Category: Legal Minutes
Listed: Wed Feb 5th
VILAS COUNTY ( One week 2/5/25 ) VILAS COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 28, 2025 The January 28, 2025, Regular Meeting of the Vilas County Board of Supervisors was held pursuant to Wis. Stat. §59.11(1)(c) in the Vilas County Courthouse conference rooms, 330 Court Street, Eagle River, WI 54521. CALL TO ORDER Vilas County Board Chair Jerry Burkett called the assembly to order at 9:00 A.M. He instructed the County Clerk, Kim Olkowski to read aloud and insert into the minutes the following notification: Public meeting notice requirements were fulfilled by posting a notice of this meeting on bulletin boards located in the Vilas County Courthouse, Olson Memorial Library and Eagle River City Hall. Notice of this meeting was posted to the Vilas County Government website. All media outlets and members of the public requesting notification of this meeting were notified on January 24, 2025, more than twenty-four hours prior to the meeting. The public was also notified that discussion and action may occur regarding all items posted on this agenda. The Clerk requested that all present silence their cell phones for the duration of the meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Burkett asked all in attendance to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Roll call found the following members in attendance: Marvin Anderson, Gerald Burkett, Lake Edwards, Robert Hanson, Ann Konopacky, Daniel Kramer, Arthur Kunde, Richard Logan, Michael MacKenzie, Joseph Muehlbach, Thomas Petrusky, Jacob Postuchow, Carolyn Ritter, Daniel Swiecichowski, Holly Tomlanovich, Leah Trojan, Patrick Weber, and Joseph Wildcat, Sr. Arleen Harsvick and Thomas Maulson were absent. There is one vacancy in District #18. The Clerk reported 18 Supervisors in attendance at the beginning of the meeting, constituting a quorum of the County Board. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 12, 2024, ANNUAL MEETING Motion by M. Anderson, seconded by H. Tomlanovich to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2024, annual meeting as presented. All voted aye. Carried. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS – None CITIZEN COMMENDATION AWARD Sheriff Joe Fath and Chief Deputy Patrick Schmidt introduced 11-year-old Jackson Favorite and his mother, Michelle Favorite. Michelle stated that Jackson told her his plans for a fundraiser, and they worked to make it happen. Jackson wanted to do a fundraiser for K-9 Deputy Helo, handled by Deputy Zach Stern. Jackson raised well over $1,000.00 at his lemonade stand to donate to the Vilas County Sheriff’s Department for K-9 Deputy Helo. Jackson would like to become a K-9 Officer when he grows up. He was presented with a special plaque in appreciation from Deputy Stern and Deputy Helo. He received the Citizen Commendation award from Sheriff Fath and Chief Deputy Schmidt. There was a standing ovation for Jackson’s contribution and selflessness, putting others first. Chair Burkett asked all in attendance to take a moment to pray for Chris Oatman. LIFESAVING AWARDS & TEAMWORK AWARDS Sheriff Joe Fath and Jail Administrator Bill Weiss stated that they had an incident on September 25, 2024, with a female in the Vilas County Jail. Jail staff responded immediately. The awards are to recognize and thank those that helped save this person’s life. The Lifesaving Awards were awarded to: Alisha Wagner, Scott McFarland, Austin Bender, David Glendinning, Laura Roof, Jacob Mayo, Dana Spurgeon, Shannon Lehmann, and Eric Walters. The Teamwork Recognition Awards were awarded to Recreational Officer Jason Molle, Deputy Ben Gauger, Detective Eric Santefort, Detective Nick Seeger, Chief Deputy Patrick Schmidt, Captain Gerard Ritter, Sheriff Joe Fath, and Jail Administrator Bill Weiss. Chair Burkett commended the Sheriff’s Department. There was a round of applause for their service. Supervisor Arleen Harsvick arrived at 9:13 A.M. THERE ARE NOW 19 SUPERVISORS IN ATTENDANCE. INTRODUCE HUMAN SERVICES BOARD DIRECTOR Supervisor M. Anderson introduced Valarie Wielhouwer as the new Human Services Director. V. Wielhouwer was born and raised in Eagle River. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin Madison and served in the United States Air Force. Throughout her career, she has always been involved in social work. Previously, she worked for Oneida County, Dane County, the U.S. Air Force, Forest County, and back to her home, Vilas County. She has been with Vilas County Human Services for 4 years and is looking forward to her new role in the Human Services Department. There was a round of applause for her service. Chair Burkett welcomed her, and asked for a round of applause for Kate Gardner, the previous Social Services Director who retired after 17 years of service. INTRODUCE LAND & WATER CONSERVATIONIST Supervisor H. Tomlanovich introduced Alan Wirt as the new Land & Water Conservationist. Alan said that he grew up in Central Wisconsin and vacationed in Vilas County all of his life. He is happy to be in Vilas County in his new role. There was a round of applause. Chair Burkett welcomed him, and asked for a round of applause for Carolyn Scholl, the previous Land & Water Conservationist who retired after 22 years of service. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES TABLED OR POSTPONED TO A DAY CERTAIN - None ALL RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES, IN THEIR ENTIRETY, ARE ON FILE IN THE COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE Resolutions and Ordinances are posted in the order in which they were acted upon. INTRODUCE AND ACT UPON ALL POSTED ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORD. 2025-01 Amend Chapter 26 – Vilas County Motorized Recreational Trails & Routes Motion by H. Tomlanovich, seconded by A. Kunde to adopt. Chair Burkett asked both sides of the topic, for and against, to choose a representative to speak for 15 minutes. This amendment came from the ATV-UTV Alliance to the Highway Committee. The Highway Committee voted to bring the amendment to the County Board, for the full board to vote on. The side in favor went first, and their key points were presented. The side against went second, and their key points were presented. There was one word that stood out, which was “compromise.” The Supervisors were each given a chance to speak and they went around the table. Discussion. Chair Burkett asked the Town Board Chairs from Boulder Junction, Manitowish Waters, and Winchester to come up to the podium. He asked them if they were willing to postpone this amendment to May 1, 2026. Each of the Town Board Chairs spoke and said no, not without the town’s approval. Chair Burkett stated that it’s about respect and the County should respect the Town’s decision. He polled the residents from the three towns in attendance. There were 6 votes in favor and 13 votes against the amendment. The emails that were sent to the County Clerk were 49 in favor and 169 against the amendment. Discussion. Roll call vote results found 10 aye votes and 9 nay votes: M. Anderson, R. Hanson, A. Harsvick, R. Logan, M. MacKenzie, C. Ritter, P. Weber, J. Wildcat, Sr., G. Burkett. Carried. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Vilas County Board of Supervisors enacted Ordinance 2025-01 on January 28, 2025, at a duly noticed Vilas County Board meeting. A summary of this enactment is as follows: 1. Ordinance No. 2025-01, Amending Chapter 26 – Vilas County Motorized Recreational Trails & Routes Ordinance 2. SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT MATTER AND MAIN POINTS OF THE ORDINANCE: Chapter 26 is amended specifically under 26.08 C i) Year Round Approved County Trunk Highway ATV/UTV Routes, to allow for year around use of the paved portions of the ATV/UTV routes located on county trunk highways A, B, C, E, G, H, J, K, M, N, O, P, S, and W by ATV’s and UTV’s. 3. DATE OF ENACTMENT: January 28, 2025 The full text of this ordinance may be obtained at the Vilas County Clerk’s office located at 330 Court Street, Eagle River, WI 54521, (715) 479-3600, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The full text of the ordinance may also be accessed through Vilas County’s official website, CHAIR BURKETT CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 11:00 A.M. BACK IN SESSION AT 11:10 A.M. ORD. 2025-02 Amend Chapter 11 – Health and Welfare – Community Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Services Motion by M. Anderson, seconded by D. Kramer to adopt. The necessary changes were explained by Corporation Counsel Chad Lynch. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Vilas County Board of Supervisors enacted Ordinance 2025-02 on January 28, 2025, at a duly noticed Vilas County Board meeting. A summary of this enactment is as follows: 1. Ordinance No. 2025-02, Amending Chapter 11 – Health and Welfare – Community Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Services 2. SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT MATTER AND MAIN POINTS OF THE ORDINANCE: Chapter 11 is amended specifically under 11.01, 11.02, 11.03, and 11.04 of the Health and Welfare Table of Contents in the General Code of Ordinances of Vilas County. 3. DATE OF ENACTMENT: January 28, 2025 The full text of this ordinance may be obtained at the Vilas County Clerk’s office located at 330 Court Street, Eagle River, WI 54521, (715) 479-3600, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The full text of the ordinance may also be accessed through Vilas County’s official website, RES. 2025-01 County Aid Culvert on Birchwood Drive – Town of Cloverland Motion by D. Kramer, seconded by P. Weber to adopt. Highway Commissioner Troy Schalinske presented the information. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-02 Amendment of Standing Rules and Committee Duties for Vilas County ~2/3 Majority Vote Necessary~ Motion by L. Edwards, seconded by M. MacKenzie to adopt. Corporation Counsel Chad Lynch presented the information and stated that at the January 8, 2025, Executive & Legislative Committee meeting it was approved that citizen members of the Human Services Board may vote on all items except fiscal matters. Discussion. Motion by M. Anderson, seconded by M. MacKenzie to amend 1.04 Per Diem Paid for Attendance (4) to read: “Citizen Members from Human Services Board, ADRC, and Public Health Board shall also receive per diem and mileage for attendance in accordance with the rules for County Board Supervisors.” All voted aye on the amendment. Discussion. All voted aye on the amended resolution as presented. Carried. RES. 2025-03 County-Tribal Law Enforcement Assistance 2025 Motion by J. Burkett, seconded by H. Tomlanovich to adopt. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-04 2025-2034 Land and Water Resource Management (LWRM) Plan Motion by H. Tomlanovich, seconded by D. Kramer to adopt. H. Tomlanovich presented the information. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-05 Brightspeed Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Grant Application Endorsement Motion by C. Ritter, seconded by H. Tomlanovich to adopt. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-06 Charter Communications Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Grant Application Endorsement Motion by C. Ritter, seconded by H. Tomlanovich to adopt. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-07 Norvado Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Grant Application Endorsement Motion by C. Ritter, seconded by D. Kramer to adopt. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-08 Budget Amendment – Aging and Disability Resource Center of Vilas County Motion by D. Swiecichowski, seconded by R. Hanson to adopt. D. Swiecichowski presented the information. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Vilas County Board of Supervisors amended their 2024 budget according to Resolution No. 2025-08 Budget Amendment - GWAAR on January 28, 2025 pursuant to Wis. Stat. §65.90(5), to include the following increases and/or decreases to the expenditure and revenue line items: Revenue or Line Item Number Expense Description Amount Revenue 260.51.43540 AGING-TITLE III-B (FED) +$ 1,121.00 Expense 260.51.54610.0948 TRAVEL-III-B +$ 250.00 Expense 260.51.54610.0958 SUPPORTIVE HOME CARE-III-B +$ 871.00 Revenue 260.51.43541 AGING-TITLE III C-1 (FED) -$24,917.00 Expense 260.51.54612.0910 NUT SITE MGR SALARY-C1 -$21,000.00 Expense 260.51.54612.0902 TITLE III C-1 -$ 3,917.00 Revenue 260.51.43542 AGING-TITLE III C-2 (FED) +$25,087.00 Expense 260.51.54615.0903 TITLE III C-2 +$25,087.00 Revenue 260.51.43554 ALZHEIM.FAM.CARE.SUPP. +$ 494.00 Expense 260.51.54622.0915 ALZ-HEIMERS FAMILY CARE +$ 494.00 Revenue 260.51.47361 ADRC REVENUE +$33,355.00 Expense 260.51.54605.0390 OUTREACH/MARKETING +$33,355.00 RES. 2025-09 Budget Amendment – Board of Health Motion by C. Ritter, seconded by L. Edwards to adopt. C. Ritter presented the information. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Vilas County Board of Supervisors amended their 2025 budget according to Resolution No. 2025-09 Budget Amendment – Board of Health on January 28, 2025 pursuant to Wis. Stat. §65.90(5), to include the following increases and/or decreases to the expenditure and revenue line items: Revenue or Line Item Number Expense Description Amount Revenue 255.28.49100 Applied Funds +$ 44,882.00 Expense 255.28.54101.0409 Contractual Services +$ 44,882.00 Revenue 100.28.43656 WIC Grant +$ 7,625.00 Expense 100.28.54100.0703 WIC Grant +$ 7,625.00 Revenue 100.28.43653 Immunization Grant +$ 600.00 Expense 100.28.54100.0933 Immunization Grant +$ 600.00 Revenue 100.28.43650 MCH Grant +$ 2,560.00 Expense 100.28.54100.0996 MCH Grant +$ 2,560.00 APPROVE 2025 DNR FIRE WARDEN LIST: Town of Boulder Junction : • Krista Maurer – Knitt’s Hardware Hank, P.O. Box 327, Boulder Junction City of Eagle River : • Kim Olkowski – Vilas County Clerk, 330 Court Street, Eagle River • Timothy Sauter – U.S. Forest Service, 1247 E. Wall Street, Eagle River Town of St. Germain : • Kent Knitt – Knitt’s Hardware Hank, 246 Highway 70, St. Germain Motion by M. Anderson, seconded by P. Weber to approve the Fire Warden List. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. CHAIRMAN’S APPOINTMENTS Human Services Board – Citizen Appointees : • Janice Faulkner – Citizen Member Term Ending January 2027 • Gloria Cobb – Citizen Member Term Ending January 2028 Motion by J. Burkett, seconded by M. Anderson to appoint. Discussion. Ms. Cobb was present and introduced herself. All voted aye. Carried. ADRC Nutrition Advisory Council – Appointee : • Katherine Kolb – Eagle River Representative Motion by H. Tomlanovich, seconded by P. Weber to appoint. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Chair Burkett stated that “All is well.” Social Services has changed to Human Services. We try to always be fair and live with the results. We are improving Vilas County. COMMITTEE REPORTS Human Services Board: M. Anderson reported that they have a whole new environment in the Human Services Department. Veteran Services Commission: M. Anderson reported that they are working with the Maintenance Department and Public Property Committee regarding the beautification of the Veterans Memorial in the courtyard. Land & Water Committee: H. Tomlanovich reported that Alan Wirt is settling into the department. Forestry, Recreation & Land Committee: H. Tomlanovich reported that Jim Jefferson is retiring. Highway Committee: P. Weber reported that they have received a couple trucks that were ordered last year. Public Health: C. Ritter stated that Public Health, Tourism, and Zoning departments met to collaborate regarding Tourist Rooming Houses (TRH) and sharing information. She said that norovirus and Covid are on the rise. Zoning & Planning Committee: R. Logan thanked the group working on the TRH collaboration. LETTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS Chair Burkett stated that he will not receive commission on the sale of the Vilas County property on the river, across from the Vilas County Fairgrounds. A real estate office will not be involved, the property will be sold on the auction site. NEXT MEETING DATE The next Regular Meeting of the County Board is scheduled for 9:00 A.M, Tuesday, March 25, 2025, in the County Board Conference rooms. MILEAGE AND PER DIEM Motion by M. Anderson, seconded by D. Swiecichowski to pay mileage and per diem for this meeting. All voted aye. Carried. Please contact the County Clerk’s office for mileage and per diem payment information. ADJOURNMENT Motion by D. Kramer, seconded by L. Edwards to adjourn. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. Chair Burkett adjourned the meeting at 11:53 A.M. Prepared and submitted by: Kimberly A. Olkowski, Vilas County Clerk Minutes reflect the recorder's notations and are subject to future revision and approval by the Vilas County Board. 2733 WNAXLP
