Category: Legal Minutes
Listed: Wed Feb 5th
CITY OF MANAWA COMMON COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 16, 2024 6:00 pm Proceedings of the Manawa Common Council meeting held Monday, December 16, 2024. Called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Frazier pursuant to open meeting regulations, Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Alderpersons present on roll call: Jim Roenz, Mark Lehrer, Ann Bonikowske, Mary Eck, Aaron Timm, Mayor Mike Frazier. Absent: Alice Brown. City Employees: Josh Smith, Jason Severson, Sue Vater Olsen, Logan Hass. Audience: Emily Doud, Ben Hlaban, Deb Sarna. Moved Bonikowske/Timm to approve the agenda of December 16, 2024. Carried. Moved Eck/Timm to approve the council meeting minutes of November 18, 2024. Carried. Moved Roenz/Eck to approve of the Bills of Allowance $1,095,951.65. Carried. Finance: Town of Little Wolf agreement: Moved Eck/Roenz to work to negotiate dam agreement with Town of Little Wolf. Carried. Shoreline stabilization agreement: Moved Eck/Bonikowske to move forward with Cedar Corporation shoreline stabilization agreement. Carried. Dam agreement: Moved Eck/Bonikowske to move forward with Cedar Corporation dam agreement. Carried. Vacation carryover: Moved Eck/Roenz to approve Sue Vater Olsen’s vacation to carryover to January 17th. Carried. Improvements: Baseball and softball fields: Moved Bonikowske/Eck to go with Midwest Athletic Fields to work on baseball and softball fields for $80,100. Carried. Protection: 3 dogs: Moved Roenz/Eck to allow Mikyla Reeck at 123 High Street to have 3 dogs. Carried. Traffic ordinance: Moved Roenz/Eck to update and approve changes to traffic ordinance 289-1 and 454-1. Carried. Mayor: Mayor Frazier recognized Shannon Wesoloski for 6 years and Logan Hass for 6 years of service to the City. DPW: Josh went over his report. Lift station project is scheduled to be completed by December 31st. Pumps are running right now. Yearly service on the backup generators has been completed. Yearly inspection of the backup truck is set for January. Hosted a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant through a WRWA class. Assisted with both Merry Manawa and Miracle on Bridge Street. Police: Police Chief Jason Severson went over his report. Received $1,500 in gift cards for our department to hand out to the public from Police Lights of Christmas. Participated in shop with the cop event in Waupaca. Hosted stuff the squad event. Officer Schaefer attended Crisis Intervention Partners training in Appleton for two days. Went to Taser Instructor recertification. Fire: Chief Josh Smith went over his report. Participated in the Lighted Food Drive to benefit area Food Pantries. 6,700 pounds of food was raised for the Food Pantry. Currently at 14 calls for the fiscal year. Library: Library Director Sue said that 250 people came through the library for Miracle on Bridge Street. Clerk: Financial Report: General Fund balance – $191,641.55; Government Pool – $1,033,068.38; Licenses: Moved Eck/Bonikowske to approve operator license for Emily Scott. Carried. Moved Eck/Timm to approve transfer of Class A beer and Class A liquor combination license from Schierl Sales Corp to Reliance Fuel LLC. Carried. Moved Roenz/Timm to approve Temporary Class B Picnic License for Manawa Cowboys for Fisheree on January 25, 2025. Carried. Election: Moved Bonikowske/Eck to appoint election inspectors and special voting deputies for 2025. Carried. Declaration of candidacy 2025: Up for reelection for the Spring Election on April 1st is Mike Frazier – Mayor, Aaron Timm – Ward 1 Alderperson, Alice Brown – Ward 2 Alderperson, Mark Lehrer – Ward 3 Alderperson. Moved Bonikowske/Eck to adjourn at 6:42 pm. Carried. Logan Hass, City Clerk Publish Jan. 30, 2025 WNAXLP
Listed: Wed Feb 5th
CITY OF MANAWA COMMON COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 16, 2024 6:00 pm Proceedings of the Manawa Common Council meeting held Monday, December 16, 2024. Called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Frazier pursuant to open meeting regulations, Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Alderpersons present on roll call: Jim Roenz, Mark Lehrer, Ann Bonikowske, Mary Eck, Aaron Timm, Mayor Mike Frazier. Absent: Alice Brown. City Employees: Josh Smith, Jason Severson, Sue Vater Olsen, Logan Hass. Audience: Emily Doud, Ben Hlaban, Deb Sarna. Moved Bonikowske/Timm to approve the agenda of December 16, 2024. Carried. Moved Eck/Timm to approve the council meeting minutes of November 18, 2024. Carried. Moved Roenz/Eck to approve of the Bills of Allowance $1,095,951.65. Carried. Finance: Town of Little Wolf agreement: Moved Eck/Roenz to work to negotiate dam agreement with Town of Little Wolf. Carried. Shoreline stabilization agreement: Moved Eck/Bonikowske to move forward with Cedar Corporation shoreline stabilization agreement. Carried. Dam agreement: Moved Eck/Bonikowske to move forward with Cedar Corporation dam agreement. Carried. Vacation carryover: Moved Eck/Roenz to approve Sue Vater Olsen’s vacation to carryover to January 17th. Carried. Improvements: Baseball and softball fields: Moved Bonikowske/Eck to go with Midwest Athletic Fields to work on baseball and softball fields for $80,100. Carried. Protection: 3 dogs: Moved Roenz/Eck to allow Mikyla Reeck at 123 High Street to have 3 dogs. Carried. Traffic ordinance: Moved Roenz/Eck to update and approve changes to traffic ordinance 289-1 and 454-1. Carried. Mayor: Mayor Frazier recognized Shannon Wesoloski for 6 years and Logan Hass for 6 years of service to the City. DPW: Josh went over his report. Lift station project is scheduled to be completed by December 31st. Pumps are running right now. Yearly service on the backup generators has been completed. Yearly inspection of the backup truck is set for January. Hosted a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant through a WRWA class. Assisted with both Merry Manawa and Miracle on Bridge Street. Police: Police Chief Jason Severson went over his report. Received $1,500 in gift cards for our department to hand out to the public from Police Lights of Christmas. Participated in shop with the cop event in Waupaca. Hosted stuff the squad event. Officer Schaefer attended Crisis Intervention Partners training in Appleton for two days. Went to Taser Instructor recertification. Fire: Chief Josh Smith went over his report. Participated in the Lighted Food Drive to benefit area Food Pantries. 6,700 pounds of food was raised for the Food Pantry. Currently at 14 calls for the fiscal year. Library: Library Director Sue said that 250 people came through the library for Miracle on Bridge Street. Clerk: Financial Report: General Fund balance – $191,641.55; Government Pool – $1,033,068.38; Licenses: Moved Eck/Bonikowske to approve operator license for Emily Scott. Carried. Moved Eck/Timm to approve transfer of Class A beer and Class A liquor combination license from Schierl Sales Corp to Reliance Fuel LLC. Carried. Moved Roenz/Timm to approve Temporary Class B Picnic License for Manawa Cowboys for Fisheree on January 25, 2025. Carried. Election: Moved Bonikowske/Eck to appoint election inspectors and special voting deputies for 2025. Carried. Declaration of candidacy 2025: Up for reelection for the Spring Election on April 1st is Mike Frazier – Mayor, Aaron Timm – Ward 1 Alderperson, Alice Brown – Ward 2 Alderperson, Mark Lehrer – Ward 3 Alderperson. Moved Bonikowske/Eck to adjourn at 6:42 pm. Carried. Logan Hass, City Clerk Publish Jan. 30, 2025 WNAXLP