The BEST Bids And Request For Proposals listings near North Central Wisconsin
The BEST Bids And Request For Proposals listings near North Central Wisconsin
Bids and Request for Proposals
Advertisement for Bids Portions of Jennings Roa d & Klatt Road Town of Mukwa, Waupaca County, Wisconsin The Town of Mukwa will receive sealed proposals for two (2) projects listed above. **Please Note – Contractors Must Contact Chairman Jim Curns at 920-982-2168 or 920-359-6882 for more specific details on each project before submitting bid . Please bid on the following items with a per unit price (** All Quantities are Estimates – Town will be Paying by the Ton): Please note any Administrative Fees Need to be a Line Item & Noted- If there are any Sign/Mobilization/ Misc. – please add as a Line Item The Mukwa Town Board is Requesting : (1)Individual Price for Each Project & (2)Lump Sum if Awarded all Projects for a Tonnage & Mobilization Discount (1) Jennings Road – From Dey Rd (See Paint Marks) to Approx. E9103 Approx. 6,188 Feet (20.5 Foot Pavement) Pulverize & Relay Base 1 LS Place: Approx. 2”/avg - ¾” CABC as Needed after Pulverization 1,600 TON Regrade, Compact & Fine Grade to a 2% Slope Off Center Line HMA: Place: 2 ” 3LT/Lower & 1 ¾” 4LT/Upper in Two Lifts 3,200 TON **Note: Tack Coat Between Layers (.05 Application Rate) Place 2 Foot Shoulder ¾” CABC 612 TON (2) Klatt Road – From Jennings Rd – ¼ mile Approx. 1,320 Feet (20 Foot Pavement) Pulverize & Relay Base 1 LS Place: Approx. 2”/avg - ¾” CABC as Needed after Pulverization 341 TON Regrade, Compact & Fine Grade to a 2% Slope Off Center Line HMA: Place: 2 ” 3LT/Lower & 1 ¾” 4LT/Upper in Two Lifts 683 TON **Note: Tack Coat Between Layers (.05 Application Rate) Place 2 Foot Shoulder ¾” CABC 130 TON From the height of the black top – a 2-foot-wide gravel shoulder. At all driveways & intersections – saw cut with a butt joint to match road. ** Staking Grade, Traffic Control & Appropriate Signage Are Incidental to the Contract Each job to be completed within 20 days of start date, each project must be completed by October 15, 2024 . Each proposal shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope labeled with the Road Name & a separate envelope for all 2024 requested projects. Bids will be received until 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at the Mukwa Town Hall, E8514 Weyauwega Road, New London (Northport) at which time & place all proposals will be publicly opened & read. Contract to be awarded at the Tuesday, June 11, 2024 Monthly Town Board Meeting - 6:00 p.m. to be held at the Mukwa Town Hall. If applicable, these projects may be subject to the provisions of §66.0901 & 779.14 of the Wisconsin Statutes and any required DNR permits. No bid shall be withdrawn after the opening of the bids, without the consent of the Owner (Town Board), for a period of sixty (60) days after the scheduled time for closing of the bids. The Owner reserves the right to reject any & all bids, to waive any informality in the bidding, & to award the contract to the Contractor who in the judgment of the Town of Mukwa Board will best serve the interests of the Town of Mukwa. Posted: May 16, 2024 Publish: Press – Legal Notice – May 23, 2024 & May 30, 2024 WNAXLP
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Listed: Tue Jul 2nd
Legal Bids and Request for Proposals
Legal Bids and Request for Proposals
DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS ON TIMBER STUMPAGE You are invited to bid on State of Wisconsin DNR Timber Sales located in Waupaca County. The state land tracts consist of 124 acres in the Township of Scandinavia, and 144 acres in the Township of Dayton, Waupaca County. Sealed bids will be received by the DNR Foresters at, N2480 Hartman Creek Road, Waupaca, WI 54981, up to 9 AM on Thursday, October 24th, 2024, for 3 state land tracts in Waupaca county. The public may attend in person or call 1 (608) 571-2209 ID# 403 504 767 to attend virtually. Tracts not sold on Thursday, October 24th, 2024, will be available for re-bid up to, but no later than 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 14th, 2024 . A timber sale prospectus and detailed information including maps of each tract, as well as required bid forms and copies of sample contract forms, can be obtained by visiting the following website: Sales/statewide.html or by contacting Jason Hennes, DNR Forester, at 920- 450-8637 or by email at: . Publish Oct. 10 & 17, 2024 WNAXLP
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Listed: Sat Oct 12th
Legal Bids and Request for Proposals
Legal Bids and Request for Proposals
