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The BEST Meetings And Public Hearings listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST Meetings And Public Hearings listings near North Central Wisconsin

Meetings and Public Hearings 

Farmington Town Board Meeting Agenda Monday, September 16, 2024 Following Public Hearing starting at 6:00 pm E913 Prairie View Ln Waupaca, WI 54981 Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Open Meeting Statement: This meeting and all meetings of this Town Board are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the press, in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes, so the citizens may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting. Roll Call Approve Agenda Approve Minutes of August 19, 2024. Approve Minutes of Special Board of August 26, 2024. Approve Minutes of Special Board of September 9, 2024. Approve Minutes of Special Board of September 12, 2024. Approve Financial Report Committee Reports Public Input Old Business: 1) Update Employee Job Descriptions. New Business: 1) Plan Commission recommendation from August 7, 2024 meeting a. Change in land use designation for property owned by Donald & Jean Harvey, parcel #05 27 54 1 located on Highland Lane from Agriculture Retention (AR) to Sewered Residential (SR). Ordinance 9/16/24(2024) Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Farmington. b. Zoning Map Amendment for the property owned by Donald & Jean Harvey, parcel #05 27 54 1 located on Highland Lane from Private Recreation & Forestry (PVRF) to Sewered Residential (SR). 2) Plan Commission recommendation from September 4, 2024 meeting a. Review Conditional Use Permit application for Seth Hollman at the N2638 County Road K property (parcel #05 36 41 1) in Agriculture & Woodland Transition (AWT) on approximately 24.74 acres for a truck driving school facility to utilize the property for “pre-trip inspection and backing range for semi-truck training”. According to Section 6.8.4 and Table 5 of the Waupaca County Zoning Ordinance identifies the type of use as “Outdoor Institutional (outdoor education)” is allowed through the conditional use permit process in the AWT zoning district. 3) Snowmobile club trail request from Scandinavia Vikings and County Line. 4) Resolutions for Employee Trust Funds (ETF) Programs a. Resolution 9/16/24A(2024) Inclusion in ETF Group Health Insurance Program. b. Resolution 9/16/24B(2024) Inclusion in ETF Group Life Insurance Program. c. Resolution 9/16/24C(2024) Inclusion in ETF Income Continuation Insurance Program. 5) Re-appointment of Joseph E DeYoung, Commissioner #1 Waupaca Chain O’Lakes Sanitary District. 6) Alcohol and operator licenses received in the Clerk's office. 7) Land Use Permit applications 8) Intent to Cut Wood Products 9) Culvert/Driveway application(s) 10) Roads – a. Waupaca County Highway Dept. bridge work proposals to be included in 2025 budget. 11) Issues/Projects Discussion (30 minute maximum) – No Action Required. 12) Communications and Recommendations of the Chair. 13) Bills Adjournment Posted September 5, 2024 at Farmington Town Hall & Website The Town Board may conduct a roll call vote, a voice vote or otherwise decide to approve, reject, table or modify any item on this agenda. If a special accommodation is necessary, please contact Town Clerk sat 715-258-2779 to make arrangements 24 hours prior to meeting. Publish Sept. 12, 2024 WNAXLP
MONTHLY TOWN BOARD MEETING AGENDA August 20, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. Chairperson calls meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance Roll call of Officers It is understood that in Accordance with Town of Mukwa Ordinance 10-05, this Meeting will adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order. Notification of this Meeting was given to the Press on June 28, 2024 and the Final Agenda was posted in the three designated places on July 5, 2024. 1. Approve: (a)July 9, 2024 Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes; (b)August 8th Special Meeting Min 2. Treasurer: Approve Monthly Treasurer’s Report – July 3. Budget/Vouchers: Approval and Payments of Monthly Vouchers 4. Showing of Hands for Public Forum – Keep Subject and Question Brief . 5. Animal Control Officer/s: (a)Animal Report Forms; (b)Citation Letter/s Issued in Past Month; 6. Building Inspector: Monthly Report 7. Pup’s Irish Pub: (a) Transfer Class B Combination Liquor License – Colin Loughrin; (b) Operator License – Kelli Sager 8. Roads: (a)Monthly Report; (b)Equipment-Report/Repairs/Purchases Needed; (c) Town Hall Parking Lot Repair – Follow-up & No Overnight Parking; (d) Culverts – Manske Rd 9. Waupaca County Zoning & Other Meetings: Attended: Upcoming: 10. Correspondence Received: 11. Motion to Adjourn. /s/Jeannette Zielinski, Municipal Clerk Publish: August 15, 2024 Press Star – Legal Notice Final Agenda Posted: August 16, 2024 WNAXLP
