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Meetings and Public Hearings 

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Public hearings will be held by the Planning and Zoning Committee of Waupaca County on Thursday, March 6, 2025, starting at 9:00 a.m. at the Fox Valley Technical College—Waupaca Regional Center, 1979 Godfrey Drive, Waupaca, Wisconsin, to hear the following: S R F Inc: Located in the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 16, lying along Ridgeview Lane, Fire Number N8806, Town of Union, Waupaca County, Wisconsin (prt parcel 19-16-42-9) for a petition for a Zone Map Amendment on part of the parcel from the Agriculture Retention (AR) District to the Rural Residential-Overlay (RR-O) District, within the Farmland Preservation Overlay, on approximately four (4) acres, and for a petition for a Zone Map Amendment on part of the parcel from Agriculture Retention (AR) District to the Rural Residential (RR) District on approximately one and one half (1.5) acres to accommodate the proposed sales of the parts of the parcel. S R F Inc: Located in the SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 16, lying along Ridgeview Lane and State Road 110, Town of Union, Waupaca County, Wisconsin (parcel 19-16-13-3) for a petition for a Zone Map Amendment from the Agriculture Enterprise (AE) District to the Agriculture Retention (AR) District, within the Farmland Preservation Overlay, on approximately thirty (29.50) acres to accommodate proposed boundary line adjustments. Iola Old Car Show Inc: Located in the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ and the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 1, and the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 12, lying along Johanson Road, Town of Scandinavia, Waupaca County, Wisconsin (parcels 17-01-34-1 and 17-12-21-1) for a Conditional Use Permit (Campgrounds and Camping Resorts) in the Private Recreation and Forestry (PVRF) District, within the Farmland Preservation Area, on approximately seventy-seven (77.4) acres. ON-SITE INSPECTIONS: Committee members will make individual on-site visits to the properties that are subject to the public hearings, unless otherwise noted, within 96 hours of the hearings. Any public wishing to visit the properties should make arrangements through the Planning and Zoning Office. There will be no testimony taken during the on-site inspections, and the public hearings will begin at 9:00 a.m. All interested persons wishing to be heard are invited to be present. All interested persons are also invited to participate by providing written email comments to Jason.Snyder@ by March 5, 2025 or by attending the hearing at the scheduled time via the Zoom website at the following: • URL: • 422?pwd=jaVCaKgQwABFXLZPUaZE 5XHfDsNhDP.1 Meeting ID: 896 0407 5422 Meeting password: 290683 Participation may also be by telephone only access into the video platform. For the telephone access information, please call 1-312-626-6799. The meeting can also be viewed through the following link to watch a live stream on YouTube for any Waupaca County remote access meeting: WDB7UAKvFtU07vcs08zQ/ For further information, please contact the Planning and Zoning Office, Waupaca County Courthouse, 811 Harding Street, Waupaca, Wisconsin 54981-2087. Phone: (715) 258-6255. JAMES NYGAARD CHAIRMAN WAUPACA COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE Publish Feb. 20 & 27, 2025 WNAXLP
OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES BOARD MEETING Peshtigo School District Board of Education Wednesday, January 8, 2025 6:00 PM Elementary Music Room Members Present: M. Fifarek, J. Kukuk, G. Larsen, J. Nault, T. O’Neill, K. Roeder, J. Schwittay, J. Seefeldt Members Absent: S. Coble Others Present: P. Rau, K. Berman, L. Schultz, J. Bell, K. Lossett, J. Williams, A. Samplawski, S. Swanson, B. Williams, G. Giese Recorder: Betsy Wickman The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by G. Larsen. Roll call was taken, one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by M. Fifarek and seconded by J. Kukuk to approve the agenda for the January 8, 2025 Board Meeting. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Nault and seconded by J. Seefeldt to approve the minutes from the Board Meeting of December 11, 2024. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Schwittay and seconded by J. Seefeldt to approve the resignation of Anita Conn as an elementary teacher effective at the end of the 2024-2025 school year. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Nault and seconded by T. O’Neill to approve Kyle Cheney as a volunteer coach for the 7 th grade girls basketball team. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Schwittay and seconded by J. Kukuk to approve Justin Oberdorfer as a volunteer coach for the 7 th grade girls basketball team. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Nault and seconded by K. Roeder to accept a donation in the amount of $500.00 from Jared and Stacy Phillips to benefit the SEED Program. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble) A MOTION was made by J. Kukuk and seconded by K. Roeder to accept a donation in the amount of $1000.00 from the Provident Health Foundation of Marinette/Menominee to benefit the Food Service Program. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Nault and seconded by T. O’Neill to accept a donation in the amount of $25,000.00 from PTSO to benefit the purchase of new playground equipment for the elementary. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by M. Fifarek and seconded by J. Seefeldt to approve the 2025-2026 Open Enrollment acceptance/denial criteria as presented. Copy of the criteria is attached and become a part of these minutes. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Nault and seconded by T. O’Neill to approve the 2023-2024 Final Audit review. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Schwittay and seconded by J. Nault to approve the 2025-2026 School Calendar. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Schwittay and seconded by J. Nault to approve the 2nd reading of policies: #0164 – Bylaws, Meetings #2131 – Program, Educational Expectations Outcome Goals and Expectations #2131.01 – Program, Reading Instructional Goals and Kindergarten Assessment, NEW #2340 – Program, District-Sponsored Trips #3120.08 – Professional Staff, Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular Activities #3431 – Professional Staff, Employee Leaves #3440 – Professional Staff, Job-Related Expenses #4431 – Support Staff, Employee Leaves #4440 – Support Staff, Job-Related Expenses #5200 – Students, Attendance #5330 – Students, Administration of Medication/Emergency Care #5430 – Students, Class Rank #5460 – Students, Graduation Requirements #5505 – Students, Academic Honesty #5610 – Students, Suspension and Expulsion #5610.03 – Students, Alternatives to Expulsion and Re-Entry Plans, NEW #5771 – Students, Search and Seizure #6110 – Finances, Federal Funds #6111 – Finances, Internal Controls #6112 – Finances, Cash Management of Grants #6114 – Finances, Cost Principles – Spending Federal Funds #6325 – Finances, Procurement – Federal Grants/Funds #7310 – Property, Disposition of Personal Property #7450 – Property, Property Inventory #7450.05 – Property, Assistive Technology and Services #8500 – Operations, Food Services #8510 – Operations, Wellness #8531 – Operations, Free and Reduced-Price Meals #8660 – Operations, Transportation of Private Vehicle #8680 – Operations, Bus Services Contracts The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Nault and seconded by M. Fifarek to approve Accounts Payable check # 104573 thru #104726. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Nault and seconded by M. Fifarek to adjourn to closed session at 6:34 pm per WisStats 19.85 (1)(c ): Subject: District Administrator Evaluation The motion carried with following roll call vote: Coble, absent; Fifarek, yes; Kukuk, yes; Nault, yes; O’Neill, yes; Roeder, yes; Schwittay, yes; Seefeldt, yes; Larsen, yes Closed session was called to order at 6:41 pm. Roll call was taken, one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Seefeldt and seconded by T. O’Neill to reconvene to open session at 7:49 pm. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). A MOTION was made by J. Kukuk and seconded by J. Nault to adjourn open session at 7:49pm. The motion carried with eight ayes and one member absent (S. Coble). Jenni Schwittay, Clerk Pub. 2/19/25 WNAXLP
PUBLIC HEARING January 14th, 2025, at 5:30 PM immediately following the Caucus in the Iola Village Hall, Community Room, 180 S. Main St, Iola WI. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Iola Planning & Zoning Committee has reviewed the official Zoning Map of the Village of Iola and are recommending the following changes to the zoning of the following properties: 210 McKinley St. (26 02 71 18) R-4 to R-1; 540 S Jackson St. (26 35 71331) R-1 to G-1; 540 S Jackson St. (26 35 71 330) R-1 to G-1; 540 S Jackson St. (26 35 71261) R-1 to G-1; 325 Adams St. (26 01 22 2) C-2 to R-1; 145 Meadow Rd. (26 01 22 19) C-2 to R-1; 145 Meadow Rd. (26 01 22 18) C-2 to R-1; 125 Meadow Rd. (26 01 22 21) C-2 to R-1; 190 Pierce St. (26 01 22 1) R-1 & C-4 to R-1; 415 E State St. (26 35 71139) R-4 to R-1; 425 E. State St. (26 35 71514) R-4 & C-1 to R-1 & C-1; 435 E. State St. (26 35 71511) R-4 to R-1; 435 E. State St. (26 35 71512) R-4 to R-1; 485 E. State St. (26 35 71513) R-4 to R-1; 420 Water St. (26 35 71164) R-4 & R-1 to R-4; 320 Water St. (26 35 71156) R-4 to R-1; 330 Water St. (26 35 71158) R-4 to R-1; 340 Water St. (26 35 71159) R-4 to R-1; 350 Water St. (26 35 71160) R-4 to R-1; 370 Water St. (26 35 71162) R-4 to R-1; 380 Water St. (26 37 71161) R-4 to R-1; 390 Water St. (26 35 71163) R-4 to R-1; 185 Sunset Dr. (2-Islands) (26 35 79 13) Not zoned to C-1; 165 Sunset Dr. (Island) (26 35 79 12) Not zoned to C-1; Parcel number 26 35 14 1 not zoned to C-1; 245 Birch Dr. (Island) (26 35 79 7) No current zoning to C-1; CDA (Golf Course) (26 36 24 13) R-1 to C-1; CDA (Golf Course) (26 36 24 13) R-1 to C-1; 165 Chet Krause Dr. (26 35 71 79) C-2 & R-4 to R-4; 290 Water St. (26 35 71 49) C-2 to R-1; 140 North St. (26 35 13 9) R-1 & R-4 to R-4; 430 W. State St. ( 26 35 71249) I-1 & G-1 to G-1; 195 W. State St. (26 35 71 59) C-2 to R-1; 155 S. Grove St. (26 35 71 57) C-2 to R-1; 250 W Iola St. (26 35 71115) C-2 to R-1; 210 W. Iola St. (26 35 71116) C-2 to R-1; 330 W. Iola St. (26 35 72 11) C-2 & I-1 to I-1; 330 W. Iola St. (26 35 71117) C-2 to I-1; 280 W Iola St. (26 35 72 10) C-2 & I-1 to I-1; River area-West side of Village (26 34 44 5) no current zoning to C-1 and 600 River Road (26 34 44 6) no current zoning to R-1. Zoning District Legend: A-1: Agriculture/Holding, I-1: Light Industrial, R-1: One-and-Two Family Residential, I-2: Heavy Industrial, R-4: Multiple Family Residential, G-1: Institutional, C-1: Conservancy, R-MH: Mobile Home and C-2: Central Business. For further information or questions please call the Clerk’s office at: (715) 445-2913 Publish Jan. 2 & 9, 2025 WNAXLP
The Town Board of the Town of Harrison will meet at the Northland Lutheran Church the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of transacting business that may come up. The meetings will be open to the public. Fran Moen, Town Clerk Publish 2024 WNAXLP
VILLAGE OF HORTONVILLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FINAL ASSESSMENT OF NORTH MILL STREET THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2025 6:00 P.M. Please take notice that the Village Board hereby declares its intention to exercise its Special Assessment power under Sec. 66.0703, Wisconsin Statutes, to levy Special Assessment upon property adjacent to the following described area for special benefits conferred upon such property by the improvement of the street adjacent to parcels along North Mill Street. Parcels include: 240009800, 240010000, 240009600, 240009601, 240009200, 240009300, 240008700, 240008800, 240006200, 240006300, 240007000, 240006900, 240007100, 240007600, 240007500, 240008000, 240007900, 240007800 The report of the Village Engineer showing proposed plans and specifications, boundary of assessment district, cost estimates and proposed assessments is on file at the Village Administration Office, 531 N Nash Street, and may be inspected there on any business day between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday - Thursday, and 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Fridays. All interested persons, their agents or attorneys will be heard concerning the proposed assessments and all matters contained in the Final Resolution R-06-25, at 6:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter February 20, 2025 at the Community Hall, 531 N Nash Street, Hortonville, Wisconsin. All comments and objections will be considered at this hearing and thereafter, the amount of the assessments will be finally determined. Although the Engineering Report shows the amount that was presented to affected residents in April, the Village Board reserves the right to review/alter the given amount, along with years of payback and interest, which will be discussed at the meeting. Jane Booth, WCMC Village Clerk-Treasurer Publish: February 13th, February 20th WNAXLP


BOARD OF EDUCATION CLINTONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT CLINTONVILLE, WISCONSIN 54929 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF EDUCATION January 27, 2025 A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Clintonville Public School District was called to order on January 27, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School IMC by President Ben Huber Members Present: Ben Huber, Kris Strauman, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, Mark Zachow, Glen Drew Lundt, and Klint Barkow. Administration Present: Troy Kuhn, Madalyn Simonis, James Blashe, Elly Brzezinski, and Stephen Reinke Press represented: Bert Lehman of the Tribune Gazette Also present: Michael Engel, Ann Klemp, Christopher Hoffmann, Stacy Havlik, Bella Havlik, Danielle Ellerbrock, Mark Havlik, Alan Wichmann, Ericka Shelton, David Battenberg, Paul Kirchner, Marie Vandenberg, and Cienna Kuhn. OPEN MEETING STATEMENT: This January 27, 2025, meeting of the Clintonville Board of Education and all other meetings of the board are open to the public in compliance with state statute. Notice of the meeting has been sent to the media, and has been publicly posted, in an attempt to make the citizens of the district aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting. Upon request to the District Administrator, submitted twenty-four (24) hours in advance, the District shall make reasonable accommodation including the provision of informational material in an alternative format for a disabled person to be able to attend this meeting. APPROVE AGENDA: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Jason Moder, to approve the agenda as printed. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 13, 2025. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS/ COMMUNICATIONS: Christopher Hoffmann addressed the Board of Education regarding name ballot spelling. FINANCIAL REPORT AND PRESENTATION OF VOUCHERS Presentation of Vouchers and Receipts: Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Laurie Vollrath that authorization be granted to approve vouchers as attached for December, 2024. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Student Council/High School Report: Cienna Kuhn, Student Council President, gave a report on High School events. FFA Presentation: Danielle Ellerbrock, FFA Advisor and students presented information and updates regarding the FFA program, and Ann Klemp, FFA Alumni member gave an update on the FFA Alumni finances. Superintendent’s Report: Troy Kuhn presented District updates to the Board of Education. Support Staff Resignation – Child Care Center a. Nancy LeCloux – Lead Teacher, effective January 17, 2025 Support Staff Hire – Child Care Center a. Hailey Mackowiak – Lead Teacher, effective February 3, 2025 Recognition Donation: The administration informed the Board of Education regarding an anonymous donation of $1,500 that was received, to be used as follows: $500 – Technology Education $500 – FFA Program $500 – Athletic Department Other 2025-2026 School District Calendar: Moved by Mark Zachow, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve calendar draft #2 with 175 contact days as the 2025-2026 Clintonville School District calendar. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Explanation of District Future Needs: The administration and the Board of Education discussed future needs for the district land/athletic field assessment, staff retention/pay, and future operational needs. Title IX and Other Policies: The administration and the Board of Education discussed how current state and federal decisions may affect local school district policies. School District Vehicle Purchase: Moved by Jason Moder, seconded by Glen Drew Lundt to grant authority to the Superintendent to decide which vehicle would be the best fit for the district, not to exceed $50,000. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. POLICY First Reading for Adoption of 34.1 Technical Corrections: Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Laurie Vollrath to approve a first reading to adopt 34.1 Technical Corrections. (The District Administrator is authorized to review and make technical corrections to policies that have already been adopted through normal rulemaking procedures. These are corrections to Policy language or construction that do not reflect policy decision or substantive consideration by the Board, such as correction of a typographical or grammatical error inclusion or correction of a statutory citation, renumbering of sections, combining of policies, or similar actions). Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. First Reading of Revisions to Policies: Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Laurie Vollrath to approve a first reading of revisions to the following Policies: A. Policy #3440 – Job-Related Expenses B. Policy #4440 – Job-Related Expenses C. Policy #6110 – Grant Funds D. Policy #6111 – Internal Controls E. Policy #6112 – Cash Management of Grants F. Policy #6114 – Cost Principles – Spending Federal Funds G. Policy #6325 – Procurement – Federal Grants/Funds H. Policy #7310 – Disposition of Personal Property I. Policy #7450 – Property Inventory Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. ITEMS FOR FUTURE STRATEGIC DISCUSSION A. Nutrition Mission – Board Activity – Wednesday, March 19th at 4:00 p.m. B. Possible Censure of Board Members ANNOUNCEMENTS February 3 Special Board of Education Meeting 6:00 p.m. High School IMC (Insurance Discussion) February 10 Board of Education Meeting 6:00 p.m. High School IMC February 18 School Board Primary Election February 21 No School – Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. February 24 Board of Education Meeting 6:00 p.m. High School IMC ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Kris Strauman to adjourn. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Laurie Vollrath, Board Clerk Publish Feb. 20, 2025 WNAXLP
Campbellsport School District Notice of Board of Education Regular Meeting Minutes Campbellsport Middle-High School Media Center, Room 70 February 3, 2025 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. Meeting was called to order by Mike Weiss at 7:33 p.m. Meeting was held in the Campbellsport Middle-High School Media Center, Room 70. Board Members present: Mike Weiss, Deborah Senn, Jessica Strand, James Ninnemann, Sharon Gazzola, Maureen Koch and Keith Peters. Administrators present: Tom Wissink and Sally Kellman 3. Also Present: Barb Jandre, Stephanie Waldschmidt and six (6) of the students from the Entrepreneurial class 4. Public Comment a. Barb Jandre brought up concerns about the hiring for custodial staff as well as looking deeper into the skillset of the potential candidates. 5. Announcements/ Recognitions - None 6. Presentations a. Mrs. Waldschmidt and six (6) members of the Entrepreneurship class provided an update on the CHS vending machine business. 7. Approval of meeting minutes a. January 20, 2025 Board Meeting Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Sharon Gazzola to approve the January 20, 2025 Board meeting minutes. Motion carried 6-0-1. Mike Weiss abstained. 8. Reports: a. District Administrator Updates i. Dance Team are State Champions in Division 3 Hip Hop; Girls and Boys Bowling teams both qualified for State ii. FBLA had a successful weekend at the Regional Leadership Conference in Sheboygan Falls with 27 of CSD’s competitors placing in the top 10 of their events iii. Edustaff substitute excellence award was presented to Shelly Hoenecke iv. Dr. Kellman and our Special Education team have been asked to present at the Wisconsin Council of Administrators of Special Services (WCASS) Spring Conference May 1-2, 2025 v. Legal updates and guidance – Title IX; Act 10; School District obligations under 2023 Wisconsin (Reading) Act 20; Presidential executive orders (pause on Federal grant funding and Federal immigration enforcement in schools) vi. Superintendent evaluation framework 2025 revised edition vii. CESA 6 Legislative Breakfast (8:30-10:30 am) 2025 Dates: Feb 7, March 7, April 11, May 2, & June 6. Contact Susan to register you for this event. viii. WASB School Law Conference, February 27, 2025, The Osthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake. Contact Susan to register you for this event. ix. Day at the Capitol, March 12, 2025. Contact Susan to register you for this event. b. Board Committee Updates i. Curriculum and Technology – last met on March 25, 2024; next meeting scheduled for February 10, 2025 at 6 p.m. in the District Office conference room ii. Facilities – last met January 13, 2025; schedule joint Facility and Finance Committee meeting at February 17, 2025 Board meeting iii. Finance – last met January 8, 2025; schedule joint Finance and Facility Committee meeting at February 17, 2025 Board meeting iv. Personnel – last met August 12, 2024; schedule next meeting in February v. Policy – last met January 15, 2025 vi. Safety and Transportation – last met January 27, 2025 vii. State Education convention report/update from Board attendees viii. WASB dinner report/update from Board attendees 9. Old Business a. Discussion with appropriate action regarding: i. 3K program implementation for Fall 2025-26 There were concerns that were raised to a Board member about this program after the last meeting. These concerns were brought forward with the program details being reiterated. 10. New Business: a. Discussion with appropriate action regarding approval of: i. Resignations/retirements Scott Stephany (custodial support staff in Eden) resigned due to personal reasons effective January 27, 2025. ii. Hires - none iii. Board Goals - Review and check in on Board goals Mid-year Board goal check in. It was mentioned that we are making progress on all four (4) of the goals. iv. CHS Early Graduation Applications Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Mike Weiss to approve the CHS early graduation applications as presented. Motion carried 7-0-0. v. 2026-27 School Calendar Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jessica Strand to approve the proposed 2026-27 school calendar as presented. Motion carried 7-0-0. vi. Smiling Minds Grant Motion by Sharon Gazzola, seconded by Keith Peters to approve the Smiling Minds Grant in the amount of $1,000 from Twohig Orthodontics for the elementary reading program as presented. Motion carried 7-0-0. vii. Proposed student overnight field trips 1. State Ice Fishing tournament, overnight field trip February 13, 2025 to February 15, 2025 in La Crosse, WI (up to 9 students). Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Maureen Koch to approve the Ice Fishing Tournament overnight field trip. Motion carried 7-0-0. 2. Ag Education/FFA to attend the EDGE/Connect Leadership conference, overnight field trip March 21, 2025 to March 22, 2025 in Green Bay, WI (up to 9 students). Motion by Mike Weiss, seconded by Deb Senn to approve the Ag Education/FFA overnight field trip. Motion carried 7-0-0. b. Review and Second Read of the following NEOLA updated policies Revised Policies: Overview; 0164 – Meetings; 0174.1 - Annual Report; 2131 - Educational Outcome Goals and Expectations; 2266 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities; 2340 - District-Sponsored Trips; 3120.04 - Employ-ment of Substitutes; 4120.04 - Employment of Substitutes; 3120.08 - Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular Activities; 3431 - Employee Leaves; 4431 - Employee Leaves; 4162 - Controlled Substance and Alcohol Policy for Employees that Transport Students; 5113 - Open Enrollment Program (Inter-District); 5200 – Attend-ance; 5200.01 - Full-Time Student; 5330 - Administration of Medication/Emergency Care; 5430 - Class Rank; 5460 - Graduation Requirements; 5505 - Academic Honesty; 5610 - Suspension and Expulsion; 5771 - Search and Seizure; 6320 – Purchasing; 6423 - Use of Credit Cards; 7510 - Use of District Facilities; 7540.05 - Assistive Technology and Services; 7544 - Use of Social Media; 8395 - Student Mental Health Services; 8500 - Food Services; 8510 – Wellness; 8510 - Wellness (old); 8531 - Free and Reduced-Price Meals; 8540 - Vending Machines; 8550 - Competitive Food Sales; 8600 – Transportation; 8601 - Controlled Substance and Alcohol Policy for Employees that Transport Students (Renum); 8601 - Controlled Substance and Alcohol Policy for Employees that Transport Students; 8640 - Transportation for Field and Other District-Sponsored Trips; 8651 – Non-Routine Use of School Buses; 8660 - Transportation by Private Vehicle for District-Sponsored Activities or Trips; 8680 - Transportation Services Contracts. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Maureen Koch to approve the above-mentioned NEOLA policies listed. Motion carried 7-0-0 c. Review and Second Read of the following general policy revisions 8405 – Indoor Environmental Quality Management Plan Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jessica Strand to approve the above-mentioned NEOLA policy. Motion carried 7-0-0 11. Items for Future Agenda and/or Research: a. Board Member Requests for Information 12. Closed Session – the Board convened into closed session at 9:26 p.m. Motion by Sharon Gazzola, seconded by Keith Peters. Motion carried 7-0-0. a. Approval of the following closed session meeting minutes: i. January 20, 2025 Board meeting ii. Discussion with appropriate action considering the employ-ment, compensation, or performance of an employee over which the Board has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. 13. The Board reconvened into open session at 9:47 p.m. Motion by Sharon Gazzola, seconded by Keith Peters. Motion carried 7-0-0. 14. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Mike Weiss to approve the employee retirement benefit request as presented. Motion carried 7-0-0. 15. Motion to Adjourn by Mike Weiss, seconded by Sharon Gazzola at 9:48 p.m. Motion carried 7-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Strand Clerk JLS/smg 2/27 WNAXLP
City of Eagle River ( One week 2/19/25 ) City Council Meeting Minutes February 11, 2025 A meeting of the Common Council of the City of Eagle River was called to order at 6:00PM by Mayor Jeff Hyslop. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dan Dumas and was recited by all present. Roll Call: Jerry Burkett, Dan Dumas, Kim Schaffer. Vic Washelesky present via Zoom. Also in attendance: Robin Ginner, Becky Bolte, Cory Hoffmann, Chris Dobbs via Zoom, Adam Ross, and Mike Adamovich. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to approve the agenda in any order. Carried, all. Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Burkett to approve the minutes of the 1/14/25 Finance Committee and Common Council meetings and minutes of the 1/17/25 Special City Council meeting. Carried, all. a) Street Closing/temporary sign/amplification/display of goods permits : Eagle River Revitalization Program: Eagle River Farmers Market – May 7 – October 8, 2025, Wednesdays and Sundays 8:30AM – 1PM; Direct Sellers permit fee waiver, sandwich boards, porta-potty, busking, and food trucks. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve Eagle River Revitalization Farmers market permit with waiver of direct sellers permit fee waiver, as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. b) Operator’s licenses : Regular: Melissa Gauthier, Hillary Marsh, Guy Mickelson, Rebecca Nyman Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve all regular operators licenses as presented. Carried, all. Pending: Jill Delcorps Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve all pending operators licenses upon approval from the Eagle River Police Chief/Assistant Police Chief. Carried, all. c) MSA Monthly Updates : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve the 2025 MSA Professional Services Agreement as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. d) Silver Lake Beach Discussion on closing Silver Lake Beach to all during the construction of the road and halting of swim lessons due to the construction of the road . Discussion. Beach to remain open until road construction begins and swim lessons will be offered for the 2025 summer season. Motion by Washelesky, 2nd by Dumas to start the Silver Lake Road project August 11, 2025, closing Silver Lake Beach during road construction. Carried on a roll call vote, all. e) RW Baird – Debt Management and Procurement policies : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve the City of Eagle River Procurement Policy as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve changes to the July 2024 Debt Management Policy, moving Financial Advisor and supporting paragraphs verbiage from the Debt Management Policy to the Procurement Policy. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve BAIRD General Consulting Services Agreement for up to 40 hours at $200/hour, with Mayor approval required for an additional 40 hours at $200/hour. Carried on a roll call vote, all. f) Report from Eagle River Historical Society Executive Director, Vito Bortolotti : Executive Director Vito Bortolotti presented and supplied a written report of Historical Society programs, work performed in the community, and collaborations over the course of 2024. The director was thanked by all for a job well done. Agenda order was changed, addressing Item m) next. m) Eagle River Fire Department – Fire extinguisher inspection agreement for City buildings : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to enter into agreement with the Eagle River Fire Department for fire extinguisher inspections for City buildings. Carried on a roll call vote, all. g) Proposal by the Landover ATV/UTV Club to request an ordinance change designating All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) and Utility-Terrain Vehicle (UTV) Routes on Wisconsin State Highway 70 from the west City limits to Forrest Street/W Division Street and Sundstein Road. Route to originate in the Town of Lincoln at Highway H/State Hwy 70 : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to deny the Landover ATV/UTV Club request for an ordinance change designating ATV/UTV routes on WI State Hwy 70 from the west city limits to Forrest St/W Division and Sundstein Rd. Carried on a roll call vote, all. h) Proposal for updates to SnoEagles lease of DPW buildings for groomer and equipment storage . Mayor Hyslop recommended that if Council wishes to proceed with proposed restricted sale to SnoEagles club, proposal should be brought to the Planning Commission first. i) Eagle River Pickleball Association request for court construction behind City Hall : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to refer the Pickleball Association proposal to the Planning Commission with a public hearing to discuss the future and fate of the park. Carried on a roll vote, all. j) Planning Commission Recommendations : Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Schaffer to accept Planning Commission recommendation and approve conditional use permit to Premier Eagle River, LLC for Phase II of a their development: building an additional four buildings in the multi-family housing complex consisting of up to 48 units total, pursuant to Zoning Section 106-393 Uses permitted by conditional grant: (6) Multi-family housing in excess of two units on Parcel #221-1060-05, described as NW-NE, Sect. 34, T40N, R10E, PRT NW NE EXC 507081,547546,593411. The parcel is located at the northeast corner of US Highway 45/East Pine Street, Wall Street, and State Highway 70 East. Carried on a roll call vote, Ayes: Dumas, Schaffer, Washelesky Nays: None Abstaining: Burkett Motion by Dumas,2nd by Burkett to accept the Planning Commission recommendation, granting approval to sell Parcel #221.995 at the southeast corner of N. Indiana Street and E. Hospital Road. .82 acres, zoned Office Residential, and described as SE-NW, Sect. 28, T40N, R10E, PRT SE NW EXC 430-5 with the following conditions: The parcel must be developed with 12 months of purchase, asking price of $60,000, and deed restriction requiring exterior of building to be complete within one year of starting construction. Carried on a roll vote, all. k) Golf Course : Ginner reported that the kitchen floor is being raised at the golf course restaurant. l) Department of Public Works : Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Schaffer to approve the listing of the no longer used 2008 Chevy Silverado pick-up truck on the Wisconsin Surplus Auction site. Carried on a roll call vote, all. n) Approve payment of the bills for the City and the Golf Course : Motion by Schaffer, 2nd Burkett to approve payment of the bills for the city and the golf course as recommended by the Finance Committee. Carried on a roll call vote, all. o) Treasurer’s monthly update : Hoffmann provided budget reports for December 31, 2024 and January 31, 2025 along with a written report. Hoffmann stated that the golf course will need to be fronted money from the City to cover expenses until Spring as club house building repairs have depleted their balance. Ginner reported that golf course pass fees will begin to come in soon. p) Police chief monthly update on departmental activities : Chief Dobbs provided a written 2024 Annual Activities Report along with monthly reports from Assistant Chief Ross and Chief Dobbs. q) Administrator’s monthly update on activities of all departments : Ginner provided a written report. Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Washelesky to approve the purchase of tablets for Council/Mayor/City Staff use with subsequent IT requirements, to replace paper Council packet, not to exceed $2700 for hardware and $700 annually for software. Carried on a roll call vote, all. r) Clerk’s monthly update : Bolte provided a written report. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to Adjourn to Closed Session at 8:27PM according to Wisconsin State Statute 1985 (1): Subsection (f) Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons except where par. ( b ) applies which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations. i. Decision on reinstatement of golf course annual pass privileges Subsection (e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. ii. Decision on status of offers submitted to the City for the purchase of Parcel #221-457 on the west side of Bond Street south of the T-Docks boat landing, zoned single- family residential and described as SECT. 28, T40N, R10E, PRT OUTLOT D LAKE PARK ADDN. AND Subsection (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility; and iii. Succession Planning for the Eagle River Golf Course Golf Pro Position. iv. Administrative Employment Agreements & Amendments for Administrator, Clerk and Treasurer Motion carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to Reconvene in Open Session at 9:15pm according to Wisconsin State Statute 19.85 (2) with possible action on closed session agenda items. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Burkett to approve presented administrative employment agreement for Clerk Bolte as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Schaffer, 2nd by Dumas to approve presented administrative employment agreement for Treasurer Hoffmann as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. Motion by Dumas, 2nd by Burkett to approve presented administrative employment agreement amendment for City Administrator Ginner as presented. Carried on a roll call vote, all. No other action taken. Motion by Burkett, 2nd by Dumas to adjourn at 9:20PM. Carried, all. /s/ Becky Bolte - Clerk 2738 WNAXLP
De Pere WNAXLP February 3, 2025, USDD Special Board of Education Meeting Minutes The Unified School District of De Pere Board of Education held a Special Meeting on Monday, February 3, 2025, at 6:00 PM in the Board Conference room at the District Office. Board President Adam Clayton opened the meeting with: This is a special meeting of the Board of Education of the Unified School District of De Pere being held in the Community Room in the District Office. Before this meeting, notice was given to the public by posting at the appropriate places, and copies of the notice of this meeting were forwarded to local news media. A copy of the notice was provided to the official newspaper of the District, The Press Times. Roll Call: Present – Clayton, Chad Jeskewitz, Melissa Niffenegger, Matt Petersen, Brandy Tollefson. and. Excused - Jeff Dickert and Brittony Cartwright. Quorum declared. Clayton called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. Agenda: Jeskewitz moved to approve the agenda as presented and Petersen seconded the motion. Motion passed, 5/0. Motion to close the public meeting and enter into executive session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(c)(f) to review superintendent 2024 performance goals using the new WASB evaluation system and review Employee Retirement/VER Benefit requests. Jeskewitz motioned to move to executive session and Tollefson seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 5/0. Entered close session at 6:02 PM. Cartwright entered the meeting at 6:08. Motion to Adjourn Executive Session and Return to Open Session: Cartwright motioned to close the executive session and return to open session and Tollefson seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote: 6/0. Entered open session at 6:46 PM. Action regarding executive session discussion; Motion to approve the voluntary early retirement requests for the 2025-26 school year from Marcy Becker, DPHS Counselor, Wayne Boudreau, DPHS Special Education Teacher, Joy Conway, Altmayer 4th Grade Teacher, Meg Celley-Anderson, Altmayer 4th Grade Teacher, Steve Newton, DPHS Physical Education Teacher. Cartwright motioned to approve the requests as presented and Petersen seconded the motion. Motion passed; 6/0. Presentation by the De Pere High School Student Council: De Pere High School Student Council members, Emma C., Molly M., and Claire P., students, presented information about the student organization and its activities. Board Member Discussion Regarding the State Convention: Chris Thompson, Superintendent, Tollefson, Clayton, and Niffenegger reviewed the sessions attended at the State Convention. Sessions included the well-attended sessions given by De Pere administrators, sessions on onboarding new board members, changes in school law, developing compensation plans, and how to attract and keep teachers and annual self-assessments. Recognition of Jerry Nicholson, WCASS 2024 Director of Student Services Award: Nicholson was recognized for his outstanding achievements and for winning the 2024 Director of Student Services Award. 2025 Organizational Meeting Date: Policy 0151.1, regarding the Annual Board Reorganizing Meeting, was reviewed with a suggestion to move the annual meeting to the first Monday in May, rather than the 4th Monday in April. The policy will have its first reading at the February 17, 2025, meeting. Motion to Approve the 2025-26 School Board Calendar: The proposed 2025-26 school year meeting dates and times were reviewed. Given the larger number of agenda items in July compared to January, two meetings should be scheduled in July and only one in January. Tollefson motioned to approve the presented 2025-26 School Board Calendar, and Petersen seconded. The motion passed, 6/0. Move to Approve Endpoint Protection Solution: Curt Pieschek, Director of Technology, presented bids for district endpoint solutions for cyber security and recommended we approve the CESA 7 bid. Cartwright motioned to approve the purchase as presented, and Jeskewitz seconded. The motion passed, 6/0. Motion to Approve the Purchase of a Cargo Van: Noah Wentland, Dir. of Buildings and Grounds, and Dawn Foeller, Business Manager, presented 3 bids for the purchase of a new cargo van to replace the 2008 van currently in use and in need of extensive repair. Cartwright motioned to approve the recommended bid to purchase the van and Petersen seconded. Motion passed 6/0. Motion to Approve the Purchase of High School Auditorium Curtains: Wentland and Foeller presented 3 bids to replace the high school auditorium curtains which do not meet current fire code requirements. Tollefson motioned to approve the purchase as presented and Jeskewitz seconded the motion. The motion passed; 6/0. Motion to Approve Extension of Cost-Sharing Agreement for Police Liaison Officers: Foeller requested the Board approve the contract with the City of De Pere for police liaison services for the 2024-25 school year. Cartwright motioned to approve the contract as presented and Tollefson seconded the motion. The motion passed; 6/0. Presentation of and Motion to Approve the Audited 2023-2024 Annual Financial Report: Foeller presented an overview of the report and requested we bring this item back at the next meeting when Baird’s representative will be present. Other Topics and Discussion: Cartwright inquired about the viability of a safety system available for public restrooms and whether it could be implemented in the schools. She also asked about the timeline for the potential rollback of the Title IX policy. Nicholson responded that the policy would likely be up for review at the next meeting. Additionally, Cartwright suggested moving to an electronic format for board packets instead of using paper. Jeskewitz requested an update on the completion of the sound system installation in the community room and was informed it would be done by the end of February. Jeskewitz also expressed appreciation for the community and staff’s support of HB’s family. Clayton applauded the Jam Session and highlighted the success and enjoyment of the Destination De Pere event. Petersen congratulated the winter athletic teams for their strong start, and Clayton commended the mock trial teams for advancing to the State competitions. Adjournment: Cartwright motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jeskewitz seconded the motion. Motion carried; 6/0. Adjourned at 8:04 PM. Approved by Board February 17, 2025, Jeff Dickert, Secretary Publish 02.21.25 WNAXLP
Howard WNAXLP Minutes of the Village Board Meeting January 27, 2025 Village Board Room at Village Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER Village President Burt R. McIntyre called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. 2. ROLL CALL President McIntyre called for a roll call. Present: Village President Burt R. McIntyre; Trustee Maria Lasecki, District 1; Trustee Cathy Hughes, District 3; Trustee John Muraski, District 4; Trustee Scott Beyer, District 5; Trustee Ray Suennen, District 6; Trustee Craig McAllister, District 8 Excused: Trustee Chris Nielsen, District 2; Trustee Adam Lemorande, District 7 Staff: Administrator Paul Evert, Director of Administrative Services Chris Haltom, Public Works Director Geoff Farr, Engineering Director Josh Gerrits, Fire/Rescue Chief Dennis Staeven, Directed Enforcement Officer Brandon Dhuey, and Public Information Officer Leigh Ann Wagner Kroening 3. RECITE THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President McIntyre led the meeting in the pledge. 4. REPORT BY THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH OPEN MEETING LAWS President McIntyre read the following notice: Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.81-19.98, the Village Board is meeting to conduct public business. In accordance with state law, the meeting agenda was posted at Village Hall, other municipal buildings, and on the Village of Howard website and was also distributed to the local media and other requesters at least 24 business hours prior to the start of this meeting. 5. APPROVE THE AGENDA FOR THE MEETING C. Hughes moved to approve the agenda. S. Beyer seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 6. PUBLIC APPEARANCES (NONE) 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS/ANNOUNCEMENTS B. McIntyre said the Village of Howard received its second award for the Howard Common Activity Complex, most recently on Jan. 16 at the Associated General Contractors 2024 Awards, for which Miron won the Commercial New Construction Award for its work on the facility. 8. COMMUNICATIONS (NONE) 9. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA C. Hughes moved to approve the consent agenda. M. Lasecki seconded. The motion carried unanimously, and the following items were approved: a. Village Board meeting minutes from Jan. 13, 2025 b. Plan Commission meeting minutes from Jan. 20, 2025 c. Municipal Invoices totaling $550,488.80, paid with checks #83060 - #83145 d. The following Operator Licenses: i. Jacque M. Brester ii. James F. Decker iii. Diana M. Fligelman iv. Ryan M. Lasher v. Melinda L. Wentworth e. PLAN COMMISSION ITEMS (The Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of the following items.) i. The request to rezone VH-32-2, Marley Street, 15.359 acres, from I-4 Industrial Park Heavy Industry to R-1 Residential Single Family. ii. The Preliminary Plat of Hazel Estates 3rd Addition 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS OR OLD BUSINESS ITEMS (NONE) 11. NEW BUSINESS ITEMS a. Review and take action on Preliminary Resolution 2025-01, declaring the intent to exercise special assessment powers under Wisconsin Statute Section 66.0701 upon The Plat of Hazel Estates, Third Addition J. Gerrits said a developer approached the village about continuing the Hazel Estates residential development by extending Betty Jean Lane. The proposed subdivision will create 36 single-family lots and will extend improvements all the way to Marley Street. Improvements required for the project include sidewalk, asphalt roadway construction, service laterals, sanitary sewer extension, water main extension, and storm sewer extension. The existing regional storm water pond southeast of Marie Lane will serve this development as well. Costs for the project will be assessed to the development with no other properties receiving improvements or being assessed. J. Muraski moved to approve Preliminary Resolution 2025-01, declaring the intent to exercise special assessment powers upon The Plat of Hazel Estates, Third Addition. S. Beyer seconded. The motion carried unanimously. b. Review and take action on a Certified Survey Map for Mark Koenig, 1245 Primrose Lane, VH-246-10, VH-246-10-1, and VH-2306 G. Farr said the applicant recently rezoned the property to create an additional single-family lot. M. Lasecki moved to approve the Certified Survey Map for Koenig/Bechle, 1245 Primrose Lane, VH-246-10, VH-246-10-1, and VH-2306 with the condition all utility laterals are abandoned and paid for by the property owner. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously. c. Review and take action on the new Alcohol Beverage License application for Las Maracas Restaurant, 2450 Velp Ave. #102 C. Haltom said Las Maracas is opening in the strip mall behind McDonald’s and currently the owner is only requesting a beer license. C. Hughes moved to approve the Alcohol Beverage License application for Las Maracas Restaurant. R. Suennen seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 12. REPORTS OF VILLAGE OFFICIALS i. Grant writer Ben Rodgers reviewed the 2024 Annual Report, which saw the Village of Howard receive 10 grants totaling $3,156,839, resulting in a 62.5% grant application success rate and a return on investment of $113.78 per dollar spent. The board discussed. No action was taken. ii. D. Staeven discussed the implementation of the new Safe Haven Baby Box, which is the first in Northeast Wisconsin and only the fourth in the entire state. No action was taken. 12. CLOSED SESSION (NONE) 13. ADJOURNMENT M. Lasecki moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:01 pm. C. Hughes seconded. The motion carried unanimously.Respectfully submitted Leigh Ann Wagner Kroening Administrator’s Assistant/PIO Publish 02.14.25 WNAXLP
January 14 2025 The meeting of the Clintonville Common Council was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Kettenhoven in accordance with Wisconsin Open Meeting Laws and ADA requirements. Roll call of Alderpersons: Bonikowske, Ebert, Strey-Hirt, Rokus (arrived 6:34 pm), Schirpke, Zempel, Hansen, Lederer, Braden, and Rose. Staff: City Administrator Muske, City Attorney Steckbauer, Police Chief Freitag, Utility Manager Tichinel, Public Works Director Mc Auly, and Clerk-Treasurer Johnson. Also Present: Bert Lehman – Tribune Gazette and Jeannie Schley. Braden/Zempel m/s/c to approve the agenda. Braden/Ebert m/s/c to approve the consent agenda item: December 10,2024 Council minutes. Discussion was held regarding the need for a new official newspaper. Zempel/Hansen m/s/c to appoint the Clintonville Tribune Gazette as the official newspaper through April 30, 2025. Braden/Schirpke m/s/c u/roll call to approve payment of the bills in the amount of $3,387,197.73. Braden/Strey-Hirt m/s/c u/roll call to approve the 2024 carry-overs to 2024 for $14,306 Electric Capital and $3,600 Water Capital for Tools, Shop, and Garage; $629 Park & Rec Easter Egg and Winter Whirl donated general funds; and $49,469 Street maintenance general funds. Braden/Ebert m/s/c to declare the Community Center piano surplus. Braden/Hansen m/s/c u/roll call to approve the purchase of unbudgeted pistols from Top Pack Defense for $19,125 and acceptance of the donation of $19,125 from specialized Products, LTD. Braden/Bonikowske m/s/c to appoint Dave McCartney to the Public Works Committee, replacing Peggy Zaemisch. Braden/Hansen m/s/c u/roll call to convene into closed session per § 19.85(1)(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the government body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility /City Administrator Annual Evaluation and 2025 Goals, to include Muske. Reconvened into open session. Braden/Bonikowske m/s/c u/roll call to approve the positive City Administrator annual evaluation and 2025 goals as presented. Strey-Hirt/Bonikowske m/s/c to adjourn at 7:12 pm. Peggy Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer Publish Feb. 20, 2025 WNAXLP
Kewaskum School District Board of Education Regular Meeting Thursday, January 9, 2025 Roll Call of Board members present: Dennis Aupperle, Stephanie Bird, Jim Leister, Ric Leitheiser, Sue Miller, Bradley Petersen, Timothy Ramthun. Following a moment of silence, Dr. Bazata verified that the meeting had been posted pursuant to §19.84(1)(2)(3)(4). BPetersen/SMiller motion to approve agenda as presented. Motion passed 7-0. SBird led the Pledge of Allegiance. Consent Agenda BPetersen/SBird motion to approve the consent agenda including; minutes - December 12, 2024; Instructional Resignations - none; Instructional Hires -none; Extracurricular Resignations - Glenn Grisolono JV Volleyball Coach; Extracurricular Hires - Colleen Hasse Head Girls Volleyball Coach. Motion passed 7-0. Items for Discussion and/or Action RLeitheiser/SMiller motion to approve payroll report for $1,484,246.80. Motion passed 7-0. RLeitheiser/DAupperle motion to approve accounts payable for $528,582.31. Motion passed 7-0. BPetersen/SBird motion to approve Legislative Platform as presented. Motion passed 7-0. SBird/DAupperle motion to approve 149 Open Enrollment seats for the 2025/26 school year. Motion passed 7-0. RLeitheiser/BPetersen motion to approve two students to be eligible for the Wisconsin Academic Scholarship and two students to be eligible for the Technical Excellence Higher Education Scholarship. Motion passed 7-0. TRamthun/SBird motion to approve overnight field trip request for the KHS FFA to attend the FFA Spring Mission / Leadership Conference in Green Bay, WI 3/21-3/22/25. Motion passed 7-0. Policy for Discussion and/or Action 9.A. Second Reading Neola Policy Revisions; 3120.04 Employment of Substitutes, 5200 Attendance, 5330 Administration of Medication / Emergency Care, 5505 Academic Honesty, 8395 Student Mental Health Services BPetersen/SBird motion to approve agenda item 9A. Motion passed 7-0. RLeitheiser/SMiller motion to approve purchase of Microsoft Licensing Renewal for a cost of $16,322.24 per year through K12 Technology Group for January 2025-2028. Motion passed 7-0. Closed Session BPetersen/DAupperle motion to adjourn to closed session to consider closed minutes, admin contracts, employee benefits, and student discipline. Motion passed 7-0. Open session ended at 6:58 p.m. Open session reconvened at 9:06 p.m. Adjournment BPetersen/DAupperle motion to adjourn meeting. Motion passed 7-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:07p.m. Minutes by: Lisa Heiser, Executive Assistant Approved: February 13, 2025 Board President: Jim Leister 2/20 WNAXLP
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2024 REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2024 HS COMMUNITY FORUM ROOM Meeting called to order by President, Doug Ehrenberg at 6:00 p.m. Meeting began with the Pledge of Allegience. Roll Call - Board members present: Kohl, aye; Wagner, aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Loehrke, aye; Gorchals, aye; Gerrits, aye; Looker; aye; and Lauren Wisner, present. Board members absent: None. Meeting properly noticed: Yes. Quorum: Yes. Administration present: Phillip Tubbs, Alexander Muir, Don Ryan and Abby Poliak. Administration absent: Jodi Alix and Nick Schultek. Supervisors present: Don Lederhaus. Others Present: Ryan Dolnik, Jodi Gardner, Paul Krause, James Card w/ Waupaca County Post, Randy Loehrke, and Meta Berg. COMMUNICATION AND VISITORS VISITORS: None. ADMINISTRATION PHILLIP TUBBS Mr. Tubbs noted the holiday festivities were all very good. He also encouraged staff to get out into the hallways and gave the board the results of the survey he sent to staff and received a lot of positivity behind it. JODI ALIX Mrs. Alix was not present but the Assistant Principal Mrs. Poliak spoke and said overall a good atmosphere in the schools as we go through spirit weeks. There was a speaker that was brought in to talk to students and staff on anti-bullying which was very good. DONALD RYAN Mr. Ryan noted that this past week they had the holiday concerts and wanted to give a shout out to Shannon Rahm the music teacher who put together (3) different programs and allowed students to play musical instruments and some had solos. She has done a lot of work with the students and has done a great job. NICHOLAS SCHULTEK Mr. Schultek was not present. ALEXANDER MUIR Mr. Muir has been working with the auditor and getting the finalized budget numbers done. The food service had a surplus for the month of November. The open enrollment in and out budget amounts will be brought back to the board for approval so he can make an adjustment. OTHERS BOARD OF EDUCATION Ms. Loehrke asked about the safety plan and Mr. Lederhaus addressed the board that this is a very fluid document. Mr. Kohl also talked to the board about getting something out to the public on their tax bill. Mr. Tubbs noted that he will be putting something together and getting that put on the website for the community which will explain a little more about the school taxes. Mr. Looker also asked about the long range facility plan. RECOGNITION AND SPECIAL GUESTS WARHAWK SOUND STUDIO – (ROTARY CLUB OF WAUPACA) TECH ED DONATIONS (Wes Schroeder - $500, Pine Breeze Dairy - $2,100, Quantum Dairy - $3,195, Faulks Brothers - $500. Mr. Tubbs noted the donations thanked Mr. Schroeder, Pine Breeze Dairy, Quantum Dairy and Faulks Brothers for their donations to the Tech Ed Department. STUDENT SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVE – Lauren Wisner Ms. Wisner talked about a few things going on in school which included FCCLA will be having a staff lunch for those that are interested; the MS/HS student council has been hosting a door decorating contest. Ms. Wisner through FCCLA was able to meet with state legislators and was able to talk to them about the importance of CTE and was able to ask them to keep a new petition on their radar which is a proposal for $44 million dollars to go towards CTE education. HS band and choir concerts were held last week. NHS will be having their induction ceremony on January 13th and high quiz had their first competition and did win by 3 points. Science Olympiad had a competition with many middle and high school students medaling. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS Motion by Gerrits, seconded by Ehrenberg, to approve the November monthly payments as printed. Roll call vote: Loehrke, aye; Kohl, aye; Wagner, aye; Gorchals, aye; Looker, aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Gerrits aye. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. Motion by Wagner, seconded by Gerrits, to approve the November monthly cash receipts as printed. Roll call vote: Ehrenberg, aye; Kohl, aye; Gerrits, aye; Wagner, aye; Gorchals, aye; Looker, aye; Loehrke, aye. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS CHARTER SCHOOL UPDATE Mr. Krause noted that the 5th grade students made some ornaments through an economics project and were able to sell them and made $100.00. Stem students also participated in both the Weyauwega and Fremont Christmas parades. He also noted that the following Wednesday is the Fremont Stem Academy’s Regular board meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Ehrenberg, seconded by Wagner, to accept the consent agenda as presented. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. Under the Consent Agenda, the Board of Education approved the following: A. Committee of the Whole Meeting – 11-25-24 B. Regular Board of Education Meeting –11-25-24 C. Resignations – Nick Schultek – Director of Pupil Services & Special Education NEW BUSINESS USI INSURANCE SERVICES (HEALTH PLAN UPDATE) (Discussion) Mr. Beaudry from USI Insurance Services had a presentation for the board on the medical plan and how it is running. 2025-2026 COURSE DESCRIPTION HANDBOOK (ACTION) Motion by Loehrke, seconded by Ehrenberg, to approve the 2025-2026 course description handbook as it has been presented. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. HIGH SCHOOL CHARTER SCHOOL CONTRACT Mr. Tubbs noted that the high school charter school contract will be brought to the next board meeting for discussion. CALENDAR & FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Board Meeting on December 19th – closed session General Fund breakdown Baird presentation Asset Review Motion by Wagner, seconded by Gerrits, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. The January Regular Board of Education Meeting will be held on January 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM in the High School Community Forum Room. Monthly Regular Board of Education Meeting agendas will be posted on the district website at, the Weyauwega Public Library, Weyauwega City Hall, Fremont Village Hall, Neuschafer Community Library, Waupaca County Post, and at all W-F District locations. Dawn Loughrin Board Secretary Publish Feb. 20, 2025 WNAXLP
MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE NEW LONDON BOARD OF EDUCATION AT DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Monday, January 20, 2025 PRESENT: K. Batten, M. Grossman, N. Grundy, J. Heideman, C. Martinson, H. Schweitzer and M. Wilz. I. PUBLIC FORUM II. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by C. Martinson, President. A quorum was established. The pledge of allegiance was led by C. Martinson. III. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by H. Schweitzer to approve the resignations of: • Kandi Martin, Director of Pupil Services effective 6/30/25 • Kyle Collins, Varsity Head Football Coach Motion carried. IV. Unfinished Business A. Second Reading for Review and Potential Approval of Revised Policies It was moved by J. Heideman and seconded by M. Wilz to approve the following revised policies as presented: • 723.3 Emergency School Closings • 731.1 Locker Room Privacy • 733 Energy Management • 751 Student Transportation Services • 751.11 Student Transportation from Licensed Group Daycare Providers • 751.12 Transportation of Nonpublic School Students • 751.21 Bus Accident—Emergency Procedures Motion carried. B. Second Hearing for Review and Potential Approval of the 2025-2026 and the 2026-2027 School Academic Calendars It was moved by K. Batten and seconded by H. Schweitzer to approve the 2025-2026 calendar as presented. Motion to table the motion until the next meeting was made by M. Wilz and seconded by N. Grundy. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 5-2 (M. Grossman-yes, N. Grundy-yes, J. