Category: Legal Minutes
Listed: Fri Feb 21st
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2024 REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2024 HS COMMUNITY FORUM ROOM Meeting called to order by President, Doug Ehrenberg at 6:00 p.m. Meeting began with the Pledge of Allegience. Roll Call - Board members present: Kohl, aye; Wagner, aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Loehrke, aye; Gorchals, aye; Gerrits, aye; Looker; aye; and Lauren Wisner, present. Board members absent: None. Meeting properly noticed: Yes. Quorum: Yes. Administration present: Phillip Tubbs, Alexander Muir, Don Ryan and Abby Poliak. Administration absent: Jodi Alix and Nick Schultek. Supervisors present: Don Lederhaus. Others Present: Ryan Dolnik, Jodi Gardner, Paul Krause, James Card w/ Waupaca County Post, Randy Loehrke, and Meta Berg. COMMUNICATION AND VISITORS VISITORS: None. ADMINISTRATION PHILLIP TUBBS Mr. Tubbs noted the holiday festivities were all very good. He also encouraged staff to get out into the hallways and gave the board the results of the survey he sent to staff and received a lot of positivity behind it. JODI ALIX Mrs. Alix was not present but the Assistant Principal Mrs. Poliak spoke and said overall a good atmosphere in the schools as we go through spirit weeks. There was a speaker that was brought in to talk to students and staff on anti-bullying which was very good. DONALD RYAN Mr. Ryan noted that this past week they had the holiday concerts and wanted to give a shout out to Shannon Rahm the music teacher who put together (3) different programs and allowed students to play musical instruments and some had solos. She has done a lot of work with the students and has done a great job. NICHOLAS SCHULTEK Mr. Schultek was not present. ALEXANDER MUIR Mr. Muir has been working with the auditor and getting the finalized budget numbers done. The food service had a surplus for the month of November. The open enrollment in and out budget amounts will be brought back to the board for approval so he can make an adjustment. OTHERS BOARD OF EDUCATION Ms. Loehrke asked about the safety plan and Mr. Lederhaus addressed the board that this is a very fluid document. Mr. Kohl also talked to the board about getting something out to the public on their tax bill. Mr. Tubbs noted that he will be putting something together and getting that put on the website for the community which will explain a little more about the school taxes. Mr. Looker also asked about the long range facility plan. RECOGNITION AND SPECIAL GUESTS WARHAWK SOUND STUDIO – (ROTARY CLUB OF WAUPACA) TECH ED DONATIONS (Wes Schroeder - $500, Pine Breeze Dairy - $2,100, Quantum Dairy - $3,195, Faulks Brothers - $500. Mr. Tubbs noted the donations thanked Mr. Schroeder, Pine Breeze Dairy, Quantum Dairy and Faulks Brothers for their donations to the Tech Ed Department. STUDENT SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVE – Lauren Wisner Ms. Wisner talked about a few things going on in school which included FCCLA will be having a staff lunch for those that are interested; the MS/HS student council has been hosting a door decorating contest. Ms. Wisner through FCCLA was able to meet with state legislators and was able to talk to them about the importance of CTE and was able to ask them to keep a new petition on their radar which is a proposal for $44 million dollars to go towards CTE education. HS band and choir concerts were held last week. NHS will be having their induction ceremony on January 13th and high quiz had their first competition and did win by 3 points. Science Olympiad had a competition with many middle and high school students medaling. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS Motion by Gerrits, seconded by Ehrenberg, to approve the November monthly payments as printed. Roll call vote: Loehrke, aye; Kohl, aye; Wagner, aye; Gorchals, aye; Looker, aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Gerrits aye. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. Motion by Wagner, seconded by Gerrits, to approve the November monthly cash receipts as printed. Roll call vote: Ehrenberg, aye; Kohl, aye; Gerrits, aye; Wagner, aye; Gorchals, aye; Looker, aye; Loehrke, aye. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS CHARTER SCHOOL UPDATE Mr. Krause noted that the 5th grade students made some ornaments through an economics project and were able to sell them and made $100.00. Stem students also participated in both the Weyauwega and Fremont Christmas parades. He also noted that the following Wednesday is the Fremont Stem Academy’s Regular board meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Ehrenberg, seconded by Wagner, to accept the consent agenda as presented. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. Under the Consent Agenda, the Board of Education approved the following: A. Committee of the Whole Meeting – 11-25-24 B. Regular Board of Education Meeting –11-25-24 C. Resignations – Nick Schultek – Director of Pupil Services & Special Education NEW BUSINESS USI INSURANCE SERVICES (HEALTH PLAN UPDATE) (Discussion) Mr. Beaudry from USI Insurance Services had a presentation for the board on the medical plan and how it is running. 2025-2026 COURSE DESCRIPTION HANDBOOK (ACTION) Motion by Loehrke, seconded by Ehrenberg, to approve the 2025-2026 course description handbook as it has been presented. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. HIGH SCHOOL CHARTER SCHOOL CONTRACT Mr. Tubbs noted that the high school charter school contract will be brought to the next board meeting for discussion. CALENDAR & FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Board Meeting on December 19th – closed session General Fund breakdown Baird presentation Asset Review Motion by Wagner, seconded by Gerrits, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. The January Regular Board of Education Meeting will be held on January 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM in the High School Community Forum Room. Monthly Regular Board of Education Meeting agendas will be posted on the district website at, the Weyauwega Public Library, Weyauwega City Hall, Fremont Village Hall, Neuschafer Community Library, Waupaca County Post, and at all W-F District locations. Dawn Loughrin Board Secretary Publish Feb. 20, 2025 WNAXLP
