CITY OF NEW LONDON NOTICE OF EARLY PUBLIC REVIEW OF A PROPOSAL TO SUPPORT ACTIVITY IN A FLOOD HAZARD AREA To: All interested agencies, groups and individuals The City of New London is committing Community Flexible Facilities Program (FFP) funding, under the U.S. Department of Treasury's Capital Projects Fund (CPF) program, to undertake a project known as the Public Library Renovation Project. The specific element of this proposed project is to assist with public library renovations and improvements, which will benefit over 15,000. The project will expand the existing library space to include six classrooms, a science lab, and three computer labs with 30 desktop computers. In addition, the library will have increased broadband speed and technology that will address digital equity gaps and improve spaces, services, and materials, enhancing work, education, and healthcare monitoring. The proposed project is located in the NE ¼, SE ¼ , S12, T22N, R14E, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. The proposed action, if implemented, would impact 0.0 acres. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA); reference FEMA flood insurance rate map panel 55135C0413D (eff. 1/20/2010). The purposes of this notice are to: (1) Inform the public of this potential consequence; and, (2) Request comments concerning: (a) Potential adverse impacts of the proposed project on the SFHA; and, (b) Alternative sites or courses of action that might avoid or reduce these impacts. This notice is required by Section 604 of the Social Security Act for Floodplain Management, and is implemented by the agency guidance documents regards Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain Management. The 8-Step Decision Making Process includes public notices and the examination of practicable alternatives to disturbing a floodplain. This notice of request was mailed to the regional office of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the State office of Environmental Protection (EPA). Details concerning the proposed project are available for examination/copying at the New London Municipal Building – Address: 215 N. Shawano Street New London, WI 54961 - weekdays between the following timeframes: Monday - Thursday - 7:30 am - 4:30 pm; and Friday - 7:30 am - 11:30 am. Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the proposed project to the Clerk’s Office at 215 N. Shawano Street New London, WI 54961. All comments must be received no later than December 20, 2024 Published: December 5, 2024 WNAXLP