Category: Legal Minutes
Listed: Thu Feb 6th
WAUPACA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY BOARD SESSION December 17, 2024 Chair Morack called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. with 24 members present. Present: County Board Chair Morack, County Board Vice Chair Nygaard, Supervisors Federwitz, Strey-Hirt, Bressette, Wengelski, Much, Rohan, Ertl, Malvik-Shower, Will, Purchatzke, Johnson, Kraeger, Miller, Suhs, Eisentraut, Looker, Hardy, Bosquez, Jaeger, Zaug, Way, and Ritchie. Chair Morack made the opening meeting statement that this meeting and all other meetings of this board are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place, and agenda of this meeting. A moment of silent meditation was observed followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Supr. Federwitz moved and Supr. Nygaard seconded the motion to amend the agenda by moving item 10 b to be the first item of business. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. Supr. Bosquez moved and Supr. Jaeger seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. Supr. Jaeger moved and Supr. Malvik-Shower seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2024 meeting. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 30 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: To Amend Waupaca County Ordinance No. 45 of the General Code of Ordinances Comprehensive Plan Map A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING AND LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIALM ETHICS, SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTIES: /s/ James Nygaard, Ricky Ertl, Dennis Wengelski, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Scott Purchatzke, Kevin Will, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Hardy moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 30 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 31 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: To Amend Waupaca County Ordinance No. 45 of the General Code of Ordinances Comprehensive Plan Map A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING AND LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL, ETHICS, SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTEES: /s/ DuWayne Federwitz, James Nygaard, Ricky Ertl, Dennis Wengelski, Cindy Hardy, Scott Purchatzke, Kevin Will, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Strey-Hirt moved and Supr. Bosquez seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 31 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 32 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: To Amend Waupaca County Ordinance No. 45 of the General Code of Ordinances Comprehensive Plan Map A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTORCUDTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING AND LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL, ETHICS, SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTEES: /s/ Cindy Hardy, Dennis Wengelski, Ricky Ertl, James Nygaard, DuWayne Federwitz, Kevin Will, Scott Purchatzke, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Hardy moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 32 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 33 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Malvik-Shower moved and Supr. Eisentraut seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 33 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 34 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTORDUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Much moved and Supr. Bosquez seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 34 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 35 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Wengelski seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 35 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 39 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Bosquez moved and Supr. Eisentraut seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 39 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 40 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Hardy moved and Supr. Will seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 40 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTON NO. 42 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County DHS/Senior Nutrition Program A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUTON BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY DHS BOARD AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Kevin Will, Patricia Servey, Scott Purchatzke, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lee Much, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Bosquez moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 42 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 43 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: To Amend Waupaca County Ordinance No. 45 of the General Code of Ordinances Comprehensive Plan Map A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENEDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING AND LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL, ETHICS, SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTEE: /s/ James Nygaard, Ricky Ertl, Dennis Wengelski, DuWayne Federwitz, Cindy Hardy, Scott Purchatzke, Kevin Will, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Federwitz moved and Supr. Hardy seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 43 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 44 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Healthy Lakes DNR Grant Resolution A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAND & WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE AND LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL, ETHICS, SAFETY AND SECURITY COMMITTEE: /s/ DuWayne Federwitz, Ken Jaeger, Tammy Strey-Hirt, Craig Nelson, Cindy Hardy, Dennis Wengelski, Kevin Will, Scott Purchatzke, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Bressette moved and Supr. Jaeger seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 44 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 45 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Chapter 47 Donated Conservation Easement – Arthur J. & Rheta V. Richardson A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAND & WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE ABD LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL, ETHICS, SAFETY, AND SECURITY COMMITTEE: /s/ DuWayne Federwitz, Ken Jaeger, Tammy Strey-Hirt, Craig Nelson, Cindy Hardy, Dennis Wengelski, Kevin Will, Scott Purchatzke, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Hardy