses permitted by conditional grant: (6) Multi-family housing in excess of two units on Parcel #221-1060-05, described as NW-NE, Sect. 34, T40N, R10E, PRT NW NE EXC 507081,547546,593411. The parcel is located at the northeast corner of US Highway 45/East Pine Street, Wall Street, and State Highway 70 East. Carried on a roll call vote, Ayes: Dumas, Schaffer, Washelesky Nays: None Abstaining: Burkett Motion by Dumas,2nd by Burkett to accept the Planning Commission recommendation, granting approval to sell Parcel #221.995 at the southeast corner of N. Indiana Street and E. Hospital Road. .82 acres, zoned Office Residential, and described as SE-NW, Sect. 28, T40N, R10E, PRT SE NW EXC 430-5 with the following conditions: The parcel must be developed with 12 months of purchase, asking price of $60,000, and deed restriction requiring exterior of building to be complete within one year of starting construction. Carried on a roll vote, all. k) Golf Course : Ginner reported that the kitchen floor is being raised at the golf course restaurant. l) Department of Public Works : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve the listing of the no longer used 2008 Chevy Silverado pick-up truck on the Wisconsin Surplus Auction site. Carried on a roll call vote, all. n) Approve payment of the bills for the City and the Golf Course : Motion by Schaffer, 2nd Burkett to approve payment of the bills for the city and the golf course as recommended by the Finance Committee. Carried on a roll call vote, all. o) Treasurer’s monthly update : Hoffmann provided budget reports for December 31, 2024 and January 31, 2025 along with a written report. Hoffmann stated that the golf course will need to be fronted money from the City to cover expenses until Spring as club house building repairs have depleted their balance. Ginner reported that golf course pass fees will begin to come in soon. p) Police chief monthly update on departmental activities : Chief Dobbs provided a written 2024 Annual Activities Report along with monthly reports from Assistant Chief Ross and Chief Dobbs. q) Administrator’s monthly update on activities of all departments : Ginner provided a written report. Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Washelesky to approve the purchase of tablets for Council/Mayor/City Staff use with subsequent IT requirements, to replace paper Council packet, not to exceed $2700 for hardware and $700 annually for software. Carried on a roll call vote, all. r) Clerk’s monthly update : Bolte provided a written report. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to Adjourn to Closed Session at 8:27PM according to Wisconsin State Statute 1985 (1): Subsection (f) Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons except where par. ( b ) applies which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations. i. Decision on reinstatement of golf course annual pass privileges Subsection (e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. ii. Decision on status of offers submitted to the City for the purchase of Parcel #221-457 on the west side of Bond Street south of the T-Docks boat landing, zoned single- family residential and described as SECT. 28, T40N, R10E, PRT OUTLOT D LAKE PARK ADDN. AND Subsection (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility; and iii. Succession Planning for the Eagle River Golf Course Golf Pro Position. iv. Administrative Employment Agreements & Amendments for Administrator, Clerk and Treasurer Motion carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to Reconvene in Open Session at 9:15pm according to Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (2) with possible action on closed session agenda items. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Burkett to approve presented administrative employment agreement for Clerk Bolte as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve presented administrative employment agreement for Treasurer Hoffmann as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Burkett to approve presented administrative employment agreement amendment for City Administrator Ginner as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. No other action taken. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to adjourn at 9:20PM. Carried, all. /s/ Becky Bolte - Clerk 2738 WNAXLP
Listed: Fri Feb 21st
City of Eagle River ( One week 2/19/25 ) City Council Meeting Minutes February 11, 2025 A meeting of the Common Council of the City of Eagle River was called to order at 6:00PM by Mayor Jeff Hyslop. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dan Dumas and was recited by all present. Roll Call: Jerry Burkett, Dan Dumas, Kim Schaffer. Vic Washelesky present via Zoom. Also in attendance: Robin Ginner, Becky Bolte, Cory Hoffmann, Chris Dobbs via Zoom, Adam Ross, and Mike Adamovich. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to approve the agenda in any order. Carried, all. Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Burkett to approve the minutes of the 1/14/25 Finance Committee and Common Council meetings and minutes of the 1/17/25 Special City Council meeting. Carried, all. a) Street Closing/temporary sign/amplification/display of goods permits : Eagle River Revitalization Program: Eagle River Farmers Market – May 7 – October 8, 2025, Wednesdays and Sundays 8:30AM – 1PM; Direct Sellers permit fee waiver, sandwich boards, porta-potty, busking, and food trucks. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve Eagle River Revitalization Farmers market permit with waiver of direct sellers permit fee waiver, as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. b) Operator’s licenses : Regular: Melissa Gauthier, Hillary Marsh, Guy Mickelson, Rebecca Nyman Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve all regular operators licenses as presented. Carried, all. Pending: Jill Delcorps Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve all pending operators licenses upon approval from the Eagle River Police Chief/Assistant Police Chief. Carried, all. c) MSA Monthly Updates : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve the 2025 MSA Professional Services Agreement as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. d) Silver Lake Beach Discussion on closing Silver Lake Beach to all during the construction of the road and halting of swim lessons due to the construction of the road . Discussion. Beach to remain open until road construction begins and swim lessons will be offered for the 2025 summer season. Motion by Washelesky, 2nd by Dumas to start the Silver Lake Road project August 11, 2025, closing Silver Lake Beach during road construction. Carried on a roll call vote, all. e) RW Baird – Debt Management and Procurement policies : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve the City of Eagle River Procurement Policy as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve changes to the July 2024 Debt Management Policy, moving Financial Advisor and supporting paragraphs verbiage from the Debt Management Policy to the Procurement Policy. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve BAIRD General Consulting Services Agreement for up to 40 hours at $200/hour, with Mayor approval required for an additional 40 hours at $200/hour. Carried on a roll call vote, all. f) Report from Eagle River Historical Society Executive Director, Vito Bortolotti : Executive Director Vito Bortolotti presented and supplied a written report of Historical Society programs, work performed in the community, and collaborations over the course of 2024. The director was thanked by all for a job well done. Agenda order was changed, addressing Item m) next. m) Eagle River Fire Department – Fire extinguisher inspection agreement for City buildings : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to enter into agreement with the Eagle River Fire Department for fire extinguisher inspections for City buildings. Carried on a roll call vote, all. g) Proposal by the Landover ATV/UTV Club to request an ordinance change designating All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) and Utility-Terrain Vehicle (UTV) Routes on Wisconsin State Highway 70 from the west City limits to Forrest Street/W Division Street and Sundstein Road. Route to originate in the Town of Lincoln at Highway H/State Hwy 70 : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to deny the Landover ATV/UTV Club request for an ordinance change designating ATV/UTV routes on WI State Hwy 70 from the west city limits to Forrest St/W Division and Sundstein Rd. Carried on a roll call vote, all. h) Proposal for updates to SnoEagles lease of DPW buildings for groomer and equipment storage . Mayor Hyslop recommended that if Council wishes to proceed with proposed restricted sale to SnoEagles club, proposal should be brought to the Planning Commission first. i) Eagle River Pickleball Association request for court construction behind City Hall : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to refer the Pickleball Association proposal to the Planning Commission with a public hearing to discuss the future and fate of the park. Carried on a roll vote, all. j) Planning Commission Recommendations : Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Schaffer to accept Planning Commission recommendation and approve conditional use permit to Premier Eagle River, LLC for Phase II of a their development: building an additional four buildings in the multi-family housing complex consisting of up to 48 units total, pursuant to Zoning Section 106-393 Uses permitted by conditional grant: (6) Multi-family housing in excess of two units on Parcel #221-1060-05, described as NW-NE, Sect. 34, T40N, R10E, PRT NW NE EXC 507081,547546,593411. The parcel is located at the northeast corner of US Highway 45/East Pine Street, Wall Street, and State Highway 70 East. Carried on a roll call vote, Ayes: Dumas, Schaffer, Washelesky Nays: None Abstaining: Burkett Motion by Dumas,2nd by Burkett to accept the Planning Commission recommendation, granting approval to sell Parcel #221.995 at the southeast corner of N. Indiana Street and E. Hospital Road. .82 acres, zoned Office Residential, and described as SE-NW, Sect. 28, T40N, R10E, PRT SE NW EXC 430-5 with the following conditions: The parcel must be developed with 12 months of purchase, asking price of $60,000, and deed restriction requiring exterior of building to be complete within one year of starting construction. Carried on a roll vote, all. k) Golf Course : Ginner reported that the kitchen floor is being raised at the golf course restaurant. l) Department of Public Works : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve the listing of the no longer used 2008 Chevy Silverado pick-up truck on the Wisconsin Surplus Auction site. Carried on a roll call vote, all. n) Approve payment of the bills for the City and the Golf Course : Motion by Schaffer, 2nd Burkett to approve payment of the bills for the city and the golf course as recommended by the Finance Committee. Carried on a roll call vote, all. o) Treasurer’s monthly update : Hoffmann provided budget reports for December 31, 2024 and January 31, 2025 along with a written report. Hoffmann stated that the golf course will need to be fronted money from the City to cover expenses until Spring as club house building repairs have depleted their balance. Ginner reported that golf course pass fees will begin to come in soon. p) Police chief monthly update on departmental activities : Chief Dobbs provided a written 2024 Annual Activities Report along with monthly reports from Assistant Chief Ross and Chief Dobbs. q) Administrator’s monthly update on activities of all departments : Ginner provided a written report. Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Washelesky to approve the purchase of tablets for Council/Mayor/City Staff use with subsequent IT requirements, to replace paper Council packet, not to exceed $2700 for hardware and $700 annually for software. Carried on a roll call vote, all. r) Clerk’s monthly update : Bolte provided a written report. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to Adjourn to Closed Session at 8:27PM according to Wisconsin State Statute 1985 (1): Subsection (f) Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons except where par. ( b ) applies which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations. i. Decision on reinstatement of golf course annual pass privileges Subsection (e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. ii. Decision on status of offers submitted to the City for the purchase of Parcel #221-457 on the west side of Bond Street south of the T-Docks boat landing, zoned single- family residential and described as SECT. 28, T40N, R10E, PRT OUTLOT D LAKE PARK ADDN. AND Subsection (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility; and iii. Succession Planning for the Eagle River Golf Course Golf Pro Position. iv. Administrative Employment Agreements & Amendments for Administrator, Clerk and Treasurer Motion carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to Reconvene in Open Session at 9:15pm according to Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (2) with possible action on closed session agenda items. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Burkett to approve presented administrative employment agreement for Clerk Bolte as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve presented administrative employment agreement for Treasurer Hoffmann as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Burkett to approve presented administrative employment agreement amendment for City Administrator Ginner as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. No other action taken. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to adjourn at 9:20PM. Carried, all. /s/ Becky Bolte - Clerk 2738 WNAXLP