Category: Legal Meetings and Public Hearings Source: Listed: Fri Jan 17th
School District Of Mayville Proposed Agenda for Monday, January 20 - 6 p.m. Mayville School District Administration Office 259 Oak St. Mayville, WI PROPOSED AGENDA: 1. Meeting called to order by the board president and roll call of board members by the board clerk. 2. Proof of Notice: Notice was sent to the following on Monday, January 13th, 2025: The Dodge County Pionier: A. Notices were posted on Monday, January 13th, 2025, at the Administration Office/Parkview, High School, Elementary School, District Website, as well as sent to board members and administration. 3. Approval of Agenda and Permit Chair to Deviate from Agenda to Efficiently Conduct Meeting 4. Citizen’s Comment to recognize visitors to the meeting 5. Approval of minutes of the previous Board Meeting 6. Approval of treasurer’s report 7. Approval of regular Semi-monthly bills 8. Approval of per diem 9. Communications 10. Standing Committee Reports of the Board of Education: A. Student Reports B. Administrative Reports: • Superintendent Report • Director Reports • Principal Reports: ▪ Past & Upcoming Events 11. New Business: A. Consideration with appropriate action to approve the 2025-26 District Calendar. B. Consideration with appropriate action to approve 2025-26 Open Enrollment Seats. C. Consideration with appropriate action to approve a Fuel Bid Proposal for Spring 2025. 12. The District Board intends to convene into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. section 19.85(1)c) to consider employment, promotion, compensation and performance evaluation data of various District administrators, professional staff, and support staff over which the Board has jurisdiction or exercises responsibilities. The Board will discuss professional and administrative contracts, professional staff early retirement agreements, potential action to accept the resignation of an administrative employee and potential action to issue a preliminary notice to consider the nonrenewal of an administrator’s individual contract pursuant to Wis. Stats. 118.24. 13. Return to Open Session 14 Consideration with appropriate action to accept the resignation of an administrative employee. 15. Consideration with appropriate action to approve the nonrenewal of an administrator's individual contract. 16. Announcements 17. Adjourn Meeting 1/16 WNAXLP