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Green Bay WNAXLP Special Board Meeting: 7/8/2024 @ 5:00 p.m. (Monday, July 8, 2024) Members present: Andrew Becker, Laura McCoy, James Lyerly, Bryan Milz, Lynn M Gerlach, Rick Crosson Members excused: Kou Lee Others present: Vicki Bayer, Interim Superintendent; Kinsey Lehr, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools and Board of Education; Lori Blakeslee, Director of Communications and Public Relations; Cale Pulczinski, Chief Operations Officer; Melissa Thiel Collar, Legal Counsel; Mike Friis, Executive Director of Human Resources; Angie Roble; Chief Finance Officer; Andres Mora, ICSC Representative; Paige Miller, ICSC Representative Meeting called to order at 5:00 p.m. 1. Meeting Access A. Welcome The Board of Education met in the Green Bay Area Public School District Office Building located at 200 S. Broadway, Green Bay, WI 54303. The open session meeting took place in room #331 which is located on the 3rd floor. Some individuals joined via zoom and the meeting was live-stream broadcasted on the Green Bay Area Public School District YouTube Channel: channel/UCrBxEp_9xzauvGy UydBvV9g. B. Roll Call Members present: Andrew Becker, Laura McCoy, James Lyerly, Bryan Milz, Lynn M Gerlach, Rick Crosson Members excused: Kou Lee 2. Action Items A. Employment of Staff MOTION: That the employment of staff, as presented, be approved. Motion by Bryan Milz, second by Rick Crosson. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yes: Andrew Becker, Laura McCoy, James Lyerly, Bryan Milz, Lynn M Gerlach, Rick Crosson Not Present at Vote: Kou Lee The Board welcomed Madeline Herrmann, Webster Elementary Principal. B. Resignation of Staff MOTION: That the resignation of staff, as presented, be approved. Motion by Bryan Milz, second by James Lyerly. Final Resolution: Motion Carries Yes: Andrew Becker, Laura McCoy, James Lyerly, Bryan Milz, Lynn M Gerlach, Rick Crosson Not Present at Vote: Kou Lee 3. Adjournment Motion to adjourn made by Lynn Gerlach, seconded by James Lyerly. Motion carried with all Board Members voting in favor by jointly reciting "aye". Meeting adjourned at 5:04 p.m. Publish 07.26.24 WNAXLP
Howard WNAXLP Minutes of the Village Board Meeting July 8, 2024 Village Board Room at Village Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER Village President Burt R. McIntyre called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL President McIntyre called for a roll call. Present: Village President Burt R. McIntyre; Trustee Chris Nielsen, District 2; Trustee Cathy Hughes, District 3; Trustee John Muraski, District 4; Trustee Scott Beyer, District 5; Trustee Ray Suennen, District 6; Trustee Craig McAllister, District 8 Excused: Trustee Maria Lasecki, District 1; Trustee Adam Lemorande, District 7 Staff: Paul Evert, Chris Haltom, Dave Wiese, Geoff Farr, Josh Gerrits, Dennis Staeven, Brandon Dhuey, Leigh Ann Wagner Kroening 3. RECITE THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President McIntyre led the meeting in the pledge. 4. REPORT BY THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH OPEN MEETING LAWS President McIntyre read the following notice: Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.81-19.98, the Village Board is meeting to conduct public business. In accordance with state law, the meeting agenda was posted at Village Hall, other municipal buildings, and on the Village of Howard website and was also distributed to the local media and other requesters at least 24 business hours prior to the start of this meeting. 5. APPROVE THE AGENDA FOR THE MEETING C. Hughes moved to approve the agenda. C. McAllister seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC APPEARANCES (NONE) 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS/ANNOUNCEMENTS S. Beyer requested a future agenda item to consider an urban deer hunt due to the number of complaints from residents. 8. COMMUNICATIONS (NONE) 9. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA C. McAllister moved to approve the Consent Agenda. C. Nielsen seconded. The motion carried unanimously, and the following items were approved: a. Village Board meeting minutes from June 24, 2024 b. Municipal invoices totaling $164,452.12 paid with checks #081178 - #081256 c. The following Operator Licenses: Operator licenses, per s. 125.17 of the Wisconsin Statutes and s. 12.02(4)(h) of the Howard Municipal Code, if approved, are valid for a period of up to two years expiring on June 30. i. Tammy L. Baker ii. Vicky L. Bocik iii. Douglas J. Doefer iv. David J. Fonder v. Robert E. Hansford vi. Samuel J. Harrison vii. Jordan R. Johnson viii. Darlene J. Kane ix. Justin G. Kangas x. Christine A. Longsine xi. Stephanie J. Murray xii. Amy C. Rochette xiii. Rhonda S. Salo xiv. Steven E. Schuster xv. Holly M. Shablak xvi. Kyrsten K. Stern xvii. Daniel I. Wadle d. The special event for the Wisconsin Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous (WICYPAA) Kickin’ Addiction Kickball Tournament 