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Commission of the City of Stevens Point, Portage County, Wisconsin will hold a Public Hearing on October 7, 2024 at 6:00 PM at 933 Michigan Avenue (Community Room – Room 122), Stevens Point, Wisconsin and via Zoom Teleconferencing to hear the following: 1. Public Hearing and action on a request from the City of Stevens Point to amend Section 23.02(4)(d), Zoning Ordinance of the Revised Municipal Code of the City of Stevens Point. Said request amends the Wireless Communication Towers Ordinance to achieve compliance with Wisconsin Statute 66.0404. 2. Public Hearing and action on a request from the City of Stevens Point to establish a Business Park Business Improvement District and its initial operating plan, consistent with Wis. Stats. 66.1109(2)(c). The proposed Business Park Business Improvement District is described as all that part of the City of Stevens Point located in the west half of Section 1 and the east half of Section 2, lying between CTH HH, the Wisconsin Central Limited Railroad, I-39, and Badger Avenue and its northerly extension, including the Fractional Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, and the west half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 1, all in Township 23 North, Range 8 East, City of Stevens Point, Portage County, Wisconsin. To participate via telephone: 1) Dial on your phone: (312) 626-6799 2) When prompted dial the Meeting ID: 851 7047 7864 3) Passcode: 455434 4) Press # again to be a participant in the meeting. 5) Hold until the meeting starts. To participate via online zoom platform: 1) Go to 2) Click “Join a Meeting” in the upper right-hand corner. 3) Enter Meeting ID: 851 7047 7864 4) Passcode: 455434 5) If you haven’t downloaded the Zoom program, do so now. Maps further defining the above area(s) may be obtained from the City of Stevens Point Department of Community Development at 1515 Strongs Avenue, Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481, or by calling (715) 346-1567 during normal business hours. Copies of the proposed Business Park Business Improvement District Operating Plan are available from the Stevens Point Plan Commission upon request. All interested parties are invited to attend, but are strongly encouraged to submit their comments to Adam Kuhn, Associate Planner / Zoning Administrator ( prior to the meeting. Publish September 19 & 26, 2024 BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STEVENS POINT, WISCONSIN Kari Yenter, City Clerk WNAXLP
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF AUBURN PLAN COMMISSION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held by the PLAN COMMISSION of the Town of Auburn, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin on Monday, July 8, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Auburn Town Hall, W1728 Sunset Drive, Campbellsport, at which time the PLAN COMMISSION will consider the application for the following special exception: For applicant, Palomino Pines LLC. The real estate is located in a part of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼, Section 26, Township 13 North, Range 19 East, Town of Auburn, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. The petition is for an expansion of existing horse company and guest ranch modification to include bed and breakfast. The site address is W727 Mill Rd, Kewaskum, Wisconsin. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Dated this 28st day of May, 2024. The Town Board may be in attendance. Jodi St. Charles, Secretary Plan Commission Town of Auburn PLAN COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE TOWN OF AUBURN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting will be held by the PLAN COMMISSION of the Town of Auburn, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin on Monday, July 8, 2024 at 6:15 p.m. in the Auburn Town Hall, W1728 Sunset Drive, Campbellsport, at which time the PLAN COMMISSION will make a recommendation to the Town Board for the following rezoning’s: For applicant, Norman & Carrie Neu and David & Kathryn Tiemann. For applicant Robert Paluso. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Dated this 28th day of May, 2024. The Town Board may be in attendance. Jodi St. Charles, Secretary Plan Commission Town of Auburn NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF AUBURN TOWN BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Auburn, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin on Monday, July 8, 2024 following the Plan Commission Meeting which starts at 6:15 p.m. at the Auburn Town Hall, W1728 Sunset Drive, Campbellsport, at which time the Town Board will consider the applications for the rezoning’s of the following: For applicant, Norman & Carrie Neu and David & Kathryn Tiemann. The real estate is located in a part of Lot 1, CSM 6645, Volume 46, Page 41 and a part of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼, Section 22, Township 13 North, Range 19 East, Town of Auburn, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. The petition is to rezone 3.472 +/- acres from Rural District to Farmland Preservation AND/OR the real estate located in the SE ¼ of the NW ¼, Section 22, Township 13 North, Range 19 East, Town of Auburn, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. The petition is to rezone 2.039 +/- acres from Farmland Preservation to Rural District. Applicants request the rezoning’s for the purpose of preparing a CSM dividing the home currently owned by Tiemann. The site addresses are N1132 & 1130 Kaschner Dr, Campbellsport, WI. For applicant Robert Paluso. The real estate is located in a part of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 26, Township 12, Range 19 East, Town of Auburn, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. The petition is to rezone 6.068 +/- acres from Farmland Preservation to Rural District. Applicant request the rezone for the creation of two lots for future single family homes. The property is located on Mill Road, Kewaskum, Wisconsin. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Dated this 28th day of May, 2024. The Plan Commission Members may be in attendance. Bonnie Berg, Municipal Clerk Town Of Auburn 6/20(2) WNAXLP
PLAN COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE TOWN OF AUBURN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting will be held by the PLAN COMMISSION of the Town of Auburn, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 6:15 p.m. in the Auburn Town Hall, W1728 Sunset Drive, Campbellsport, at which time the PLAN COMMISSION will make a recommendation to the Town Board for the following rezone: For applicant Robert Paluso. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Dated this 17th day of July, 2024. The Town Board may be in attendance. Jodi St. Charles, Secretary Plan Commission NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF AUBURN TOWN BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Auburn, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin on Monday, September 9, 2024 following the Plan Commission Meeting which starts at 6:15 p.m. at the Auburn Town Hall, W1728 Sunset Drive, Campbellsport, at which time the Town Board will consider the application for the rezone of the following: For applicant Robert Paluso. The real estate is located in a part of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 26, Township 12, Range 19 East, Town of Auburn, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. The petition is to rezone 6.068 +/- acres from Farmland Preservation to Rural District. Applicant request the rezone for the creation of two lots for future single family homes. The property is located on Mill Road, Kewaskum, Wisconsin. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Dated this 17th day of July, 2024. The Plan Commission Members may be in attendance. Bonnie Berg, Municipal Clerk 8/22 (2) WNAXLP
