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The BEST Minutes listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST Minutes listings near North Central Wisconsin


Ashwaubenon WNAXLP VILLAGE OF ASHWAUBENON VILLAGE HALL-2155 HOLMGREN WAY VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES-July 23, 2024 Call to Order: The meeting of the Ashwaubenon Village Board of Trustees was called to order by President Mary C. Kardoskee at 6:00 pm. Roll Call: President Kardoskee, Trustees Paul, Servais, Zirbel, Atkinson, Flucke, Krueger Others present: Kris Teske, Patrick Leigl, Joel Gregozeski, Brian Uhl, Brian Rickert, Aaron Schuette, Rex Mehlberg, Greg Wenholz, Paul & Shelley Deuchert, Mitchell Rice, Cora DeNamur, Steve Wolf, Derek Liebhauser, Fernando Rodriguez, Mikie & Linus Steeno, R Hansen, Doug & Terri Mueller, Jennifer Plata, Richard Tolbert, Den & Lin Persick, R & J Dunks, Kregg Shilbauer, Jack & Yvonne McMillion, Tom Hansen, Dale Helgren, Brett Baylor, Roy Geurts, Kenneth Havener, Jordan Bardwell, Ellen & Jim Rennes, John & Jeanne Dauska, Rod Ryan. Remote: Laura Carlson-Heideman, Dusty Rhodes, Robin Yount, Paul Moran, Elliot Pieper, Kurt, Melanie L., Bart Start, Calvin Broadus. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Action on Agenda: Motion (Krueger, Atkinson) to Approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. Action on Minutes: a. Consider/Discuss/Act on the Open and Closed Session Minutes from June 25, 2024. Motion (Zirbel, Flucke) to Approve the open and closed session minutes from June 25, 2024. Motion carried unanimously. Comments from Public: None. Written Communications and/or Announcements: a. 2024 National Night Out. Public Safety Chief Brian Uhl stated National Night Out will be on August 6, 2024 from 6 pm to 9 pm. b. Trustee Jay Krueger stated the Ashwaubenon Blast will be on August 10. c. Trustee Kelly Servais said a resident called her and said she hadn't been to Ashwaubomay Park for a while and just wanted to say how beautiful it was. d. Trustee Gary Paul wanted to remind everyone of the 2025 NFL Draft Stadium District Business Meeting on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 6 pm at the Ashwaubenon Community Center. Action on Consent Agenda: Motion (Flucke, Krueger) to Approve the consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously. a. Receive/Accept: July 2024 Public Works Department Monthly Report b. Parks, Recreation and Forestry July Department reports. c. Receive/Accept: Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Timeline. d. Receive/Accept: June 2024 Investment Report. e. Receive/Accept: June 2024 Budgeted Expenditures Report. f. Receive/Accept: June 2024 Financial Reports. Public Hearing: a. Public Hearing regarding a rezoning request for Parcel VA-103-A at the northeast corner of Holmgren Way and Cormier Road from B-3 Community Business to VC Village Center. Director of Community Development Aaron Schuette stated Cormier Property Partners LLC, as applicant and owner of the property, has submitted a rezoning request for Parcel VA-103-A on the northeast corner of the Holmgren Way/Cormier Road intersection from B-3 Community Business to VC Village Center. Motion (Krueger, Atkinson) to Close Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Action Items: a. Consider/Discuss/Act on Ordinance #O7-1-24 rezoning Parcel VA-103-A at the northeast corner of Holmgren Way and Cormier Road from B-3 Community Business to VC Village Center. Community Development Director Aaron Schuette gave an overview of the project. He said the redevelopment as proposed would meet all of the land use and dimensional requirements for the VC zoning district and height requirements within the District A height map. Director Schuette also stated according to the Comprehensive Plan this Mixed Use: Commercial/Residential plan is considered a desirable use within the Village Center area. Motion (Krueger, Atkinson) to Approve Ordinance O7-1-24 rezoning Parcel VA-103 from B-3 Community Business to VC Village Center. Motion carried unanimously. b. Consider/Discuss/Act on a site plan review request by Cormier Property Partners LLC for Parcel VA-103-A at the northeast corner of Holmgren Way and Cormier Road for a mixed-use development. Community Development Director Aaron Schuette gave more detail about the project. He said the subject building height exceeds 50' in height within airport zone "C", a permit is required from the Green Bay-Austin Straubel International Airport Director prior to construction. Motion (Atkinson, Servais) to Approve the requested site plan with staff conditions along with Public Safety working on the flow of traffic. Motion carried unanimously. c. Consider/Discuss/Act regarding Ordinance #O7-2-24 rezoning Parcels VA-195-7 and VA-195-9 on Waube Lane from R1 - Single Family Residential to R3 - Multi-Family Residential. Community Development Director Aaron Schuette gave an overview of the development. He stated the fill that was placed there was placed there legally. A number of residents spoke against the requested rezone at the July 25, 2024 Village Board meeting. Motion (Krueger, Servais) to Deny Ordinance O7-2-24 rezoning Parcels VA-195-7 and VA-195-9 from R-1 Single Family Residence to R-3 Multi-Family Residence. Motion carried unanimously. d. Consider/Discuss/Act on Appeal of Denied Operator's License - Ashley R. Josephson. Ms. Josephson did not appear before the Village Board. Motion (Paul, Atkinson) to Deny the appeal of Ashley R. Josephson's operator license application. Motion carried unanimously. e. Consider/Discuss/Act on a Premise Extension for Blazin Wings, Inc. dba Buffalo Wild Wings for Green Bay Packer Game Days. Village Clerk Kris Teske stated Buffalo Wild Wings provided the additional information that was requested at the Public Works & Protection Committee meeting. Representatives from Buffalo Wild Wings answered