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 4, 2024 at Spring Green Park e. The outdoor concert permit for Village Lanes for a family wedding 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Aug. 17, 2024 at 3798 Velp Ave. f. The Temporary Alcohol Beverage License for Village Lanes for a family wedding 4 p.m. to midnight Aug. 17, 2024 at 3798 Velp Ave. g. The Temporary Alcohol Beverage License for Wisconsin United Football for the Captains Cup tournament July 27-28 at the Nouryon Sports Complex h. Change Order #9 to KCG Excavating for the Jewel Meadow Subdivision, Glendale Avenue, and Stordeur Run Estates 3rd Addition - Road Contract involving a $19,555.80 increase i. Change Order #3 to MC Excavating, LLC for the Whispering Winds - Utility Contract involving a $1,909.70 decrease j. Ordinance 2024-05, rezoning VH-3600, 675 Sunset Ridge, to Planned Development District for three single-family lots and four attached single-family townhomes; VH-42-2, 4456 Milltown Road, from R-5 Rural Estate Residential to R-1 Residential Single Family, and Parcels VH-29-4 and VH-27 from A-1 Exclusive Agriculture and R-5 Rural Estate Residential to R-1 Residential Single Family 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS OR OLD BUSINESS ITEMS (NONE) 11. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS a. Review and take action on Change Order #2 to McKeefry & Sons, Inc. for the Woodman’s Pond Expansion Contract involving a $7,002.50 decrease J. Gerrits said the change order reflects the removal of unused landscape restoration items due to the contractor limiting their disturbance. J. Muraski moved to approve Change Order #2 to McKeefry & Sons, Inc. for the Woodman’s Pond Expansion Contract involving a $7,002.50 decrease. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously. b. Review and take action on Change Order #3 to KCG Excavating for the Hazel Estates 1st Addition road contract involving a $31,398.79 decrease J. Gerrits said the change order reflects the removal of unused items and addition of items required to complete construction. The largest removals were the base course as the temporary turnaround at the end of Richard Lane is not required now that Hazel Estates 2nd Addition is starting immediately and the removal of restoration that is not required due to the 2nd Addition starting immediately. C. Nielsen moved to approve Change Order #3 to KCG Excavating for the Hazel Estates 1st Addition road contract involving a $31,398.79 decrease. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 12. REPORTS OF VILLAGE OFFICIALS i. B. Dhuey reviewed Howard Village Code Sec. 34-10 – Motorized bicycles, scooters, play and toy vehicles on the roadway. He specifically reviewed the section of the code related to E-bikes and how the village ordinance differs from state statutes. He said Howard police do not typically enforce the rule that unlicensed individuals, especially minors, cannot ride electric bikes or that their parents/guardians can be cited for it. However, he said the ordinance is nice to have on the books in case there is an incident or accident involving them, which has happened recently. The board discussed. No action was taken. 13. CLOSED SESSION (NONE) 14. ADJOURNMENT C. McAllister moved to adjourn. C. Nielsen seconded. The motion carried unanimously, and the board adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Leigh Ann Wagner Kroening Village Administrator’s Assistant Publish 07.26.24 WNAXLP
Kewaskum School District Board of Education Regular Meeting Thursday, June 13, 2024 The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Leister in the Kewaskum High School located at 1510 Bilgo Lane, Kewaskum, WI. Roll Call of Board members present: Dennis Aupperle, Stephanie Bird, Jim Leister, Ric Leitheiser, Sue Miller, Bradley Petersen, Timothy Ramthun. Following a moment of silence, Dr. Bazata verified that the meeting had been posted pursuant to §19.84(1)(2)(3)(4). Agenda Corrections and/or Deletions. BPetersen/SBird motion to approve agenda as presented. Motion passed 7-0. SMiller led the Pledge of Allegiance. Consent Agenda BPetersen/SBird motion to approve the consent agenda including; minutes - May 09, 2024 regular and special; Instructional Resignations - Katherine McCauley Special Education Teacher, Spencer Hansen Music Teacher, Lindsey Ross Art Teacher; Instructional Hires - Amanda Beck Teacher, Amber Halopka Community-Based Education Coordinator, Corey Holloway Music Teacher; Extracurricular Resignations - Ramsey Immel Student Council Advisor, Ramsey Immel JV Girls Soccer Coach, Scott Rhoads Summer Strength & Conditioning Coach, Scott Rhoads JV Football Coach, Stacy La Ronge Assistant Chess Coach; Extracurricular Hires - Scott Bicknell Assistant Cross Country Coach, Ellie Steiner Head Girls Basketball Coach, Jason Piittmann Strength & Conditioning Coach, Abigail Kasubaski Strength & Conditioning Coach, Lucas Ruechel Strength & Conditioning Coach, Tyler Enright Head Boys Basketball Coach. Motion passed 4-1-2. SMiller