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The BEST 1 listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST 1 listings near North Central Wisconsin

Estate Sales 

Es­tate Sale 3216 Al­goma Street - Stevens Point. Thurs Sept 19 & Fri. Sept. 20 9am-4pm & Sat. Sept 21 9am-noon. No Early Sales, All Sales Final, Cash & Carry
Estate Sale at the Knutson Farm 10639 State Highway 49 Rosholt, WI 54473 September 27, 28, 29 9:00am to 5:00pm Antique furniture, dishes, tools, Farm implements and much more
JR’s Es­tate Ser­vices Sept. 21 Sat. 9:00-4:00 Sept. 22 Sun. 10:00-2:00 850 Oak St., Wis. Rapids This sale lo­cated a block from Howe El­e­men­tary has a wide va­ri­ety of qual­ity Items wait­ing to be re-homed. From an­tique fur­ni­ture to col­lectibles, there is some­thing for every­one. Items in­clude: Fur­ni­ture: Circa 1900 Finch Fine Fur­ni­ture claw foot din­ing room table with 6 chairs and match­ing buf­fet, Power Lift & Re­cline chair, drop leaf end ta­bles, sofa table, Lane Fur­ni­ture end ta­bles & cof­fee table, mar­ble topped side table, dressers, book­cases, small roll top desk, stand­ing jew­elry chest, vin­tage wardrobe, vin­tage wash­stand w/bowl, lamps, kitchen/bar stools, arm­chairs, enamel topped table, Garage/Out­door: hand tools, stor­age totes, long flag pole with light, yard décor, shep­herds hooks, wood cab­i­nets, House­hold: Bed linens, table linens, home health aids, in­clud­ing new bed wedge, com­mode, canes, Kirby, Ric­car, and Bis­sell vac­u­ums, Bose CD/Radio, many books, VHS, DVD's, CD's, record al­bums, hol­i­day dec­o­ra­tions, large col­lec­tion of sou­venir spoons, col­lec­tion of circa 1950's felt sou­venir pen­nants in­clud­ing: Nekoosa, Port Ed­wards, Granton, Marsh­field, Kim­ball up­right piano Cloth­ing & Ac­ces­sories: dressy & ca­sual women's cloth­ing - esp. Cold­wa­ter Creek, cos­tume jew­elry, ster­ling sil­ver jew­elry, pins, Mary Kay prod­ucts, purses/hand­bags inc. Vera Bradley. Craft­ing: latch hook, some sewing/knit­ting sup­plies, vin­tage WW1 Model Air­plane kit., faux flow­ers Kitchen: Cutco knife block, Cutco knives, Cutco uten­sils, Char­ac­ter/car­toon glass­ware, Pam­pered Chef, Tup­per­ware, small ap­pli­ances, mi­crowave, bake­ware. We look for­ward to see­ing you at the sale! Spe­cial Notes: Num­bers will be handed out start­ing 30 min­utes prior to the sale on Sat­ur­day only. Num­bers de­ter­mine order of entry when sale opens. For up­dates and pho­tos fol­low our Face­book and In­sta­gram page - JR's Es­tate Ser­vices.

Flea Markets 

Miscellaneous Sales 

Church Clos­ing Sale: Sept. 14th, 8a-4p. Best offer ac­cepted on most items. W4689 Nel­son Ave., Irma. Pews, Pul­pit, fur­ni­ture, piano, organ, flags, kitchen items, shop vac, and more! Every­thing must go! In­clud­ing the build­ing and garage.
WANTED: Hamm's, Pabst, Point, older beer signs, gas & oil signs, older Winchesters & Savage guns, Redwing crocks/jugs, & older antiques. Call Dave 715-412-4944

Consignment and Resale 

ABC Kids Fall & Win­ter Sale Sept. 26-28, 2024. Cen­tral WI Con­ven­tion and Expo Cen­ter Roth­schild WI 54474. Thurs­day, 7am-8pm. Fri­day, 9am-8pm. Sat­ur­day, 8am-2pm. (most items 1/2 off)

Craft Sales 

3rd AN­NUAL SOUTH­EAST SIDE CRAFT & MAR­KET FAIR Sat­ur­day, Oc­to­ber 5, 10a-3p Wausau Down­town Air­port (725 Woods Place) Fea­tur­ing 30+ south­east side com­mu­nity mem­bers FREE AD­MIS­SION & PARK­ING
3rd An­nual South­east Side Craft & Mar­ket Fair Sat­ur­day, Oc­to­ber 5, 10a-3p Wausau Down­town Air­port (725 Woods Place) Fea­tur­ing 40+ south­east side com­mu­nity mem­bers FREE AD­MIS­SION & PARK­ING

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