Category: Legal Minutes
Listed: Fri Feb 21st
De Pere WNAXLP February 3, 2025, USDD Special Board of Education Meeting Minutes The Unified School District of De Pere Board of Education held a Special Meeting on Monday, February 3, 2025, at 6:00 PM in the Board Conference room at the District Office. Board President Adam Clayton opened the meeting with: This is a special meeting of the Board of Education of the Unified School District of De Pere being held in the Community Room in the District Office. Before this meeting, notice was given to the public by posting at the appropriate places, and copies of the notice of this meeting were forwarded to local news media. A copy of the notice was provided to the official newspaper of the District, The Press Times. Roll Call: Present – Clayton, Chad Jeskewitz, Melissa Niffenegger, Matt Petersen, Brandy Tollefson. and. Excused - Jeff Dickert and Brittony Cartwright. Quorum declared. Clayton called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. Agenda: Jeskewitz moved to approve the agenda as presented and Petersen seconded the motion. Motion passed, 5/0. Motion to close the public meeting and enter into executive session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(c)(f) to review superintendent 2024 performance goals using the new WASB evaluation system and review Employee Retirement/VER Benefit requests. Jeskewitz motioned to move to executive session and Tollefson seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 5/0. Entered close session at 6:02 PM. Cartwright entered the meeting at 6:08. Motion to Adjourn Executive Session and Return to Open Session: Cartwright motioned to close the executive session and return to open session and Tollefson seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote: 6/0. Entered open session at 6:46 PM. Action regarding executive session discussion; Motion to approve the voluntary early retirement requests for the 2025-26 school year from Marcy Becker, DPHS Counselor, Wayne Boudreau, DPHS Special Education Teacher, Joy Conway, Altmayer 4th Grade Teacher, Meg Celley-Anderson, Altmayer 4th Grade Teacher, Steve Newton, DPHS Physical Education Teacher. Cartwright motioned to approve the requests as presented and Petersen seconded the motion. Motion passed; 6/0. Presentation by the De Pere High School Student Council: De Pere High School Student Council members, Emma C., Molly M., and Claire P., students, presented information about the student organization and its activities. Board Member Discussion Regarding the State Convention: Chris Thompson, Superintendent, Tollefson, Clayton, and Niffenegger reviewed the sessions attended at the State Convention. Sessions included the well-attended sessions given by De Pere administrators, sessions on onboarding new board members, changes in school law, developing compensation plans, and how to attract and keep teachers and annual self-assessments. Recognition of Jerry Nicholson, WCASS 2024 Director of Student Services Award: Nicholson was recognized for his outstanding achievements and for winning the 2024 Director of Student Services Award. 2025 Organizational Meeting Date: Policy 0151.1, regarding the Annual Board Reorganizing Meeting, was reviewed with a suggestion to move the annual meeting to the first Monday in May, rather than the 4th Monday in April. The policy will have its first reading at the February 17, 2025, meeting. Motion to Approve the 2025-26 School Board Calendar: The proposed 2025-26 school year meeting dates and times were reviewed. Given the larger number of agenda items in July compared to January, two meetings should be scheduled in July and only one in January. Tollefson motioned to approve the presented 2025-26 School Board Calendar, and Petersen seconded. The motion passed, 6/0. Move to Approve Endpoint Protection Solution: Curt Pieschek, Director of Technology, presented bids for district endpoint solutions for cyber security and recommended we approve the CESA 7 bid. Cartwright motioned to approve the purchase as presented, and Jeskewitz seconded. The motion passed, 6/0. Motion to Approve the Purchase of a Cargo Van: Noah Wentland, Dir. of Buildings and Grounds, and Dawn Foeller, Business Manager, presented 3 bids for the purchase of a new cargo van to replace the 2008 van currently in use and in need of extensive repair. Cartwright motioned to approve the recommended bid to purchase the van and Petersen seconded. Motion passed 6/0. Motion to Approve the Purchase of High School Auditorium Curtains: Wentland and Foeller presented 3 bids to replace the high school auditorium curtains which do not meet current fire code requirements. Tollefson motioned to approve the purchase as presented and Jeskewitz seconded the motion. The motion passed; 6/0. Motion to Approve Extension of Cost-Sharing Agreement for Police Liaison Officers: Foeller requested the Board approve the contract with the City of De Pere for police liaison services for the 2024-25 school year. Cartwright motioned to approve the contract as presented and Tollefson seconded the motion. The motion passed; 6/0. Presentation of and Motion to Approve the Audited 2023-2024 Annual Financial Report: Foeller presented an overview of the report and requested we bring this item back at the next meeting when Baird’s representative will be present. Other Topics and Discussion: Cartwright inquired about the viability of a safety system available for public restrooms and whether it could be implemented in the schools. She also asked about the timeline for the potential rollback of the Title IX policy. Nicholson responded that the policy would likely be up for review at the next meeting. Additionally, Cartwright suggested moving to an electronic format for board packets instead of using paper. Jeskewitz requested an update on the completion of the sound system installation in the community room and was informed it would be done by the end of February. Jeskewitz also expressed appreciation for the community and staff’s support of HB’s family. Clayton applauded the Jam Session and highlighted the success and enjoyment of the Destination De Pere event. Petersen congratulated the winter athletic teams for their strong start, and Clayton commended the mock trial teams for advancing to the State competitions. Adjournment: Cartwright motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jeskewitz seconded the motion. Motion carried; 6/0. Adjourned at 8:04 PM. Approved by Board February 17, 2025, Jeff Dickert, Secretary Publish 02.21.25 WNAXLP