School District Of Horicon Board Of Education Meeting September 16 - 6 p.m. Horicon School Board Room 407 Agenda Board of Education meeting called to order - Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance. Acknowledgment of Proper Posting. Approve Agenda. Approve Minutes. Citizen’s Comments or Personal Appearances. Board Business: Financial Business: Presentations/Community Donation Acknowledgements. Approve Fund 10, 21, 27, 38, 39, 49, 50, 73 and 80 Vouchers. Approve Fund 60 Student Activity Account. Treasurer’s Report. Action Items: Resignations/Employment/ Retirements Field Trips. 2024-25 Co-Curricular Coaches/Advisors List Update. 2024-25 Fundraising Calendar Update. 2024-25 Health Guidelines. 2024-25 Emergency Crisis Plans. SDH Employee Handbook & Appendices ~ Updates/Revision. Discussion Items: Return to School Update. Renewal Agreement for School Resource Officer. Marshmen Foundation Update. Finch Street Property Update. Neola Policy Update – [Volume 33, Number 2] – First Reading: PO 0164 – Meetings. PO 2131 – Educational Outcome Goals and Expectations. PO 2340 – District Sponsored Trips. PO 3120.04 – Employment of Substitutes. PO 3120.08 – Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular Activities. PO 3431 – Employee Leaves. PO 4120.04 – Employment of Substitutes. PO 4431 – Employee Leaves. PO 5200 – Attendance. PO 5330 – Administration of Medication/Emergency Care. PO 5430 – Class Rank. PO 5460 – Graduation Requirements. PO 5505 – Academic Honesty. PO 5610 – Suspension and Expulsion. PO 5771 – Search and Seizure. PO 6423 – Use of Credit Cards. PO 7540.05 – Assistive Technology and Services. PO 7544 – Use of Social Media. PO 8395 – Student Mental Health Services. PO 8500 – Food Services. PO 8510 – Wellness. PO 8531 – Free and Reduced-Price Meals. PO 8540 – Vending Machines. PO 8550 – Competitive Food Sales. PO 8600 – Transportation. PO 8601 – Controlled Substance and Alcohol Policy for Employees that Transport Students PO 8640 – Transportation for Field and Other District Sponsored Trips. PO 8651 – Nonroutine Use of School Buses. PO 8660 – Transportation by Private Vehicle. PO 8680 – Bus Services Contracts. President/Administration/ Student Reports: possible action on these reports may be considered following the report: Board of Education President: Mrs. Strieff. Elementary School Principal: Mrs. Sawyer. Middle School Principal/Activities Director: Mr. LeBouton. High School Principal: Mrs. Graven. Director of Special Education/Student Learning: Mrs. Schwartz. District Administrator: Mr. Appel. Committee Reports: possible action on these reports may be considered following the report: Curriculum Chair: Jackie Vincent. Facilities and Finance Chair: Jim Grigg. Co-Curricular Chair: Nathan Hodgson. Personnel Chair: Jackie Vincent. Future Agenda Items and Set Future Committee/Board Meetings. Adjournment. 9/12 WNAXLP
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MAYVILLE Proposed Agenda for Monday, Sept. 16, 6 p.m. Mayville School District Administration Office 259 Oak St., Mayville, WI 53050 PROPOSED AGENDA: Meeting called to order by the board president and roll call of board members by the board clerk. Proof of Notice: Notice was sent to the following on Monday, September 9th, 2024: The Dodge County Pionier: Notices were posted on Monday, September 9th, 2024 at the Administration Office/Parkview, High School, Elementary School, District Website, as well as sent to board members and administration. Ceremonial Oath of Office and Welcome to new board member. Approval of Agenda and Permit Chair to Deviate from Agenda to Efficiently Conduct Meeting. Citizen’s Comment to recognize visitors to the meeting. Approval of minutes of the previous Board Meeting. Approval of treasurer’s report. Approval of regular Semi-monthly bills. Approval of per diem. Communications. Standing Committee Reports of the Board of Education: Administrative Reports: Superintendent Report. NEOLA Policy Updates - Volume 33, Number 2 (first reading): Policy 0164V1/0164V2 - Meetings (Revised); Policy 0174.1 - Annual Report (Revised); Policy 2131 - Educational Outcome Goals and Expectations (Revised); Policy 2340 - District-Sponsored Trips (Revised); Policy 3120.04 - Employment of Substitutes (Revised); Policy 4120.04 - Employment of Substitutes (Revised); Policy 3120.08 - Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular Activities (Revised); Policy 3431 - Employee Leaves (Revised); Policy 4431 - Employee Leaves (Revised); Policy 4162 - Controlled Substance and Alcohol Policy for Employees that Transport Students (Rescind); Policy 8601 - Controlled Substance and Alcohol Policy for Employees that Transport Students (Renum./Revised); Policy 5200 - Attendance (Revised); Policy 5330 - Administration of