moved and Supr. Way seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 45 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 46 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Eisentraut moved and Supr. Suhs seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 46 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 47 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: 2025 Budget Amendment – Courthouse Renovation Relocation Expenditures A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY PUBLIC PROPERTY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Pete Bosquez, Ken Jaeger, Jack Spierings, Ted Johnson, James Nygaard, David Morack, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lee Much, Lila Malvik-Shower, and Dennis Wengelski. Supr. Malvik-Shower moved and Supr. Jaeger seconded to motion to adopt Resolution No. 47 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. ORDINANCES AMENDMEMT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Farmington, PVRF to SR 2024-819, Z-015-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Wengelski moved and Supr. Hardy seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Royalton, AWT to RR 2024-820, Z-016-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Nygaard moved and Supr. Much seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Royalton, RR to AWT 2024-821, Z-017-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Kraeger moved and Supr. Miller seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Helvetia, PVRF to AR 2024-822, Z-018-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Way seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Matteson, PVRF to RR 2024-823, Z-019-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Federwitz moved and Supr. Hardy seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 23-0 with one abstaining. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Lebanon, PURF to RR 2024-824, Z-020-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Bosquez seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Farmington, RR to H 2024-825, Z-021-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Kraeger moved and Supr. Much seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. APPROVE CONTRACTS Supr. Bosquez moved and Supr. Malvik-Shower seconded the motion to approve the contract for Geospatial Services professional services contract agreement. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. Supr. Johnson excused himself from the meeting. APPOINTMENTS Supr. Bressette moved and Supr. Jaeger seconded the motion to reappoint Mike Hankins – Clintonville and Diane Forsythe – Waupaca to the OWLS Board of Trustees for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2025. Motion carried 23-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. ANNOUNCEMENTS/ CORRESPONDENCE Supr. Jaeger made the motion to adjourn. Chair Morack declared the meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m. Kristy K. Opperman Waupaca County Clerk Publish Feb. 13, 2025 WNAXLP
Listed: Thu Feb 6th
WAUPACA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY BOARD SESSION December 17, 2024 Chair Morack called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. with 24 members present. Present: County Board Chair Morack, County Board Vice Chair Nygaard, Supervisors Federwitz, Strey-Hirt, Bressette, Wengelski, Much, Rohan, Ertl, Malvik-Shower, Will, Purchatzke, Johnson, Kraeger, Miller, Suhs, Eisentraut, Looker, Hardy, Bosquez, Jaeger, Zaug, Way, and Ritchie. Chair Morack made the opening meeting statement that this meeting and all other meetings of this board are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the press in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place, and agenda of this meeting. A moment of silent meditation was observed followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Supr. Federwitz moved and Supr. Nygaard seconded the motion to amend the agenda by moving item 10 b to be the first item of business. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. Supr. Bosquez moved and Supr. Jaeger seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. Supr. Jaeger moved and Supr. Malvik-Shower seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2024 meeting. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 30 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: To Amend Waupaca County Ordinance No. 45 of the General Code of Ordinances Comprehensive Plan Map A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING AND LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIALM ETHICS, SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTIES: /s/ James Nygaard, Ricky Ertl, Dennis Wengelski, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Scott Purchatzke, Kevin Will, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Hardy moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 30 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 31 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: To Amend Waupaca County Ordinance No. 45 of the General Code of Ordinances Comprehensive Plan Map A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING AND LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL, ETHICS, SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTEES: /s/ DuWayne Federwitz, James Nygaard, Ricky Ertl, Dennis Wengelski, Cindy Hardy, Scott Purchatzke, Kevin Will, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Strey-Hirt moved and Supr. Bosquez seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 31 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 32 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: To Amend Waupaca County Ordinance No. 45 of the General Code of Ordinances Comprehensive Plan Map A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTORCUDTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING AND LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL, ETHICS, SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTEES: /s/ Cindy Hardy, Dennis Wengelski, Ricky Ertl, James Nygaard, DuWayne Federwitz, Kevin Will, Scott Purchatzke, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Hardy moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 32 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 33 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Malvik-Shower moved and Supr. Eisentraut seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 33 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 34 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTORDUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Much moved and Supr. Bosquez seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 