Listed: Wed Feb 5th
VILAS COUNTY ( One week 2/5/25 ) VILAS COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 28, 2025 The January 28, 2025, Regular Meeting of the Vilas County Board of Supervisors was held pursuant to Wis. Stat. §59.11(1)(c) in the Vilas County Courthouse conference rooms, 330 Court Street, Eagle River, WI 54521. CALL TO ORDER Vilas County Board Chair Jerry Burkett called the assembly to order at 9:00 A.M. He instructed the County Clerk, Kim Olkowski to read aloud and insert into the minutes the following notification: Public meeting notice requirements were fulfilled by posting a notice of this meeting on bulletin boards located in the Vilas County Courthouse, Olson Memorial Library and Eagle River City Hall. Notice of this meeting was posted to the Vilas County Government website. All media outlets and members of the public requesting notification of this meeting were notified on January 24, 2025, more than twenty-four hours prior to the meeting. The public was also notified that discussion and action may occur regarding all items posted on this agenda. The Clerk requested that all present silence their cell phones for the duration of the meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Burkett asked all in attendance to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Roll call found the following members in attendance: Marvin Anderson, Gerald Burkett, Lake Edwards, Robert Hanson, Ann Konopacky, Daniel Kramer, Arthur Kunde, Richard Logan, Michael MacKenzie, Joseph Muehlbach, Thomas Petrusky, Jacob Postuchow, Carolyn Ritter, Daniel Swiecichowski, Holly Tomlanovich, Leah Trojan, Patrick Weber, and Joseph Wildcat, Sr. Arleen Harsvick and Thomas Maulson were absent. There is one vacancy in District #18. The Clerk reported 18 Supervisors in attendance at the beginning of the meeting, constituting a quorum of the County Board. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 12, 2024, ANNUAL MEETING Motion by M. Anderson, seconded by H. Tomlanovich to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2024, annual meeting as presented. All voted aye. Carried. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS – None CITIZEN COMMENDATION AWARD Sheriff Joe Fath and Chief Deputy Patrick Schmidt introduced 11-year-old Jackson Favorite and his mother, Michelle Favorite. Michelle stated that Jackson told her his plans for a fundraiser, and they worked to make it happen. Jackson wanted to do a fundraiser for K-9 Deputy Helo, handled by Deputy Zach Stern. Jackson raised well over $1,000.00 at his lemonade stand to donate to the Vilas County Sheriff’s Department for K-9 Deputy Helo. Jackson would like to become a K-9 Officer when he grows up. He was presented with a special plaque in appreciation from Deputy Stern and Deputy Helo. He received the Citizen Commendation award from Sheriff Fath and Chief Deputy Schmidt. There was a standing ovation for Jackson’s contribution and selflessness, putting others first. Chair Burkett asked all in attendance to take a moment to pray for Chris Oatman. LIFESAVING AWARDS & TEAMWORK AWARDS Sheriff Joe Fath and Jail Administrator Bill Weiss stated that they had an incident on September 25, 2024, with a female in the Vilas County Jail. Jail staff responded immediately. The awards are to recognize and thank those that helped save this person’s life. The Lifesaving Awards were awarded to: Alisha Wagner, Scott McFarland, Austin Bender, David Glendinning, Laura Roof, Jacob Mayo, Dana Spurgeon, Shannon Lehmann, and Eric Walters. The Teamwork Recognition Awards were awarded to Recreational Officer Jason Molle, Deputy Ben Gauger, Detective Eric Santefort, Detective Nick Seeger, Chief Deputy Patrick Schmidt, Captain Gerard Ritter, Sheriff Joe Fath, and Jail Administrator Bill Weiss. Chair Burkett commended the Sheriff’s Department. There was a round of applause for their service. Supervisor Arleen Harsvick arrived at 9:13 A.M. THERE ARE NOW 19 SUPERVISORS IN ATTENDANCE. INTRODUCE HUMAN SERVICES BOARD DIRECTOR Supervisor M. Anderson introduced Valarie Wielhouwer as the new Human Services Director. V. Wielhouwer was born and raised in Eagle River. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin Madison and served in the United States Air Force. Throughout her career, she has always been involved in social work. Previously, she worked for Oneida County, Dane County, the U.S. Air Force, Forest County, and back to her home, Vilas County. She has been with Vilas County Human Services for 4 years and is looking forward to her new role in the Human Services Department. There was a round of applause for her service. Chair Burkett welcomed her, and asked for a round of applause for Kate Gardner, the previous Social Services Director who retired after 17 years of service. INTRODUCE LAND & WATER CONSERVATIONIST Supervisor H. Tomlanovich introduced Alan Wirt as the new Land & Water Conservationist. Alan said that he grew up in Central Wisconsin and vacationed in Vilas County all of his life. He is happy to be in Vilas County in his new role. There was a round of applause. Chair Burkett welcomed him, and asked for a round of applause for Carolyn Scholl, the previous Land & Water Conservationist who retired after 22 years of service. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES TABLED OR POSTPONED TO A DAY CERTAIN - None ALL RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES, IN THEIR ENTIRETY, ARE ON FILE IN THE COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE Resolutions and Ordinances are posted in the order in which they were acted upon. INTRODUCE AND ACT UPON ALL POSTED ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS ORD. 2025-01 Amend Chapter 26 – Vilas County Motorized Recreational Trails & Routes Motion by H. Tomlanovich, seconded by A. Kunde to adopt. Chair Burkett asked both sides of the topic, for and against, to choose a representative to speak for 15 minutes. This amendment came from the ATV-UTV Alliance to the Highway Committee. The Highway Committee voted to bring the amendment to the County Board, for the full board to vote on. The side in favor went first, and their key points were presented. The side against went second, and their key points were presented. There was one word that stood out, which was “compromise.” The Supervisors were each given a chance to speak and they went around the table. Discussion. Chair Burkett asked the Town Board Chairs from Boulder Junction, Manitowish Waters, and Winchester to come up to the podium. He asked them if they were willing to postpone this amendment to May 1, 2026. Each of the Town Board Chairs spoke and said no, not without the town’s approval. Chair Burkett stated that it’s about respect and the County should respect the Town’s decision. He polled the residents from the three towns in attendance. There were 6 votes in favor and 13 votes against the amendment. The emails that were sent to the County Clerk were 49 in favor and 169 against the amendment. Discussion. Roll call vote results found 10 aye votes and 9 nay votes: M. Anderson, R. Hanson, A. Harsvick, R. Logan, M. MacKenzie, C. Ritter, P. Weber, J. Wildcat, Sr., G. Burkett. Carried. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Vilas County Board of Supervisors enacted Ordinance 2025-01 on January 28, 2025, at a duly noticed Vilas County Board meeting. A summary of this enactment is as follows: 1. Ordinance No. 2025-01, Amending Chapter 26 – Vilas County Motorized Recreational Trails & Routes Ordinance 2. SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT MATTER AND MAIN POINTS OF THE ORDINANCE: Chapter 26 is amended specifically under 26.08 C i) Year Round Approved County Trunk Highway ATV/UTV Routes, to allow for year around use of the paved portions of the ATV/UTV routes located on county trunk highways A, B, C, E, G, H, J, K, M, N, O, P, S, and W by ATV’s and UTV’s. 3. DATE OF ENACTMENT: January 28, 2025 The full text of this ordinance may be obtained at the Vilas County Clerk’s office located at 330 Court Street, Eagle River, WI 54521, (715) 479-3600, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The full text of the ordinance may also be accessed through Vilas County’s official website, CHAIR BURKETT CALLED FOR A BRIEF RECESS AT 11:00 A.M. BACK IN SESSION AT 11:10 A.M. ORD. 2025-02 Amend Chapter 11 – Health and Welfare – Community Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Services Motion by M. Anderson, seconded by D. Kramer to adopt. The necessary changes were explained by Corporation Counsel Chad Lynch. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Vilas County Board of Supervisors enacted Ordinance 2025-02 on January 28, 2025, at a duly noticed Vilas County Board meeting. A summary of this enactment is as follows: 1. Ordinance No. 2025-02, Amending Chapter 11 – Health and Welfare – Community Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Services 2. SUMMARY OF THE SUBJECT MATTER AND MAIN POINTS OF THE ORDINANCE: Chapter 11 is amended specifically under 11.01, 11.02, 11.03, and 11.04 of the Health and Welfare Table of Contents in the General Code of Ordinances of Vilas County. 3. DATE OF ENACTMENT: January 28, 2025 The full text of this ordinance may be obtained at the Vilas County Clerk’s office located at 330 Court Street, Eagle River, WI 54521, (715) 479-3600, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The full text of the ordinance may also be accessed through Vilas County’s official website, RES. 2025-01 County Aid Culvert on Birchwood Drive – Town of Cloverland Motion by D. Kramer, seconded by P. Weber to adopt. Highway Commissioner Troy Schalinske presented the information. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-02 Amendment of Standing Rules and Committee Duties for Vilas County ~2/3 Majority Vote Necessary~ Motion by L. Edwards, seconded by M. MacKenzie to adopt. Corporation Counsel Chad Lynch presented the information and stated that at the January 8, 2025, Executive & Legislative Committee meeting it was approved that citizen members of the Human Services Board may vote on all items except fiscal matters. Discussion. Motion by M. Anderson, seconded by M. MacKenzie to amend 1.04 Per Diem Paid for Attendance (4) to read: “Citizen Members from Human Services Board, ADRC, and Public Health Board shall also receive per diem and mileage for attendance in accordance with the rules for County Board Supervisors.” All voted aye on the amendment. Discussion. All voted aye on the amended resolution as presented. Carried. RES. 2025-03 County-Tribal Law Enforcement Assistance 2025 Motion by J. Burkett, seconded by H. Tomlanovich to adopt. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-04 2025-2034 Land and Water Resource Management (LWRM) Plan Motion by H. Tomlanovich, seconded by D. Kramer to adopt. H. Tomlanovich presented the information. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-05 Brightspeed Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Grant Application Endorsement Motion by C. Ritter, seconded by H. Tomlanovich to adopt. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-06 Charter Communications Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Grant Application Endorsement Motion by C. Ritter, seconded by H. Tomlanovich to adopt. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-07 Norvado Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Grant Application Endorsement Motion by C. Ritter, seconded by D. Kramer to adopt. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. RES. 2025-08 Budget Amendment – Aging and Disability Resource Center of Vilas County Motion by D. Swiecichowski, seconded by R. Hanson to adopt. D. Swiecichowski presented the information. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Vilas County Board of Supervisors amended their 2024 budget according to Resolution No. 2025-08 Budget Amendment - GWAAR on January 28, 2025 pursuant to Wis. Stat. §65.90(5), to include the following increases and/or decreases to the expenditure and revenue line items: Revenue or Line Item Number Expense Description Amount Revenue 260.51.43540 AGING-TITLE III-B (FED) +$ 1,121.00 Expense 260.51.54610.0948 TRAVEL-III-B +$ 250.00 Expense 260.51.54610.0958 SUPPORTIVE HOME CARE-III-B +$ 871.00 Revenue 260.51.43541 AGING-TITLE III C-1 (FED) -$24,917.00 Expense 260.51.54612.0910 NUT SITE MGR SALARY-C1 -$21,000.00 Expense 260.51.54612.0902 TITLE III C-1 -$ 3,917.00 Revenue 260.51.43542 AGING-TITLE III C-2 (FED) +$25,087.00 Expense 260.51.54615.0903 TITLE III C-2 +$25,087.00 Revenue 260.51.43554 ALZHEIM.FAM.CARE.SUPP. +$ 494.00 Expense 260.51.54622.0915 ALZ-HEIMERS FAMILY CARE +$ 494.00 Revenue 260.51.47361 ADRC REVENUE +$33,355.00 Expense 260.51.54605.0390 OUTREACH/MARKETING +$33,355.00 RES. 2025-09 Budget Amendment – Board of Health Motion by C. Ritter, seconded by L. Edwards to adopt. C. Ritter presented the information. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Vilas County Board of Supervisors amended their 2025 budget according to Resolution No. 2025-09 Budget Amendment – Board of Health on January 28, 2025 pursuant to Wis. Stat. §65.90(5), to include the following increases and/or decreases to the expenditure and revenue line items: Revenue or Line Item Number Expense Description Amount Revenue 255.28.49100 Applied Funds +$ 44,882.00 Expense 255.28.54101.0409 Contractual Services +$ 44,882.00 Revenue 100.28.43656 WIC Grant +$ 7,625.00 Expense 100.28.54100.0703 WIC Grant +$ 7,625.00 Revenue 100.28.43653 Immunization Grant +$ 600.00 Expense 100.28.54100.0933 Immunization Grant +$ 600.00 Revenue 100.28.43650 MCH Grant +$ 2,560.00 Expense 100.28.54100.0996 MCH Grant +$ 2,560.00 APPROVE 2025 DNR FIRE WARDEN LIST: Town of Boulder Junction : • Krista Maurer – Knitt’s Hardware Hank, P.O. Box 327, Boulder Junction City of Eagle River : • Kim Olkowski – Vilas County Clerk, 330 Court Street, Eagle River • Timothy Sauter – U.S. Forest Service, 1247 E. Wall Street, Eagle River Town of St. Germain : • Kent Knitt – Knitt’s Hardware Hank, 246 Highway 70, St. Germain Motion by M. Anderson, seconded by P. Weber to approve the Fire Warden List. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. CHAIRMAN’S APPOINTMENTS Human Services Board – Citizen Appointees : • Janice Faulkner – Citizen Member Term Ending January 2027 • Gloria Cobb – Citizen Member Term Ending January 2028 Motion by J. Burkett, seconded by M. Anderson to appoint. Discussion. Ms. Cobb was present and introduced herself. All voted aye. Carried. ADRC Nutrition Advisory Council – Appointee : • Katherine Kolb – Eagle River Representative Motion by H. Tomlanovich, seconded by P. Weber to appoint. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Chair Burkett stated that “All is well.” Social Services has changed to Human Services. We try to always be fair and live with the results. We are improving Vilas County. COMMITTEE REPORTS Human Services Board: M. Anderson reported that they have a whole new environment in the Human Services Department. Veteran Services Commission: M. Anderson reported that they are working with the Maintenance Department and Public Property Committee regarding the beautification of the Veterans Memorial in the courtyard. Land & Water Committee: H. Tomlanovich reported that Alan Wirt is settling into the department. Forestry, Recreation & Land Committee: H. Tomlanovich reported that Jim Jefferson is retiring. Highway Committee: P. Weber reported that they have received a couple trucks that were ordered last year. Public Health: C. Ritter stated that Public Health, Tourism, and Zoning departments met to collaborate regarding Tourist Rooming Houses (TRH) and sharing information. She said that norovirus and Covid are on the rise. Zoning & Planning Committee: R. Logan thanked the group working on the TRH collaboration. LETTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS Chair Burkett stated that he will not receive commission on the sale of the Vilas County property on the river, across from the Vilas County Fairgrounds. A real estate office will not be involved, the property will be sold on the auction site. NEXT MEETING DATE The next Regular Meeting of the County Board is scheduled for 9:00 A.M, Tuesday, March 25, 2025, in the County Board Conference rooms. MILEAGE AND PER DIEM Motion by M. Anderson, seconded by D. Swiecichowski to pay mileage and per diem for this meeting. All voted aye. Carried. Please contact the County Clerk’s office for mileage and per diem payment information. ADJOURNMENT Motion by D. Kramer, seconded by L. Edwards to adjourn. Discussion. All voted aye. Carried. Chair Burkett adjourned the meeting at 11:53 A.M. Prepared and submitted by: Kimberly A. Olkowski, Vilas County Clerk Minutes reflect the recorder's notations and are subject to future revision and approval by the Vilas County Board. 2733 WNAXLP