Medication/Emergency Care (Revised); Policy 5430 - Class Rank (Revised); Policy 5460 - Graduation Requirements (Revised); Policy 5505 - Academic Honesty (Revised); Policy 5610 - Suspension and Expulsion (Revised); Policy 5610.03 - Alternatives to Expulsion and Reentry Plans (New); Policy 5771 - Search and Seizure (Revised); Policy 6423 - Use of Credit Cards (Revised); Policy 7540.05 - Assistive Technology and Services (Revised); Policy 7544 - Use of Social Media (Revised); Policy 8395 - Student Mental Health Services (Revised); Policy 8500 - Food Services (Revised); Policy 8510 - Wellness (Revised); Policy 8531 - Free and Reduced-Price Meals (Revised); Policy 8540 - Vending Machines (Revised); Policy 8550 - Competitive Food Sales (Revised); Policy 8600 - Transportation (Revised); Policy 8640 - Transportation for Field and Other District-Sponsored Trips (Rescind); Policy 8651 - Nonroutine Use of School Buses (Rescind); Policy 8660 - Transportation by Private Vehicle for District-Sponsored Activities or Trips (Revised); Policy 8680 - Transportation Services Contracts (Revised). Director Reports. Principal Reports. New Business: Consideration with appropriate action to approve 2024-25 Co-curricular Advisor Contracts. Consideration with appropriate action to approve 2024-25 Professional Staff New Hire Contracts. Announcements. Adjourn Meeting. 9/12 WNAXLP
The Town Board of the Town of Harrison will meet at the Northland Lutheran Church the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of transacting business that may come up. The meetings will be open to the public. Fran Moen, Town Clerk Publish 2024 WNAXLP
The Village of Iola Board Meeting will be held the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM. at the Iola Village Hall, Community Room, 180 S. Main Street. The Finance Committee meeting is held thirty minutes prior to the board meeting. WNAXLP
TOWN OF MUKWA E8514 Weyauwega Rd., Northport Phone 982.9890 MONTHLY TOWN BOARD MEETING AGENDA July 9, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. Chairperson calls meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance Roll call of Officers It is understood that in Accordance with Town of Mukwa Ordinance 10-05, this Meeting will adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order. Notification of this Meeting was given to the Press on June 28, 2024 and the Final Agenda was posted in the three designated places on July 5, 2024. 1. Approve: June 11, 2024 Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes; 2. Treasurer: Approve Monthly Treasurer’s Report – June 3. Budget/Vouchers: Approval and Payments of Monthly Vouchers 4. Showing of Hands for Public Forum – Keep Subject and Question Brief. 5. Animal Control Officer/s: (a)Animal Report Forms; (b)Citation Letter/s Issued in Past Month; 6. Building Inspector: Monthly Report 7. Waupaca County Register of Deeds Candidate: Mary B Keehn 8. Operator License Approval: (a) Bean City Bar & Grill – Jennah Peebles (b) Buch’s Pine Tree – Amy Hart 9. Roads: (a)Monthly Report; (b)Equipment-Report/Repairs/Purchases Needed; (c) 2024 Road Construction Projects – Follow-up; (d) Town Hall Parking Lot Repair – Paving; (e) Culverts – Manske Rd 10. Waupaca County Zoning & Other Meetings: Attended: Upcoming: 11. Correspondence Received 12. Motion to Adjourn. /s/Jeannette Zielinski, Municipal Clerk Publish: July 4, 2024 Press Star – Legal Notice Final Agenda Posted: July 5, 2024 WNAXLP
TOWN OF MUKWA E8514 Weyauwega Rd., Northport Phone 982.9890 MONTHLY TOWN BOARD MEETING AGENDA June 11, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. Chairperson calls meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance Roll call of Officers It is understood that in Accordance with Town of Mukwa Ordinance 10-05, this Meeting will adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order. Notification of this Meeting was given to the Press on May 31, 2024 and the Final Agenda was posted in the three designated places on June 7, 2024. 1. Approve: (a)May 14, 2024 Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes; (b)June 4th Special Meeting Minutes 2. Treasurer: (a)Approve Monthly Treasurer’s Report – May 3. Budget/Vouchers: Approval and Payments of Monthly Vouchers 4. Showing of Hands for Public Forum – Keep Subject and Question Brief . 