Listed: Fri Feb 21st
De Pere WNAXLP February 3, 2025, USDD Special Board of Education Meeting Minutes The Unified School District of De Pere Board of Education held a Special Meeting on Monday, February 3, 2025, at 6:00 PM in the Board Conference room at the District Office. Board President Adam Clayton opened the meeting with: This is a special meeting of the Board of Education of the Unified School District of De Pere being held in the Community Room in the District Office. Before this meeting, notice was given to the public by posting at the appropriate places, and copies of the notice of this meeting were forwarded to local news media. A copy of the notice was provided to the official newspaper of the District, The Press Times. Roll Call: Present – Clayton, Chad Jeskewitz, Melissa Niffenegger, Matt Petersen, Brandy Tollefson. and. Excused - Jeff Dickert and Brittony Cartwright. Quorum declared. Clayton called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. Agenda: Jeskewitz moved to approve the agenda as presented and Petersen seconded the motion. Motion passed, 5/0. Motion to close the public meeting and enter into executive session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(c)(f) to review superintendent 2024 performance goals using the new WASB evaluation system and review Employee Retirement/VER Benefit requests. Jeskewitz motioned to move to executive session and Tollefson seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 5/0. Entered close session at 6:02 PM. Cartwright entered the meeting at 6:08. Motion to Adjourn Executive Session and Return to Open Session: Cartwright motioned to close the executive session and return to open session and Tollefson seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote: 6/0. Entered open session at 6:46 PM. Action regarding executive session discussion; Motion to approve the voluntary early retirement requests for the 2025-26 school year from Marcy Becker, DPHS Counselor, Wayne Boudreau, DPHS Special Education Teacher, Joy Conway, Altmayer 4th Grade Teacher, Meg Celley-Anderson, Altmayer 4th Grade Teacher, Steve Newton, DPHS Physical Education Teacher. Cartwright motioned to approve the requests as presented and Petersen seconded the motion. Motion passed; 6/0. Presentation by the De Pere High School Student Council: De Pere High School Student Council members, Emma C., Molly M., and Claire P., students, presented information about the student organization and its activities. Board Member Discussion Regarding the State Convention: Chris Thompson, Superintendent, Tollefson, Clayton, and Niffenegger reviewed the sessions attended at the State Convention. Sessions included the well-attended sessions given by De Pere administrators, sessions on onboarding new board members, changes in school law, developing compensation plans, and how to attract and keep teachers and annual self-assessments. Recognition of Jerry Nicholson, WCASS 2024 Director of Student Services Award: Nicholson was recognized for his outstanding achievements and for winning the 2024 Director of Student Services Award. 2025 Organizational Meeting Date: Policy 0151.1, regarding the Annual Board Reorganizing Meeting, was reviewed with a suggestion to move the annual meeting to the first Monday in May, rather than the 4th Monday in April. The policy will have its first reading at the February 17, 2025, meeting. Motion to Approve the 2025-26 School Board Calendar: The proposed 2025-26 school year meeting dates and times were reviewed. Given the larger number of agenda items in July compared to January, two meetings should be scheduled in July and only one in January. Tollefson motioned to approve the presented 2025-26 School Board Calendar, and Petersen seconded. The motion passed, 6/0. Move to Approve Endpoint Protection Solution: Curt Pieschek, Director of Technology, presented bids for district endpoint solutions for cyber security and recommended we approve the CESA 7 bid. Cartwright motioned to approve the purchase as presented, and Jeskewitz seconded. The motion passed, 6/0. Motion to Approve the Purchase of a Cargo Van: Noah Wentland, Dir. of Buildings and Grounds, and Dawn Foeller, Business Manager, presented 3 bids for the purchase of a new cargo van to replace the 2008 van currently in use and in need of extensive repair. Cartwright motioned to approve the recommended bid to purchase the van and Petersen seconded. Motion passed 6/0. Motion to Approve the Purchase of High School Auditorium Curtains: Wentland and Foeller presented 3 bids to replace the high school auditorium curtains which do not meet current fire code requirements. Tollefson motioned to approve the purchase as presented and Jeskewitz seconded the motion. The motion passed; 6/0. Motion to Approve Extension of Cost-Sharing Agreement for Police Liaison Officers: Foeller requested the Board approve the contract with the City of De Pere for police liaison services for the 2024-25 school year. Cartwright motioned to approve the contract as presented and Tollefson seconded the motion. The motion passed; 6/0. Presentation of and Motion to Approve the Audited 2023-2024 Annual Financial Report: Foeller presented an overview of the report and requested we bring this item back at the next meeting when Baird’s representative will be present. Other Topics and Discussion: Cartwright inquired about the viability of a safety system available for public restrooms and whether it could be implemented in the schools. She also asked about the timeline for the potential rollback of the Title IX policy. Nicholson responded that the policy would likely be up for review at the next meeting. Additionally, Cartwright suggested moving to an electronic format for board packets instead of using paper. Jeskewitz requested an update on the completion of the sound system installation in the community room and was informed it would be done by the end of February. Jeskewitz also expressed appreciation for the community and staff’s support of HB’s family. Clayton applauded the Jam Session and highlighted the success and enjoyment of the Destination De Pere event. Petersen congratulated the winter athletic teams for their strong start, and Clayton commended the mock trial teams for advancing to the State competitions. Adjournment: Cartwright motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jeskewitz seconded the motion. Motion carried; 6/0. Adjourned at 8:04 PM. Approved by Board February 17, 2025, Jeff Dickert, Secretary Publish 02.21.25 WNAXLP