34 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 35 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Wengelski seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 35 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 39 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Bosquez moved and Supr. Eisentraut seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 39 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 40 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Hardy moved and Supr. Will seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 40 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTON NO. 42 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County DHS/Senior Nutrition Program A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUTON BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY DHS BOARD AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Kevin Will, Patricia Servey, Scott Purchatzke, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lee Much, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Bosquez moved and Supr. Zaug seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 42 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 43 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: To Amend Waupaca County Ordinance No. 45 of the General Code of Ordinances Comprehensive Plan Map A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENEDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING AND LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL, ETHICS, SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTEE: /s/ James Nygaard, Ricky Ertl, Dennis Wengelski, DuWayne Federwitz, Cindy Hardy, Scott Purchatzke, Kevin Will, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Federwitz moved and Supr. Hardy seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 43 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 44 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Healthy Lakes DNR Grant Resolution A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAND & WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE AND LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL, ETHICS, SAFETY AND SECURITY COMMITTEE: /s/ DuWayne Federwitz, Ken Jaeger, Tammy Strey-Hirt, Craig Nelson, Cindy Hardy, Dennis Wengelski, Kevin Will, Scott Purchatzke, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Bressette moved and Supr. Jaeger seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 44 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 45 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Chapter 47 Donated Conservation Easement – Arthur J. & Rheta V. Richardson A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAND & WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE ABD LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL, ETHICS, SAFETY, AND SECURITY COMMITTEE: /s/ DuWayne Federwitz, Ken Jaeger, Tammy Strey-Hirt, Craig Nelson, Cindy Hardy, Dennis Wengelski, Kevin Will, Scott Purchatzke, Fred Zaug, and David Morack. Supr. Hardy moved and Supr. Way seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 45 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 46 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: Donation Acceptance – Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Ricky Ertl, Lee Much, Judy Suhs, Cindy Hardy, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lila Malvik-Shower, Pete Bosquez, Dennis Wengelski, and David Morack. Supr. Eisentraut moved and Supr. Suhs seconded the motion to adopt Resolution No. 46 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. RESOLUTION NO. 47 (2024-2025) SUBJECT: 2025 Budget Amendment – Courthouse Renovation Relocation Expenditures A copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s Office. RECOMMENDED FOR INTRODUCTION BY THE WAUPACA COUNTY PUBLIC PROPERTY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE: /s/ Pete Bosquez, Ken Jaeger, Jack Spierings, Ted Johnson, James Nygaard, David Morack, DuWayne Federwitz, Fred Zaug, Lee Much, Lila Malvik-Shower, and Dennis Wengelski. Supr. Malvik-Shower moved and Supr. Jaeger seconded to motion to adopt Resolution No. 47 (2024-2025). Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. ORDINANCES AMENDMEMT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Farmington, PVRF to SR 2024-819, Z-015-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Wengelski moved and Supr. Hardy seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Royalton, AWT to RR 2024-820, Z-016-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Nygaard moved and Supr. Much seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Royalton, RR to AWT 2024-821, Z-017-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Kraeger moved and Supr. Miller seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Helvetia, PVRF to AR 2024-822, Z-018-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Way seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Matteson, PVRF to RR 2024-823, Z-019-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Federwitz moved and Supr. Hardy seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 23-0 with one abstaining. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Lebanon, PURF to RR 2024-824, Z-020-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Bosquez seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER NO. 34 Town of Farmington, RR to H 2024-825, Z-021-2024 I, Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk do hereby certify that the above Zoning Amendment was enacted by the County Board on December 17th, 2024. /s/ Kristy K. Opperman, Waupaca County Clerk Supr. Kraeger moved and Supr. Much seconded the motion to approve the amendment to Chapter 34 of the Waupaca County Code of Ordinances. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. APPROVE CONTRACTS Supr. Bosquez moved and Supr. Malvik-Shower seconded the motion to approve the contract for Geospatial Services professional services contract agreement. Motion carried 24-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. Supr. Johnson excused himself from the meeting. APPOINTMENTS Supr. Bressette moved and Supr. Jaeger seconded the motion to reappoint Mike Hankins – Clintonville and Diane Forsythe – Waupaca to the OWLS Board of Trustees for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2025. Motion carried 23-0. Passed the 17th day of December 2024. ANNOUNCEMENTS/ CORRESPONDENCE Supr. Jaeger made the motion to adjourn. Chair Morack declared the meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m. Kristy K. Opperman Waupaca County Clerk Publish Feb. 13, 2025 WNAXLP