opposed. RLeitheiser, TRamthun abstained. Items for Discussion and/or Action RLeitheiser/TRamthun motion to approve payroll report for $1,499,100.38. Motion passed 7-0. RLeitheiser/SMiller motion to approve accounts payable for $670,160.84. Motion passed 7-0. BPetersen/SBird motion to approve WIAA membership renewal for 2024-25 school year at zero cost to the District. Motion passed 7-0. TRamthun/DAupperle motion to approve Open Enrollment of one (1) 4th grade and four (4) 7th grade students as presented. Motion passed 7-0. Purchases over $7,500 for Discussion and/or Action RLeitheiser/SBird motion to approve EMC for Property and Casualty coverage, and Corvus for Cyber Liability coverage in the amounts of $73,891, $35,407 and $9,821 respectively. Motion passed 7-0. Adjournment SBird/TRamthun motion to adjourn meeting. Motion passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m. Minutes by: Lisa Heiser, Executive Assistant Approved: July 18, 2024 Board President: Jim Leister 7/25 WNAXLP
School District of Horicon Board of Education Meeting June 17, 2024 6:00 p.m. Horicon School Board Room Room 407 Board of Education meeting called to order by President Strieff at 6:00 p.m. Motion by Grigg, second by Hodgson to approve the June 17, 2024 BOE meeting agenda as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Westimayer, second by Hodgson to approve the minutes of the May 20, 2024 BOE meeting and the minutes of the May 22, 2024 Special BOE meeting as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Grigg, second by Westimayer to approve Fund 10, 21, 27, 38, 39, 49, 50, 73, and 80 Vouchers in the amount of $638,582.62 [Check #32938 to #33018 and Check # 51412 to Check #51433]. Roll call vote: Ayes-[Nicolaus, Vincent, Hodgson, Westimayer, Grigg, Strieff, Bischoff] Nays-[None]. Motion carried. Motion by Bischoff, second by Vincent to approve the Fund 60 Student Activity Account as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Resignations: Motion by Hodgson, second by Westimayer to approve the resignation of Jason Fiacco, MS/HS Physical Education and Health Teacher, Head Varsity Boys Football Coach, and District Strength and Conditioning Advisor effective at the end of the 2023-24 school year. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. INFORMATIONAL ONLY – Ryan Nehls, Head Varsity Boys Baseball Coach, effective at the end of the 2023-24 school year. Employment: INFORMATIONAL ONLY – Vicki Krenz, 4K Aide, effective 2024-25 school year. Elizabeth Glembocki, Food Service, rescinded her resignation (given in May) and she will be here for the 2024-25 school year. Motion by Nicolaus, second by Grigg to hire Alexander Whatley, Technology Director, effective June 10, 2024. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Bischoff, second by Westimayer to hire Brittany Maas, Elementary Grade 4 Teacher, effective for the 2024-25 school year. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Hodgson, second by Vincent to hire Vanessa Pender, K-12 Special Education Teacher, effective for the 2024-25 school year. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Finch Street Property Sale – No action was taken. Motion by Grigg, second by Vincent to approve Prairie Farms Milk Company for milk, Town and Country for bakery, and Performance Food Service as Prime Vendor for the 2024-25 school year. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Hodgson, second by Bischoff to approve the 2024-25 WIAA High School membership. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Bischoff, second by Nicolaus to approve the 2024-25 Food Service School Fees as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Nicolaus, second by Hodgson to approve the updated IT Director & Custodial Maintenance p.m. Supervisor job descriptions as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Grigg, second by Vincent to approve the five-year self-evaluation of the status of pupil nondiscrimination report and self-evaluation summary as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Discussion Items: Summer School Update Building goals were presented by Sawyer, LeBouton, Graven, & Schwartz. Administration report was presented by Appel. Committee Reports: None Motion by Grigg, second by Hodgson to adjourn at 7:02 p.m. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Approved July 15, 2024 Meredith Strieff, Board President WNAXLP DCP 7/25
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF IOLA-SCANDINAVIA Regular School Board Meeting - Minutes Elementary School - Room #6 (Hygge) 450 Division Street, Iola, WI 54945 June 10, 2024 at 6 pm I. The meeting was called to order in the Elementary School, Room #6 by Mike Harbridge at 6 pm with the reading of the official notice. Roll call was taken and The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members present - Mike Harbridge, Diana Jones, Mike Grassl, Tony Neumann and Vanessa Kirmse. Absent; Laura Krogwold and Jason Boris Administration present - Chris Nelson, Sarah Thiel, Stacey Wester, Jan Bue-Wells and Tammy Bauer Observer’s present - Diane Pedersen, Matt Mc Gregor, Todd Bushmaker and Emily Conroy II. Approval of agenda Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Diana Jones to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. III. Public input/comments - None IV. Approval of consent agenda Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. A. Approval of the May 13, 2024 Meeting Minutes, 2024 Reorganizational Meeting Minutes and June 3, 2024 Working Committee Meeting Minutes B. Auditing and approval of checks (receipts, checks) C. Treasurer’s report and Pupil Activity Accounts D. Fundraiser requests 1. Girls Basketball - Youth Camp 2. Football - Schedule Cards E. Gifts and Donations V. Administration reports A. FAC Director’s Report - informational B. Principal’s Report - informational C. Administrator’s Report - informational D. Student Representative Report - informational E. Food Service Report - informational VI. School Board News and Updates A. WASB Meeting/Convention Updates B. CESA 5 Meeting Updates VII. Old Business A. Referendum Updates Hoffman Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve Hoffman’s Design Development document as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. VIII. Committee reports A. Building & Grounds - Chairperson Boris 1. Softball field maintenance - Informational B. Personnel & Nominations - Chairperson Kirmse 1. Resignations a) Forensics Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Tony Neumann to accept the resignation of Chelsea Patoka as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. b) Transportation Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Tony Neumann to approve the resignation of Mary Oligney as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 2. 2024-25 Co-Curricular Assignments Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the 2024-25 Co-Curricular Assignments as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 3. 2024-25 Nursing Services Contract Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Diana Jones to approve the nursing contract as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. C. Finance - Chairperson Krogwold; lay committee members Erikka Flowers and Mark Sether 1. Resolution Awarding the Sale of $2,300,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2024 Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the resolution awarding the sale of $2,300,000 General Obligation promissory notes, Series 2024 as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 2. 2024-25 Health, Dental and Vision Renewals - No action taken 3. 2024-25 Baird Financial Forecasting Model Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Tony Neumann to approve the 2024-25 Baird Financial Forecasting Model as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 4. 2024-25 Preliminary Budget Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Vanessa Kirmse to approve the 2024-25 Preliminary Budget as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 5. Release 2024-25 purchase orders Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the release of the 2024-25 purchase orders as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. D. Transportation - Chairperson Neumann No report E. Curriculum - Chairperson Jones 1. 2024-2025 Student Handbooks - Elementary and Middle School and High School Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Vanessa Kirmse to approve the 2024-25 Elementary student handbook as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Diana Jones to approve the 2024-25 Middle School student handbook as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Tony Neumann to approve the 2024-25 High School student handbook as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 2. 2024-2025 Athletic Code Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the 2024-25 Athletic Code as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 3. Professional Development - Literacy Curriculum Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Vanessa Kirmse to approve the professional development - literacy curriculum coaching as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. F. Policy & Legislation - Chairperson Grassl No report G. Negotiations - Chairperson Harbridge No report IX. New Business A. Mental Health Services - Update B. 2024-25 Student Fees Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the 2024-25 Student Fees as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. C. WIAA Membership Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Vanessa Kirmse to approve the WIAA membership as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. D. WIAA Coop renewals - no action taken X. Future Agenda Items A. Upcoming Dates 1. July 15, 2024 Regular Board Meeting, Elementary School, Room #6 (Hygge) at 6 pm XI. Adjourn Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Tony Neumann at 6:56 pm to adjourn. Motion carried by a voice vote. Publish July 25, 2024 WNAXLP