The Village Board for the Village of Iola, Waupaca County, is requesting Bids for a proposed Municipal Road Improvement Program (MSIP) on King Olav Street for paving and adding gravel shoulders. Bids will be received until 3:00p.m. local time, May 8th, 2024. Send Bids to: Village of Iola Clerk Laura Krogwold P.O. Box 336 Iola, WI 54945 ALL BIDS SHOULD BE LABELED “KING OLAV DRIVE PAVING, MSIP” with name and address of bidder incorporated on outside of envelope. Envelope shall be sealed. Project is part of Local Road Improvement Program. Project consists of pulverize existing asphalt pavement from Blaine Steet to Grove Street. Fine grade water and compact the remaining pulverized/base course material. Provide traffic control, signage and flagging as needed. Saw cut existing pavement. Manholes adjusted as needed. Village of Iola to provide truck and loader and haul away excess pulverized material if needed. 1531 feet of Hot Mix Asphalt using type 4LT58-28. Pavement will be placed 20 feet in width, with a compacted thickness of 3”. Driveway openings shall have a 1’ asphalt approach placed at each entrance. Shoulders will be placed 2 feet wide on each side of the newly paved roadway. Driveway approaches shall have ¾” gravel placed to blend the driveways into the newly placed shoulder material. The Village of Iola will publicly open bids thus received at Village of Iola Hall, 180 S. Main St., Iola, WI 54945 at 10 a.m. local time on May 9th, 2024. A performance bond made out to the Village of Iola will be required. Contractor must also provide the Village of Iola a Certificate of Insurance. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond equal to the (10%) of bid payable to the Village of Iola. The Village of Iola reserves the right to wave any informalities or to reject any and all bids and to award the contract to the contractor who in the judgement of the Village of Iola will best serve the interest of the Village of Iola. The letting of the described herein project is subject to the provisions of Section 62.15 and 66.29 Wis Statues. Dated 22nd day of April, 2024 Publish April 25th, 2024 and also May 2nd, 2024. WNAXLP
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Listed: Wed May 1st
Legal Bids and Request for Proposals
Legal Bids and Request for Proposals
The Village Board for the Village of Iola, Waupaca County, is requesting Bids for a proposed road improvement on South Chet Krause Drive, Frontage Road, East half of Taylor Park Parking Lot and East Taylor Park Roadway, for paving and adding gravel shoulders. Bids will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time, June 5th, 2024. Send Bids to: Village of Iola Clerk Laura Krogwold P.O. Box 336 Iola, WI 54945 ALL BIDS SHOULD BE LABELED “Village of Iola Road Improvement 2024” with name and address of bidder incorporated on outside of envelope. Envelope shall be sealed. Projects proposed consists of pulverize existing asphalt pavement from East Iola Street to East State Street, from Valley Lane to termination of roadway, East half of parking lot at Taylor Park and from East end of Parking lot at Taylor Park to Water Street. Fine grade water and compact the remaining pulverized/base course material. Provide traffic control, signage and flagging as needed. Saw cut existing pavement. Manholes adjusted as needed. Village of Iola to provide truck and loader and haul away excess pulverized material if needed. Due to a variety of bids please contact the village clerk’s office for bid sheets for each project at 715-445-2913. Hot Mix Asphalt using type 4LT58-28 at 2.5 inches thickness. Driveway openings shall have a 1’ asphalt approach placed at each entrance. Shoulders will be placed 2 feet wide on each side of the newly paved roadway. Driveway approaches shall have ¾” gravel placed to blend the driveways into the newly placed shoulder material. The Village of Iola will publicly open bids thus received at Village of Iola Hall, 180 S. Main St., Iola, WI 54945 at 10 a.m. local time on June 6th, 2024. A performance bond made out to the Village of Iola will be required. Contractors must also provide the Village of Iola with a Certificate of Insurance. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond equal to the (10%) of bid payable to the Village of Iola. The Village of Iola reserves the right to wave any informalities or to reject any and all bids and to award the contract to the contractor who in the judgement of the Village of Iola will best serve the interest of the Village of Iola. The letting of the described herein project is subject to the provisions of Section 62.15 and 66.29 Wis Statues. Dated 20th day of May, 2024 Publish May 23rd, 2024 and also May 30th, 2024. WNAXLP
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Listed: Tue Jul 2nd
Legal Bids and Request for Proposals
Legal Bids and Request for Proposals