Village Board questions concerning the alcohol license temporary premise extension for Green Bay Packer Game Days. Motion (Paul, Flucke) to Approve the premise extension for Blazin Wings, Inc. dba Buffalo Wild Wings for Green Bay Packer Game Days. Motion Approved with President Kardoskee voting no. f. Consider/Discuss/Act on the Green Bay Packers Kickoff Concert 2024 Special Event Road Closure. Village Clerk Kris Teske stated the road closure request is for Ridge Road between Lombardi Avenue and Mike Aubinger Way from 4 pm to 7:30 pm on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Motion (Atkinson, Flucke) to Approve the Green Bay Packers Kickoff Concert 2024 Special Event road closure. Motion carried unanimously. g. Consider/Discuss/Act on Ashwaubomay River Trail Extension Bid Award. Director of Park, Recreation, & Forestry Rex Mehlberg stated the low bid came in at $589,656. This was higher than anticipated. The bidders stated the bids might come in lower if re-bid early in 2025, when contractors schedules are still open. Motion (Paul, Atkinson) to Deny the current bids, with re-bidding in December/early January. Motion carried unanimously. h. Consider/Discuss/Act on the Replacement of the Utility Emergency Communication System. Director of Public Works Brian Rickert gave a brief overview stating they were notified by the vendor (TDS) saying the lines will be decommissioned by August 16, 2024. Motion (Paul, Atkinson) to Approve the replacement of the Utility Emergency Communication System to Energenecs in an amount not to exceed $13,000. Motion carried unanimously. Items for Next Agenda: None. Closed Session Items: During the meeting, the Village Board of the Village of Ashwaubenon may convene into Closed Session pursuant to: a. Wisconsin Statute Section 19.85(1)(c) for considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the Village Board has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Motion (Atkinson, Krueger) to Convene Into Closed Session at 6:58 pm. Roll call taken. Motion carried unanimously. Reconvene into Open Session: The Village Board may thereafter reconvene in open session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute Section 19.85(2) to report the results of the closed session and consider the balance of the Agenda. Motion (Krueger, Atkinson) to Reconvene into Open Session at 7:24 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Adjourn: Motion (Paul, Atkinson) to Adjourn at 7:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Publish 09.06.24 WNAXLP
BOARD OF EDUCATION CLINTONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT CLINTONVILLE, WISCONSIN 54929 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF EDUCATION August 12, 2024 A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Clintonville Public School District was called to order on August 12, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the High School IMC by President Ben Huber. Members Present: Kris Strauman, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, Mark Zachow, and Glen Drew Lundt. Klint Barkow arrived at 6:03 p.m. Members Present Virtually: Ben Huber Administration Present: Troy Kuhn, James Blashe, and Charles Seils Press Represented: Bert Lehman of Tribune Gazette Others Present: Scott Chrudinsky OPEN MEETING STATEMENT: This August 12, 2024 meeting of the Clintonville Board of Education and all other meetings of the board are open to the public in compliance with state statute. Notice of the meeting has been sent to the media, and has been publicly posted, in an attempt to make the citizens of the district aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting. Upon request to the District Administrator, submitted twenty-four (24) hours in advance, the District shall make reasonable accommodation including the provision of informational material in an alternative format for a disabled person to be able to attend this meeting. APPROVE AGENDA: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Mark Zachow to approve the agenda as written. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Laurie Vollrath seconded by Jason Moder to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 22, 2024, and the closed session minutes. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS/ COMMUNICATIONS: Scott Chrudinsky addressed the Board of Education regarding the possible change to the High School graduation date. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Superintendent’s Report: Troy Kuhn presented District updates to the Board of Education. Support Staff Resignations a. Karen Vogel – Elementary School Food Service III – effective August 1, 2024. b. Terry Baldwin – Maintenance Mechanic – effective August 16, 2024 Support Staff Hire a. Mary Quaintance– Elementary School Instructional Para, effective August 19, 2024 Extra-curricular Hire a. Chelsey Birling – Middle School Volleyball Coach, effective immediately Personnel: (The Board may choose to go into Executive Session per section 19.85(1)(c) of Wisconsin Statues to discuss a personnel issue, and then return to open session to take action) Administrative Resignation: Moved by Jason Moder, seconded by Glen Drew Lundt to approve the resignation of Lindsay Norder as Business Manager, effective July 31, 2024. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Administrative Hire: Moved by Jason Moder, seconded by Laurie Vollrath to approve the hire of Alexis Retzlaff as Director of Pupil Services, effective August 9, 2024. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Teacher Resignation: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Jason Moder to approve the resignation of Ellie Mielke from her 7th Grade Teacher position, effective August 4, 2024, per Part II Section 5.02 of the Staff Handbook. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Teacher Hires: Moved by Jason Moder, seconded by Laurie Vollrath to approve the following teacher hires, effective with the 2024-2025 school year: a. Sarah Murphy – Elementary School Special Education Teacher b. Stefanie Schultz – 6th Grade Teacher Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Other: Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement : Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Jason Moder to approve the Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement between the Gresham Community School District and the Clintonville Public School District. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. CHS Graduation Date Change : The administration presented information regarding the possibility of moving graduation to a midweek celebration, possibly Wednesday, May 28, 2025. Auditorium Upgrade: The administration and the Board of Education will discuss lighting, audio, and networking upgrades to the auditorium as presented at prior meetings. Annual Notices and Updates : Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Mark Zachow to approve the annual notices which can be found on the Clintonville Public School District website. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. 2023-2024 Benefits Insurance Review : The administration presented information on the annual benefits review for the 2023- 2024 year provided by National Insurance Services. Rexford/Longfellow Building Sale Update: The administration and Board of Education gave an update. POLICY Administrative Guideline 11.10 – District Organizational Chart : The administration will update the Board of Education regarding changes to the District Organizational Chart as well as other duties and responsibilities. First Reading of Revisions to Policies: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Glen Drew Lundt to approve the name changes within the following Policies for District Title IX Coordinator and District Director of Special Education and Pupil Services from Megan Murphy to Alexis Retzlaff: Policy #1422 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy #1662 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #2260 – Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity Policy #2266 – Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Policy #3122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy #3362 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #4122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy #4362 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #5517 – Student Anti-Harassment Policy #8913 – Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Second Reading of New/Revised Policies: Moved by Mark Zachow, seconded by Laurie Vollrath to approve a second reading of revisions to the following Policies: 1. NEW Policy #2264 – Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities. 2. Revised Policy #2266 – Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities. Roll call vote was taken with Ben Huber, Mark Zachow, Laurie Vollrath, and Kris Strauman voting aye and Klint Barkow, Jason Moder, and Glen Drew Lundt voting nay. Motion carried. ITEMS FOR FUTURE STRATEGIC DISCUSSION Land Use Plan – meeting scheduled for September 25 at 6:00 p.m. Cyber Attack Plan ANNOUNCEMENTS August 13-15 New Teacher In-service August 15 Dellwood Picnic 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. August 21 Open House 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. August 19-22 Teacher In-service August 26 First Day of School August 26 Board of Education Meeting 6:00 p.m. CHS IMC August 30 No School September 2 No School – Labor Day September 9 Board of Education Meeting 6:00 p.m. CHS IMC ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Jason Moder to adjourn. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Laurie Vollrath, Board Clerk Publish Sept. 5, 2024 WNAXLP
CITY OF HORICON COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 27, 2024 The Common Council of the City of Horicon met in regular session with Mayor Maas presiding. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Alderpersons present: Frami, Sullivan, Bandsma, Fenske, Schmitz, and Remy. Alderpersons absent: None. Mayor Maas led the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Bandsma, second by Remy, to approve the Council minutes of July 23 and August 14, 2024. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Public Appearances: A resident expressed concern with relocating the free kayaks. Frami, Chairperson of the Personnel & Finance Committee, provided a brief informational report on items being considered by the committee which included: administrative services for the CDBG-PF grant and monthly bills. Bandsma, Chairperson of the Public Works & Development Committee, provided a brief informational report on items being considered by the committee which included: public works update, water and wastewater updates, and sidewalk maintenance. Fenske, Chairperson of Public Safety Committee, provided a brief informational report on items being considered by the committee which included: pedestrian and bicycle safety, portable radar, police department update, upcoming tabletop exercise, Bicycle Program Policy, Kayak Program Policy, location of kayaks, direct seller permits, operator license application, and Temporary Class “B” application. Remy, Chairperson of the Park and Recreation Board, provided a brief informational report on items being considered by the board which included: monthly reports, fundraising update, signage for the Bicycle Program, Bicycle Program Policy, Kayak Program Policy, kayak placement, and playgrounds. Sullivan, Council Representative to the Plan Commission, provided a brief informational report on items being considered by the commission which included: proposed zoning code amendments and a site plan review. Mayor Maas announced school starts one week from today and encouraged drivers to be aware of pedestrians. Maas stated he is excited for school sports to be back. The following resolution was introduced by Alderperson Frami: RESOLUTION 2024-14, RESOLUTION SUPPORTING FRA CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY OF HORICON’S RAILROAD CROSSING ELIMINATION GRANT APPLICATION. (Copy of Resolution available at clerk's office) Ben Rohr of Vandewalle & Associates gave a brief explanation of the grant being sought. Discussion was held relating to some of the safety items relating to the railroad this grant could provide. Vote on the above motion. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Fenske, second by Frami, to move the kayaks out of Bowling Green Park, due to safety concerns, to a location to be determined. Discussion was held relating to moving of the kayaks. Items discussed included safety, donation of items, rain totals, location of the dam, and length of program at this location. Vote on the above motion. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Fenske, second by Remy, to grant a Temporary Class “B” Retailer’s License to Horicon Phoenix Program for use in Kiwanis Park on September 15, 2024. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Frami, second by Bandsma, to approve the CDBG-PF Grant Administration Profes-sional Services Agreement from MSA Professional Services, Inc. in the amount of $36,000. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Remy, second by Fenske, to accept donated Bicycle Safety Signage and locate the signage at Bicycle Program rack locations. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Remy, second by Fenske, to approve the City of Horicon Bicycle Program Policy as distributed in the Council packet. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Remy, second by Fenske, to approve the City of Horicon Kayak Program Policy as distributed in the Council packet. Discussion was held relating to the Policy listing the kayak location as Bowling Green Park. Vote on the above motion. Voting NAY: Remy, Frami, Sullivan, Bandsma, Fenske, and Schmitz. Motion failed. Motion by Remy, second by Fenske, to accept the donation of a canoe and two paddles from Matthew Schraufnagel. Discussion was held relating to placement of the canoe as the kayaks are now being removed. Vote on the above motion. Voting AYE: Remy and Fenske. Voting NAY: Frami, Sullivan, Bandsma, and Schmitz. Motion failed. Motion by Remy, second by Schmitz, to approve a Street Use Permit for the Horicon Historical Society for use of Winter Street October 11 – November 4, 2024 for their annual Haunted History Tour. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Ben Rohr presented proposed signage for Marshland Crossing Business Park and gateway signage for the City of Horicon. Discussion was held relating to the options including cost, signage material, and distance between the signs if two were selected. Motion by Remy, second by Schmitz, to select Option 2 of two signs with the Marshland Crossing Business Park sign being metal and the City of Horicon sign being stone. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Fenske, second by Remy, to grant a Two Year Operator License for the year ending June 30, 2026 to Kathryn J. Kowols. All voting AYE. Motion carried. The following is a financial statement for the City of Horicon as of July 31, 2024. Cash Balance, July 1, 2024 $ 92,304.80 Receipts $ 935,264.16 $ 1,027,568.96 Expenditures $ 474,277.63 $ 553,291.33 Payroll $ 111,928.18 Cash Balance, July 31, 2024 $ 441,363.15 Motion by Frami, second by Bandsma, to approve the financial statement for July 31, 2024 as printed. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Frami, second by Bandsma, to approve payment of bills for July 2024 in the amount of $1,255,221.30. All voting AYE. Motion carried. Motion by Frami, second by Schmitz, to adjourn into closed session for the purpose of deliberating terms of a development agreement per WI Stats. 19.85(1)(e). All voting AYE. Motion carried. The Council adjourned into closed session. Kristen M. Jacobson, City Clerk-Treasurer WNAXLP DCP 9/12
CITY OF WAUPACA ABRIDGED COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL (with the option to attend virtually via video / teleconferencing) TUESDAY AUGUST 6, 2024 6:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to regulations, the Common Council of the city of Waupaca met on the above date and time. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CLERK TO READ OPEN MEETING STATEMENT Barb Nowak, City Clerk stated this meeting and all meetings of the Common Council are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the Media, in accordance with Wisconsin State Statutes so that the citizens may be aware of the time, place, and agenda of this meeting. 4. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Brian Smith, Alderpersons Collin Dykstra, Eric Halverson, Dmitri Martin, Paul Mayou, Cory Nagel, Eric Olson, Dave Peterson and Henry Veleker Absent: Paul Hagen and Scott Purchatzke A quorum was declared. Also Present: Aaron Jenson, City Administrator, Barb Nowak, City Clerk, Mat Klatt, KlattAero, Eric Bailey, Library Director, Jarod Kivela, Community and Economic Development Director, Stephanie Reif, Finance Director, Laura Colbert, Parks and Recreation Director, Brian Hoelzel, Chief of Police, Josh Werner, IT Community Media Director 5. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member or City staff so requests it, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Regular Agenda. The items selected for the Consent Agenda are as follows: Regular and Special Meeting Minutes, Monthly Income Report for the Parks and Recreation Department, Airport Hangar Reports, Monthly Department Head Reports, Payrolls and Bills, Quarterly Weights and Measures Reports, Quarterly Room Tax Reports, Second Reading of Ordinances, if received a unanimous recommendation at the previous meeting, project invoices for projects previously approved by City Council, any low bid budgeted operating or capital expenditure under $25,000 approved by the appropriate Board or Committee and any expenditure of non-city funds that received a unanimous recommendation. A) PAY REQUESTS AND CHANGE ORDERS, INVOICES FOR PROJECTS/CONTRACTS HAVING PRIOR COUNCIL APPROVAL AND ANY OTHER INVOICES THAT MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL: none B) MONTHLY/QUARTERLY/ANNUAL REPORTS: C) APPROVAL OF BILLS – CITY GENERAL, WATER, SEWER, AND SPECIAL FUNDS D) MEETING MINUTES: AIRPORT BOARD • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on July 23, 2024 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on July 16, 2024 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on July 15, 2024 SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY BOARD • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on July 2, 2024 MOVED by Ald. Olson SECONDED by Ald. Nagel, Council APPROVES of the Consent Agenda as presented. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE. 6. REGULAR AGENDA MOVED by Ald. Martin, SECONDED by Ald. Dykstra, Council APPROVES of the Regular Agenda as presented. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE. A. NON-AGENDA ITEMS: 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: a. Presentation – Certificate of Appreciation to Michael Walkush for 15 years of service to the City b. Presentation – Certificate of Appreciation to Larry Fosgate for 20 years of service to the City 2. PUBLIC INPUT - Informational B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None C. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Request to Expand Outdoor Service Area for Hinderfest Festival on Saturday September 7, 2024 from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm – Mike Stroik, H.H. Hinder Brewing Co MOVED by Ald. Dykstra SECONDED by Ald. Veleker, Council APPROVES request for expansion of premise for outdoor service area for Hinderfest Festival on Saturday September 7, 2024 from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE. 2. License Report No. 1685 - “Class A” Intoxicating Liquor License and Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage License – Mexican Store La Tabasquena, LLC, 206 N Main St, Jose E Ulin Mendez, Agent - Barb Nowak, City Clerk MOVED by Ald. Mayou, SECONDED by Ald. Peterson, Council APPROVES License Report No. 1685 - “Class A” Intoxicating Liquor License and Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage License – Mexican Store La Tabasquena, LLC, 206 N. Main St, Jose E Ulin Mendez, Agent. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE. 3. Recovery Community Overdose Awareness Walk and Placing Ribbons on Trees – Justine Leavitt MOVED by Ald. Olson, SECONDED by Ald. Martin, Council APPROVES Recovery Community Overdose Awareness Walk and placing ribbons on trees along the walk, ribbons to be removed within 2 weeks of the walk. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. 4. Presentation of 2023 Audit Report – Jay Bennett, Johnson Block MOVED by Ald. Veleker, SECONDED by Ald. Olson, Council APPROVES presentation of 2023 Audit Report as presented. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. 5. Amended Development Agreement for 223 S. Division St. Between Schuelke Properties, LLC and the City of Waupaca – Aaron Jenson, City Administrator MOVED by Ald. Dykstra, SECONDED by Ald. Nagel, Council APPROVES the proposed amendments to the development agreement between Schuelke Properties, LLC and the City of Waupaca. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Nagel, Mayou, Halverson, Peterson, Veleker, Martin, Olson and Dykstra, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 6. Contract Between City of Waupaca and Hart Law Office for Municipal Legal Services – Aaron Jenson, City Administrator MOVED by Ald. Martin, SECONDED by Ald. Mayou, Council APPROVES the proposed contract between the City of Waupaca and Hart Law Office, LLC for Municipal Legal Services. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Nagel, Veleker, Halverson, Peterson, Mayou, Martin, Olson and Dykstra, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 7. Mayor Smith’s Appointment of Jake Waller and Matt Vassar to the Emergency Management Committee – Paul Mayou, Council President MOVED by Ald. Olson, SECONDED by Ald. Peterson, Council APPROVES Mayor Smith’s appointment of Jake Waller and Matt Vassar to the Emergency Management Committee. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. 8. Agreement with Jon Peotter – 660 Hillcrest Drive and Utility Re-alignment – Justin Berrens, Director of Public Works MOVED by Ald. Dykstra, SECONDED by Ald. Halverson, Council APPROVES agreement with Mr. Jon Peotter for the 660 Hillcrest Drive utility realignment. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Nagel, Mayou, Halverson, Peterson, Veleker, Martin, Olson and Dykstra, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 9. 2024 Capital Roadway Project – Final Request – Justin Berrens, Director of Public Works MOVED by Ald. Olson, SECONDED by Ald. Veleker, Council APPROVES awarding American Asphalt of Mosinee, WI the 2024 Capital Roadway Repave Construction Project for an amount not to exceed $20,945, from GO Bonds. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Peterson, Dykstra, Nagel, Halverson, Martin, Mayou, Veleker and Olson, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. MOVED by Ald. Mayou, SECONDED by Ald. Dykstra, Council APPROVES entering into an agreement with Waupaca County Highway Chipseal work in the amount not to exceed $35,000, from GO Bonds. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Martin, Veleker, Olson, Halverson, Peterson, Dykstra, Mayou and Nagel, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 10. Amendment Agreement #2 – Cedar Corporation – Justin Berrens, Director of Public Works MOVED by Ald. Veleker, SECONDED by Ald. Olson, Council APPROVES the amended current agreement with Cedar Corporation to include water main design work on Holbeck Street for an amount not to exceed $8,050. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Martin, Nagel, Halverson, Peterson, Veleker, Mayou, Olson and Dykstra, voted aye, 0 nay, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 11. License Report No. 1684 – Operator licenses – Barb Nowak, City Clerk MOVED by Ald. Peterson, SECONDED by Ald. Dykstra, Council APPROVES License Report No. 1684 – Operator Licenses. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. D. ISSUES/PROJECT DISCUSSION (30 MINUTE MAXIMUM) – NO ACTION REQUIRED E. COMMUNICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MAYOR F. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Ald. Olson, SECONDED by Ald. Peterson, Council ADJOURNS until the next Regular Council Meeting on August 20, 2024, subject to call. 8 ayes, 0 nays, 2 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:36 P.M. Mayor Brian Smith Audio of all Council meetings can be found on the City of Waupaca website: bn Publish Sept. 12, 2024 WNAXLP
Green Bay WNAXLP Special Board Meeting: 08/5/2024 @ 12:00 p.m. - Virtual (Monday, August 5, 2024) Members present: Andrew Becker, Laura McCoy, Bryan Milz, Lynn M Gerlach, Rick Crosson Others present: Vicki Bayer, Interim Superintendent; Kinsey Lehr, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Education Secretary; Mike Friis, Executive Director of Human Resources Meeting called to order at 12:05 p.m. 1. Opening Activities A. Virtual Meeting Access The Board of Education held this meeting virtually. The Board used Zoom to host the meeting and the meeting was live-streamed broadcasted on the Green Bay Area Public School District YouTube Channel channel/UCrBxEp_9xzauvGy UydBvV9g/ B. Roll Call Members present: Andrew Becker, Laura McCoy, Bryan Milz, Lynn M Gerlach, Rick Crosson Members excused: James Lyerly, Kou Lee 2. Action A. Employment of Staff MOTION: That the employment of staff, as presented, be approved. Motion by Bryan Milz, second by Rick Crosson. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yes: Andrew Becker, Laura McCoy, Bryan Milz, Lynn M Gerlach, Rick Crosson B. Transfer of Staff MOTION That the transfer of staff, as presented, be approved. Motion by Bryan Milz, second by Rick Crosson. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yes: Andrew Becker, Laura McCoy, Bryan Milz, Lynn M Gerlach, Rick Crosson C. Resignation of Staff MOTION: That the resignation of staff, as presented, be approved. Motion by Bryan Milz, second by Rick Crosson. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yes: Andrew Becker, Laura McCoy, Bryan Milz, Lynn M Gerlach, Rick Crosson 3. Adjournment Motion to adjourn by Bryan Milz, second by Rick Crosson. Motion carried with all board members voting in favor by reciting "aye". Meeting adjourned at 12:07 p.m. Publish 09.06.24 WNAXLP
Howard WNAXLP Minutes of the Village Board Meeting Aug. 12, 2024 Village Board Room at Village Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER Village President Burt R. McIntyre called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL President McIntyre called for a roll call. Present: Village President Burt R. McIntyre; Trustee Maria Lasecki, District 1; Trustee Chris Nielsen, District 2; Trustee Cathy Hughes, District 3; Trustee John Muraski, District 4 (virtually); Trustee Scott Beyer, District 5; Trustee Ray Suennen, District 6; Trustee Adam Lemorande, District 7; Trustee Craig McAllister, District 8 Staff: Paul Evert, Chris Haltom, Dave Wiese, Geoff Farr, Josh Gerrits, Dennis Staeven, Brandon Dhuey, Leigh Ann Wagner Kroening 3. RECITE THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President McIntyre led the meeting in the pledge. 4. REPORT BY THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH OPEN MEETING LAWS President McIntyre read the following notice: Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.81-19.98, the Village Board is meeting to conduct public business. In accordance with state law, the meeting agenda was posted at Village Hall, other municipal buildings, and on the Village of Howard website and was also distributed to the local media and other requesters at least 24 business hours prior to the start of this meeting. 5. APPROVE THE AGENDA FOR THE MEETING C. Hughes moved to approve the agenda. A. Lemorande seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC APPEARANCES • Monica Hoff, 3701 Evergreen Ave., asked whether other groups will be allowed to use the artificial turf fields at Nouryon if the Village Board approves that project. She also said the deer management proposal to limit feeding is unenforceable and the hunting options are not ideal. She said the village should encourage deer deterrents, which are more affordable, effective, and humane. • Wayne Kurowski, 827 Marydale Drive, said the deer population over the last three years has gotten out of control, and the deer are destroying his yard and flowers. • Ken Haugen, 1305 Rockwell Road, said speeding on Rockwell is problematic, and he would like some patrols and enforcement to address the issue. 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS/ANNOUNCEMENTS • C. Nielsen said he and his wife attended the Duck Creek Triathlon, and it was a well-organized and excellent event. He thanked staff for their work to coordinate it. • C. Nielsen told Officer Dhuey that the speed board on Memorial Drive is working, and cars are visibly slowing down, even when the board is in stealth mode. • C. Hughes said she received a call from a resident who is concerned that Brown County dump trucks are hauling heavy loads on local village roads, which could damage them. • B. McIntyre asked G. Farr about the pedestrian crossing at Howard Commons because it does not appear to be the same as the one on Cardinal Lane. He also thanked staff for their work organizing the Duck Creek Triathlon. 