5. Animal Control Officer/s: (a)Animal Report Forms; (b)Citation Letter/s Issued in Past Month; Frances Ln 6. Building Inspector: Monthly Report 7. Waupaca County Register of Deeds Candidate: Jeremy Schoenike 8. Fireworks Display Permits – (a)Hucklberry Acres Campground – July 6th; (b)Rob Gaskins – July 6th – Rain Date July 5th 9. Approvals-Annual License Renewals: (a)Liquor; (b)Cigarette; (c)Operator; (d)Campground Operators; (e)Manufactured Housing Community Operators 10. Roads: (a)Monthly Report; (b)Equipment-Report/Repairs/Purchases Needed; (c) 2024 Road Construction Projects – Award Contracts; (d) Town Hall Parking Lot Repair – Follow-up; (e) Culverts – Manske Rd 11. Waupaca County Zoning & Other Meetings: Attended: Upcoming: 12. Correspondence Received 13. Motion to Adjourn. /s/Jeannette Zielinski, Municipal Clerk Publish: June 6, 2024 Press Star – Legal Notice Final Agenda Posted: June 7, 2024 WNAXLP
TOWN OF MUKWA E8514 Weyauwega Rd., Northport Phone 982.9890 MONTHLY TOWN BOARD MEETING AGENDA May 14, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. Chairperson calls meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance Roll call of Officers It is understood that in Accordance with Town of Mukwa Ordinance 10-05, this Meeting will adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order. Notification of this Meeting was given to the Press on May 4, 2024 and the Final Agenda was posted in the three designated places on May 10, 2024. 1. Approve: April 16, 2024 Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes 2. Treasurer: Approve Monthly Treasurer’s Report – April 3. Budget/Vouchers: Approval and Payments of Monthly Vouchers Showing of Hands for Public Forum – Keep Subject and Question Brief. 4. Town of Mukwa Residents – Five Minute Public Forum 5. Animal Control Officer/s: (a) Animal Report Forms; (b) Citation Letter/s Issued in Past Month; 6. Building Inspector: Monthly Report 7. Wolf River Community Bank Presentation – Amanda Haydenn 8. Jake Brake Sign Request – Sharrey Kalbus – Hwy 54 9. Board Meeting Date Change Needed: (1) August 13th Meeting – Primary Election; (2) November 12th Meeting 10. Roads: (a) Monthly Report; (b) Equipment-Report/Repairs/Purchases Needed; (c) (1) Town Hall Parking Lot Repair; (2) 2024 Road Construction Proposed Projects – Jennings Road 11. Waupaca County Zoning & Other Meetings: Attended : Upcoming: 12. Correspondence Received: 13. Motion to Adjourn. /s/Jeannette Zielinski, Municipal Clerk Publish: May 9, 2024 Press Star – Legal Notice Final Agenda Posted: May 10, 2024 WNAXLP
TOWN OF MUKWA E8514 Weyauwega Rd., Northport Phone 982.9890 MONTHLY TOWN BOARD MEETING AGENDA September 10, 2024 – 6:00 p.m. Chairperson calls meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance Roll call of Officers It is understood that in Accordance with Town of Mukwa Ordinance 10-05, this Meeting will adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order. Notification of this Meeting was given to the Press on August 29, 2024 and the Final Agenda was posted in the three designated places on September 14, 2024. 1. Approve: August 20, 2024 Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes 2. Treasurer: Approve Monthly Treasurer’s Report – August 3. Budget/Vouchers: Approval and Payments of Monthly Vouchers 4. Showing of Hands for Public Forum – Keep Subject and Question Brief. 5. Animal Control: (a)Officer Needed due to Retirement; (b)Animal Report Forms; (c)Citation Letter/s Issued in Past Month; 6. Building Inspector: Monthly Report 7. Bean City Bar - Operator License – Eliya Kurtzweil 8. Wolf River Rangers Snowmobile Club: (a) Approve Temporary One-Day Special Event Liquor License – Saturday, September 21st with a Rain Date of Sunday, September 22nd; (b) One-Day Special Event Operator Licenses – Whayne Montgomery & Bonnie Dobbert 9. Roads: (a)Monthly Report; (b)Equipment-Report/Repairs/Purchases Needed; (c) Town Hall Parking Lot Repair – Follow-up - Striping; (d) Culverts – Manske Rd 10. Waupaca County Zoning & Other Meetings: Attended: Upcoming: 11. Correspondence Received: 12. Motion to Adjourn. /s/Jeannette Zielinski, Municipal Clerk Publish: September 5, 2024 Press Star – Legal Notice Final Agenda Posted: September 14, 2024 WNAXLP
VILLAGE OF EDEN MONTHLY BOARD MEETING September 17, 2024 Immediately following flood plain ordinance public hearing VILLAGE OFFICE 104 PINE STREET EDEN, WI 53019 KARI SCHLEFKE CLERK/TREASURER 9/12 WNAXLP


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