Category: Legal Minutes
Listed: Wed Dec 18th
CAMPBELLSPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Eden Elementary School Library, Room 28 November 18, 2024 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. Meeting was called to order by Mike Weiss at 7:31 p.m. Meeting was held in the Eden Elementary School Library, Room 28. Board Members present: Mike Weiss, Deborah Senn, Jessica Strand, James Ninnemann, and Keith Peters, Sharon Gazzola. Maureen Koch was absent. Administrators present: Tom Wissink, Sally Kellman, Shanda Cerny, Matt Seiser, Sherman Gengler, Amy Rettler and Steve Hamm 3. Also Present: Danielle Neitzel, Mary Hamm, Adam Rupp, Jake Blatz, Luke Gellings, Becca Schumacher, Tanya St. Mary, Shawn St. Mary, Ryan Knepel, Bill Baus, Kevin Lohry, Tanner St. Mary, Tyler Oestreich, Josh Blatz, Justus Trewin and Jim Hess 4. Public Comment: a. Several representatives from Wisconsin Lighting Lab (WiLL) spoke regarding the bidding process for the football field lighting project. b. Jim Hess spoke regarding the Department of Education. 5. Announcements/ Recognitions a. Deb Senn recognized Mr. Wissink and his teams’ efforts for putting out the flags for Veterans Day. 6. Presentations a. Mr. Hamm and Mrs. Rettler presented the school improvement plans for their respective schools regarding math, ELA/literacy, safe and orderly schools, school culture and parent action steps. 7. Approval of meeting minutes a. November 4, 2024 Board Meeting Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jim Ninnemann to approve the November 4, 2024 Board Meeting minutes. Motion carried 4-0-2. Sharon Gazzola and Jessica Strand abstained 8. Approval of expenses, payroll and receipts Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jessica Strand to approve the expenses, payroll and receipts as presented. Motion carried 6-0-0. 9. Reports: a. District Administrator Updates i. Mr. Wissink congratulated the CHS personal finance teacher, Katie Peterson and her students for being named a Blue Star school for achievement on the W!se Financial Literacy Certification test for last year (2023-24) ii. Parent/teacher conference attendance was reviewed for the last three (3) years iii. Mr. Wissink thanked all of our Veterans who have served our great nation and to our own CSD Veterans Michael Gilhaus (Navy), Mike Meilahn (Army), Allen Renderman (Navy), Samantha Soyk (Air Force), Dr. Sally Kellman (Army), and Terry Long (Navy). Each Veteran received a wooden flag made by our Tech Ed Department iv. Human Growth and Development Advisory Committee member recommendations for the Board to review and approve at the December 9, 2024 meeting were presented v. DPI school and district report cards are scheduled for release November 19, 2024 vi. Wisconsin State Education Convention registration is now open b. Principal/Director Updates i. Matt Seiser indicated they had a Facilities Committee meeting last week; Matt will be meeting with three (3) vendors to get bids for a complete preventative maintenance program to go over all of our major mechanicals; working on complete water filtration at EES; completed a primary and secondary drinking water test that came back within legal limits but we did have slightly raised Manganese which is common for wells; working with vendors to look at filtering out Manganese in the building. All of the bottle fillers and bubblers all have filters on already. ii. Sherman Gengler gave an update on our new IT assistant, Randy Sandum, who is doing really well. c. Board Committee Updates i. Curriculum and Technology – last met on March 25, 2024; schedule as needed ii. Facilities – last met November 11, 2024 iii. Finance – last met September 25, 2024; schedule the next meeting for January iv. Personnel – last met August 12, 2024; schedule as needed v. Policy – last met July 2, 2024; schedule next meeting in November or December vi. Safety and Transportation – last met July 22, 2024; schedule as needed 10. Unfinished Business - None 11. New Business: a. Discussion with appropriate action regarding approval of: i. Resignations/retirements - none ii. Hires Calyn Strobel, District Nurse (replacing Birschbach), starting December 3, 2024, prorated 12/3/24 to 6/30/25 $30,751.38. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Sharon Gazzola. Motion carried 6-0-0. iii. Donation Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jessica Strand to accept the donation the Kettle Moraine Wings Over Wisconsin Chapter for the Campbellsport Trap Team in the amount of $800.00. Motion carried 6-0-0. 12. Items for Future Agenda and/or Research: a. Board Member Requests for Information i. What has ACT 20 cost us so far? (KP) 13. Closed Session – the Board convened into closed session at 8:28 p.m. Motion by Sharon Gazzola, seconded by Keith Peters. Motion carried 6-0-0. a. Approval of the following closed session meeting minutes: i. November 4, 2024 Board meeting ii. Discussion and deliberation with appropriate action regarding the District request to the Village of Campbellsport for the payment of interest for failure to make timely payments of the Taxes Levied 2023, from February 2024 Settlement 14. The Board reconvened into open session at 9:16 p.m. Motion by Mike Weiss, seconded by Keith Peters. Motion carried 6-0-0. 15. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Sharon Gazzola to collect the full interest due on the late February 2024 tax settlement payment of $13,483.89 from the Village of Campbellsport. Motion carried 6-0-0. 16. Motion to Adjourn by Deb Senn, seconded by Sharon Gazzola at 9:17 p.m. Motion carried 6-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Strand Clerk JLS/smg 12/19 WNAXLP
Listed: Wed Dec 18th
CAMPBELLSPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Eden Elementary School Library, Room 28 November 18, 2024 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. Meeting was called to order by Mike Weiss at 7:31 p.m. Meeting was held in the Eden Elementary School Library, Room 28. Board Members present: Mike Weiss, Deborah Senn, Jessica Strand, James Ninnemann, and Keith Peters, Sharon Gazzola. Maureen Koch was absent. Administrators present: Tom Wissink, Sally Kellman, Shanda Cerny, Matt Seiser, Sherman Gengler, Amy Rettler and Steve Hamm 3. Also Present: Danielle Neitzel, Mary Hamm, Adam Rupp, Jake Blatz, Luke Gellings, Becca Schumacher, Tanya St. Mary, Shawn St. Mary, Ryan Knepel, Bill Baus, Kevin Lohry, Tanner St. Mary, Tyler Oestreich, Josh Blatz, Justus Trewin and Jim Hess 4. Public Comment: a. Several representatives from Wisconsin Lighting Lab (WiLL) spoke regarding the bidding process for the football field lighting project. b. Jim Hess spoke regarding the Department of Education. 5. Announcements/ Recognitions a. Deb Senn recognized Mr. Wissink and his teams’ efforts for putting out the flags for Veterans Day. 6. Presentations a. Mr. Hamm and Mrs. Rettler presented the school improvement plans for their respective schools regarding math, ELA/literacy, safe and orderly schools, school culture and parent action steps. 7. Approval of meeting minutes a. November 4, 2024 Board Meeting Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jim Ninnemann to approve the November 4, 2024 Board Meeting minutes. Motion carried 4-0-2. Sharon Gazzola and Jessica Strand abstained 8. Approval of expenses, payroll and receipts Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jessica Strand to approve the expenses, payroll and receipts as presented. Motion carried 6-0-0. 9. Reports: a. District Administrator Updates i. Mr. Wissink congratulated the CHS personal finance teacher, Katie Peterson and her students for being named a Blue Star school for achievement on the W!se Financial Literacy Certification test for last year (2023-24) ii. Parent/teacher conference attendance was reviewed for the last three (3) years iii. Mr. Wissink thanked all of our Veterans who have served our great nation and to our own CSD Veterans Michael Gilhaus (Navy), Mike Meilahn (Army), Allen Renderman (Navy), Samantha Soyk (Air Force), Dr. Sally Kellman (Army), and Terry Long (Navy). Each Veteran received a wooden flag made by our Tech Ed Department iv. Human Growth and Development Advisory Committee member recommendations for the Board to review and approve at the December 9, 2024 meeting were presented v. DPI school and district report cards are scheduled for release November 19, 2024 vi. Wisconsin State Education Convention registration is now open b. Principal/Director Updates i. Matt Seiser indicated they had a Facilities Committee meeting last week; Matt will be meeting with three (3) vendors to get bids for a complete preventative maintenance program to go over all of our major mechanicals; working on complete water filtration at EES; completed a primary and secondary drinking water test that came back within legal limits but we did have slightly raised Manganese which is common for wells; working with vendors to look at filtering out Manganese in the building. All of the bottle fillers and bubblers all have filters on already. ii. Sherman Gengler gave an update on our new IT assistant, Randy Sandum, who is doing really well. c. Board Committee Updates i. Curriculum and Technology – last met on March 25, 2024; schedule as needed ii. Facilities – last met November 11, 2024 iii. Finance – last met September 25, 2024; schedule the next meeting for January iv. Personnel – last met August 12, 2024; schedule as needed v. Policy – last met July 2, 2024; schedule next meeting in November or December vi. Safety and Transportation – last met July 22, 2024; schedule as needed 10. Unfinished Business - None 11. New Business: a. Discussion with appropriate action regarding approval of: i. Resignations/retirements - none ii. Hires Calyn Strobel, District Nurse (replacing Birschbach), starting December 3, 2024, prorated 12/3/24 to 6/30/25 $30,751.38. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Sharon Gazzola. Motion carried 6-0-0. iii. Donation Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jessica Strand to accept the donation the Kettle Moraine Wings Over Wisconsin Chapter for the Campbellsport Trap Team in the amount of $800.00. Motion carried 6-0-0. 12. Items for Future Agenda and/or Research: a. Board Member Requests for Information i. What has ACT 20 cost us so far? (KP) 13. Closed Session – the Board convened into closed session at 8:28 p.m. Motion by Sharon Gazzola, seconded by Keith Peters. Motion carried 6-0-0. a. Approval of the following closed session meeting minutes: i. November 4, 2024 Board meeting ii. Discussion and deliberation with appropriate action regarding the District request to the Village of Campbellsport for the payment of interest for failure to make timely payments of the Taxes Levied 2023, from February 2024 Settlement 14. The Board reconvened into open session at 9:16 p.m. Motion by Mike Weiss, seconded by Keith Peters. Motion carried 6-0-0. 15. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Sharon Gazzola to collect the full interest due on the late February 2024 tax settlement payment of $13,483.89 from the Village of Campbellsport. Motion carried 6-0-0. 16. Motion to Adjourn by Deb Senn, seconded by Sharon Gazzola at 9:17 p.m. Motion carried 6-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Strand Clerk JLS/smg 12/19 WNAXLP