Miscellaneous Merchandise 

ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED 20 Ton Wood Splitter, 10ft jon boat, Trailer to pull behind a motorcycle, Trailer to haul motorcycle with. Make your Best Offer! 715-623-6967
FOR SALE: Homemade Burn Barrels. 55 gal. drums w/hinged lid & handle. Call Warren 262-914-4445
For sale: Olhausen 8 ft. Blackhawk pool table. Excellent condition, $1000, OBO. 715-571-6769.
FREE / TRADE: Books on CDs and cassettes. History, romance, mystery & more. 715-420-1736
Toro electric leaf blower power sweep, barely used, $25. 920-973-7671

Miscellaneous Pet 

PAWS 2 THINK helps feed local pets for those hav­ing fi­nan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties. Do­na­tions are needed: Mon­e­tary or dry dog & cat food. Drop at Tom­a­hawk Ware­house Liquor. For info, call 715-612-5866
PAWS 2 THINK helps feed local pets for those having financial difficulties. Donations are needed: Monetary or dry dog & cat food. Drop at Tomahawk Warehouse Liquor. For info, call 715-612-5866

Miscellaneous Real Estate 

Senior Female with small dog looking for a room to rent in Stevens Point. 715-204-8878

Miscellaneous Recreational 

For Sale Moose & Elk Antlers, Buffalo Skull. 715-902-0390

Miscellaneous Services 

ME­U­NIER'S CAR­PET & Up­hol­stery Clean­ing. Pro­fes­sional clean­ing at af­ford­able rates. Res­i­den­tial & com­mer­cial. Tom­a­hawk, 262-208-6384.
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Miscellaneous Transportation 

18 Iola Car Show Posters 17x22, 2002 & 2012, $4.00 each OBO. Call 715-498-7426


2022 Canan Ryker 900 Sport Plus extras, 5000 miles. $9500 715-451-3899
Two (2) Yamaha FZ1's 715-627-2659

Musical Instruments 

Story & Clark piano. Good condition. Free, you haul. Contact 715-281-6476.

Name Change 

Notice to Creditors 

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