Listed: Fri Feb 21st
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2024 REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2024 HS COMMUNITY FORUM ROOM Meeting called to order by President, Doug Ehrenberg at 6:00 p.m. Meeting began with the Pledge of Allegience. Roll Call - Board members present: Kohl, aye; Wagner, aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Loehrke, aye; Gorchals, aye; Gerrits, aye; Looker; aye; and Lauren Wisner, present. Board members absent: None. Meeting properly noticed: Yes. Quorum: Yes. Administration present: Phillip Tubbs, Alexander Muir, Don Ryan and Abby Poliak. Administration absent: Jodi Alix and Nick Schultek. Supervisors present: Don Lederhaus. Others Present: Ryan Dolnik, Jodi Gardner, Paul Krause, James Card w/ Waupaca County Post, Randy Loehrke, and Meta Berg. COMMUNICATION AND VISITORS VISITORS: None. ADMINISTRATION PHILLIP TUBBS Mr. Tubbs noted the holiday festivities were all very good. He also encouraged staff to get out into the hallways and gave the board the results of the survey he sent to staff and received a lot of positivity behind it. JODI ALIX Mrs. Alix was not present but the Assistant Principal Mrs. Poliak spoke and said overall a good atmosphere in the schools as we go through spirit weeks. There was a speaker that was brought in to talk to students and staff on anti-bullying which was very good. DONALD RYAN Mr. Ryan noted that this past week they had the holiday concerts and wanted to give a shout out to Shannon Rahm the music teacher who put together (3) different programs and allowed students to play musical instruments and some had solos. She has done a lot of work with the students and has done a great job. NICHOLAS SCHULTEK Mr. Schultek was not present. ALEXANDER MUIR Mr. Muir has been working with the auditor and getting the finalized budget numbers done. The food service had a surplus for the month of November. The open enrollment in and out budget amounts will be brought back to the board for approval so he can make an adjustment. OTHERS BOARD OF EDUCATION Ms. Loehrke asked about the safety plan and Mr. Lederhaus addressed the board that this is a very fluid document. Mr. Kohl also talked to the board about getting something out to the public on their tax bill. Mr. Tubbs noted that he will be putting something together and getting that put on the website for the community which will explain a little more about the school taxes. Mr. Looker also asked about the long range facility plan. RECOGNITION AND SPECIAL GUESTS WARHAWK SOUND STUDIO – (ROTARY CLUB OF WAUPACA) TECH ED DONATIONS (Wes Schroeder - $500, Pine Breeze Dairy - $2,100, Quantum Dairy - $3,195, Faulks Brothers - $500. Mr. Tubbs noted the donations thanked Mr. Schroeder, Pine Breeze Dairy, Quantum Dairy and Faulks Brothers for their donations to the Tech Ed Department. STUDENT SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVE – Lauren Wisner Ms. Wisner talked about a few things going on in school which included FCCLA will be having a staff lunch for those that are interested; the MS/HS student council has been hosting a door decorating contest. Ms. Wisner through FCCLA was able to meet with state legislators and was able to talk to them about the importance of CTE and was able to ask them to keep a new petition on their radar which is a proposal for $44 million dollars to go towards CTE education. HS band and choir concerts were held last week. NHS will be having their induction ceremony on January 13th and high quiz had their first competition and did win by 3 points. Science Olympiad had a competition with many middle and high school students medaling. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS Motion by Gerrits, seconded by Ehrenberg, to approve the November monthly payments as printed. Roll call vote: Loehrke, aye; Kohl, aye; Wagner, aye; Gorchals, aye; Looker, aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Gerrits aye. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. Motion by Wagner, seconded by Gerrits, to approve the November monthly cash receipts as printed. Roll call vote: Ehrenberg, aye; Kohl, aye; Gerrits, aye; Wagner, aye; Gorchals, aye; Looker, aye; Loehrke, aye. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS CHARTER SCHOOL UPDATE Mr. Krause noted that the 5th grade students made some ornaments through an economics project and were able to sell them and made $100.00. Stem students also participated in both the Weyauwega and Fremont Christmas parades. He also noted that the following Wednesday is the Fremont Stem Academy’s Regular board meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Ehrenberg, seconded by Wagner, to accept the consent agenda as presented. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. Under the Consent Agenda, the Board of Education approved the following: A. Committee of the Whole Meeting – 11-25-24 B. Regular Board of Education Meeting –11-25-24 C. Resignations – Nick Schultek – Director of Pupil Services & Special Education NEW BUSINESS USI INSURANCE SERVICES (HEALTH PLAN UPDATE) (Discussion) Mr. Beaudry from USI Insurance Services had a presentation for the board on the medical plan and how it is running. 2025-2026 COURSE DESCRIPTION HANDBOOK (ACTION) Motion by Loehrke, seconded by Ehrenberg, to approve the 2025-2026 course description handbook as it has been presented. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. HIGH SCHOOL CHARTER SCHOOL CONTRACT Mr. Tubbs noted that the high school charter school contract will be brought to the next board meeting for discussion. CALENDAR & FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Board Meeting on December 19th – closed session General Fund breakdown Baird presentation Asset Review Motion by Wagner, seconded by Gerrits, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. The January Regular Board of Education Meeting will be held on January 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM in the High School Community Forum Room. Monthly Regular Board of Education Meeting agendas will be posted on the district website at, the Weyauwega Public Library, Weyauwega City Hall, Fremont Village Hall, Neuschafer Community Library, Waupaca County Post, and at all W-F District locations. Dawn Loughrin Board Secretary Publish Feb. 20, 2025 WNAXLP