8. COMMUNICATIONS (NONE) 9. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA C. Nielsen moved to approve the Consent Agenda. C. McAllister seconded. The motion carried unanimously, and the following items were approved: a. Village Board meeting minutes from July 22, 2024 b. Receipt of the Sex Offender Residency Appeals Board meeting minutes from July 24, 2024 c. Municipal invoices totaling $961,076.59, paid with checks #81461 - #81587 and #81596 d. The following Operator Licenses: Operator licenses, per s. 125.17 of the Wisconsin Statutes and s. 12.02(4)(h) of the Howard Municipal Code, if approved, are valid for a period of up to two years expiring on June 30. i. Aubree A. Bucheger ii. Anna L. Champeau iii. Bethany R. Friedland iv. Nevaeh A. Hatton v. Jeremy L. Martinson vi. Domineque A. Washington e. The Temporary Alcohol Beverage License for St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish for Blessfest Sept. 8, 2024 at 2597 Glendale Ave. f. The Temporary Alcohol Beverage License for TNT Sports Bar & Grill for a mini golf outing Sept. 13, 2024 at the Duck Creek Golf Center, 345 Village Court g. Change Order #3 to De Groot, Inc. for the Hazel Estates 1st Addition - Utility Contract involving a $5,810.74 decrease h. Change Order #2 to Triple P Inc. dba Peters Concrete Company for the Red Oak Street and Lancaster Creek Residential - Utility Contract involving a $19,385.25 decrease i. Change Order #1 to Calnin & Goss Inc. for the Hazel Estates 2nd Addition - Utility Contract involving a $1,674.90 increase j. Change Order #10 to KCG Excavating for the Jewel Meadow Subdivision, Glendale Avenue, and Stordeur Run Estates 3rd Addition - Road Contract involving a $2,655.00 increase k. Change Order #1 to McKeefry & Sons, Inc. for the Whispering Winds - Road Contract involving a $6,498.15 increase 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS OR OLD BUSINESS ITEMS (NONE) 11. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS a. Review and take action on an agreement between the Village of Howard and the Wisconsin United Football Club P. Evert said the Wisconsin United Football Club worked in conjunction with the village and its grant writer to submit a grant application through Brown County’s Tourism Enhancement Grant Program to add artificial turf to the two lit fields at Nouryon Sports Complex. Wisconsin United Football Club received the maximum grant of $1 million from the county, and the money must be used by the end of 2026. The entire project cost is estimated to be between $2.1 and $2.2 million, and the proposed improvements not only include the turf, but fencing, backstops and bleachers. Each playing surface will be 110 by 70 yards of turf, plus turf for runout, and includes playing lines for four U12 fields and two U13 to adult fields. As a result of these improvements, these fields will be able to host games three to four weeks earlier in the spring and another three to four weeks later in the fall. R. Suennen moved to approve the agreement between the Village of Howard and Wisconsin United Football Club to construct two artificial turf fields at Nouryon Sports Complex M. Lasecki seconded. The motion carried unanimously. b. Review and take action on Resolution 2024-18, approving the Tenth Amendment to the Central Brown County Water Authority Water Purchase and Sale Contract G. Farr said the CBCWA refunded its existing 2014 Bonds to reduce bond interest costs on the debt wholly related to the original charter members. Now that the Authority has added its first new member, Denmark, and with the understanding of the responsibilities of charter members to guarantee repayment of the original debt, an amendment is needed to support the distinction between refunding the existing debt versus financing any new borrowing that may be needed to finance additional capital projects in the future. The Village of Howard as a charter member of the Water Authority, requested per Article 16 of the Contract, that the 10th amendment to the Central Brown County Water Purchase and Sale Contract be prepared and considered at an all-Member Meeting for the purpose of continuing the existing practices of setting rates, repayment of debt. The 10th Amendment was circulated amongst the Charter Member Communities for consideration and was subsequently approved at an all-member meeting. The last step in the approval process is that at least three-fourths of the Members Governing Board’s approve and adopt the Amendment. A. Lemorande moved to approve Resolution 2024-18, approving the Tenth Amendment to the Central Brown County Water Authority Water Purchase and Sale Contract. S. Beyer seconded. The motion carried unanimously. c. Review and take action on Ordinance 2024-07, updating the Village of Howard Building Code to reflect changes to the Wisconsin State Building Code D. Wiese said Section 40 of the Howard Municipal Code Building and Building Regulations is being updated to reflect State of Wisconsin Building Code references that were changed (from Comm to SPS). This is an administrative language change only. C. McAllister moved to approve Ordinance 2024-07, updating the Village of Howard Building Code to reflect changes to the Wisconsin State Building Code. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously. d. Review and take action on a Certified Survey Map (CSM) for Lineville Shell, 1575 Lineville Road D. Wiese said Lineville Shell is splitting the parcel into two lots so Lot 2 may be used for future development. M. Lasecki moved to approve the Certified Survey Map for Lineville Shell, 1575 Lineville Road, with the following conditions: 1. Restore existing Lot #1 and #2 (33CSM236) joint storm water BMP to a functioning condition and execute storm water management agreement for maintenance of the existing pond. 2. Discuss with Public Works staff the potential sale of excess property to be purchased by the village for storm water. S. Beyer seconded. The motion carried unanimously. e. Review and take action on a Certified Survey Map (CSM) for NV Storage, 1765 Velp Ave. D. Wiese said the applicant is proposing to adjust the lot line between the two parcels to separate the existing daycare business from the storage facility. C. Hughes moved to approve the Certified Survey Map for NV Storage, 1765 Velp Ave., with the following conditions: 1. The Village of Howard standard utility easement language is added to the CSM. 2. A stormwater management plan and agreement are approved by the Village of Howard Engineering Department. C. Nielsen seconded. The motion carried unanimously. f. Review and take action on Final Resolution 2024-19, authorizing the levying of special assessments on the Plat of Hazel Estates 2nd Addition J. Gerrits said the project includes installation of improvements for 28 new single-family residential lots within the dedicated rights of way shown on the plat. Only developer and village properties are specially assessed with the resolution, which defines a payment plan as agreed to by the developer in the developer agreement. C. Hughes moved to approve Final Resolution 2024-19, authorizing the levying of special assessments on the Plan of Hazel Estates 2nd Addition. A. Lemorande seconded. The motion carried unanimously. g. Review and take action on the 2025 Budget Calendar and Policies C. Haltom said the budget policies were first adopted in the creation of the 1994 budget and have been modified, as needed, over the years; however, no changes are being proposed from the 2024 policies. He said the 2025 budget calendar is the same as last year’s budget with updated meeting dates. M. Lasecki moved to approve the 2025 Budget Calendar and Policies. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 12. REPORTS OF VILLAGE OFFICIALS i. P. Evert discussed options to address the urban deer population, including passing an ordinance to prohibit the feeding of deer, revising the hunting map and regulations to make it easier for residents to hunt deer, organizing managed hunts on village-owned property, and working with the USDA through its deer culling sharpshooter program. The board discussed and expressed a consensus on the following: 1. The visible increase in the deer population is likely due to several consecutive mild winters. 2. The village should develop educational material discouraging deer feeding and highlighting the use of products that deter deer from eating people’s plants and gardens. 3. The village should review its hunting maps to see if there are additional village-owned lands that could be opened to bow hunting and perhaps consider extending the bow hunting season in the fall. There was no support for a spring hunt. 4. Where gun hunting is currently allowed in the village, it should remain shotgun only, and the board did not want to modify the ordinance to allow rifle hunting. 5. There was no interest in bringing in sharp shooters to cull the herd as this was viewed as expensive and not a sustainable approach. 6. One trustee expressed interest in the board adopting the DNR regulations on baiting deer. For future action, the board will review the hunting map once staff has met to see if there are any recommended changes and may look to adopt the DNR ordinance on baiting, with which residents should already be complying since it is state law. 13. CLOSED SESSION (NONE) 14. ADJOURNMENT C. McAllister moved to adjourn. C. Nielsen seconded. The motion carried unanimously, and the board adjourned at 7:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Leigh Ann Wagner Kroening Village Administrator’s Assistant Publish 09.06.24 WNAXLP
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF IOLA-SCANDINAVIA Working School Board Committee Meeting - Minutes Elementary School - Room #6 (Hygge) 450 Division Street, Iola, WI 54945 Monday, August 5, 2024 at 6 pm I. Meeting was called to order in the Elementary School - Room #6 (Hygge) at 6 pm by Mike Harbridge with the reading of the official notice. Roll call was taken and The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members present - Mike Harbridge, Tony Neumann, Diana Jones, Mike Grassl, Vanessa Kirmse and Jason Boris. Absent; Laura Krogwold Administration present - Chris Nelson, Jan Bue-Wells, Stacey Wester, and Tammy Bauer Observer’s present - None II. Approval of agenda Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Tony Neumann to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. III. Old Business A. Referendum update - informational IV. Committee reports A. Building & Grounds - Chairperson Boris No report B. Personnel & Nominations - Chairperson Kirmse 1. Hiring a) MS Volleyball Coach- No action taken b) Food Service - MS/HS - No action taken c) Volunteer Cross Country Coach - No action taken C. Finance - Chairperson Krogwold; lay committee members Erikka Flowers and Mark Sether No report D. Transportation - Chairperson Neumann No report E. Curriculum - Chairperson Jones No report F. Policy & Legislation - Chairperson Grassl 1. New Policy, Vol. 33, No. 2 - Policy 5610.03 2. Board Review, Vol. 33, No. 2 a) Overview b)_Policies for review (1) Policies 0164 to 5200 (2) Policies 5330 to 7540.05 (3) Policies 8500 to 8660 No action taken G. Negotiations - Chairperson Harbridge No report V. New Business A. 23-24 Seclusion and Restraint Report - informational VI. Future Agenda Items A. Upcoming Dates 1. August 12, 2024 Regular Board Meeting, Elementary School - Room #6 (Hygge) at 6 pm VII. Adjourn Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Mike Grassl at 6:21 pm to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried by a voice vote. Publish Sept. 12, 2024 WNAXLP


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