Notice of Public Hearing Village of Campbellsport Monday, January 13th, 2025 Village of Campbellsport Village Hall 470 Grandview Ave, Campbellsport, WI The Campbellsport Village Board will conduct a public hearing at the Campbellsport Village Hall on January 13th, 2025 at 5:30PM to hear comments from the public in support or objection to the adoption of the Village of Campbellsport Compre-hensive Plan. All persons wishing to be heard in support or objecting to the adoption of the Village of Campbellsport Compre-hensive Plan are requested to be present at this public hearing. The Comprehensive Plan shall be available for public inspection and copying at the Village Hall during regular office hours prior to the scheduled date of the public hearing. The Comprehensive Plan is also available on the Village’s web site at The Village of Campbellsport Compre-hensive Plan, which was prepared to meet the requirements of Wisconsin State Statute 66.1001, has six major sections. Future Land Use Plan. This section includes major findings and recommendations; goals, objectives, and policies; development and redevelopment oppor-tunities, and the Future Land Use Plan Map. Summary of the Planning Process. Includes the vision for the Village of Campbellsport and the major findings and recommendations and goals, objectives, and policies for the following elements: Issues and Opportunities, Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Resources, Trans-portation, Housing, Utilities and Community Facilities, Economic Development, and Intergovernmental Cooperation. Plan Implementation. Addresses the need for consistency with the Village’s ordinances on land development, states how progress on the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan is to be measured and how the Comprehensive Plan is to be updated, and outlines the programs and actions that state what is to be done, who is to do it, and when it will be done. Public Participation. Includes the Public Participation Plan that was adopted by the Village Board. Community Information and Analysis. Includes in detail the information collected on the community and the surrounding area and the analysis of that information. Maps. Includes the maps that graphically depict information used in the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan. Any questions, please contact Village Administrator Charlie Kudy at 1/2 (2) WNAXLP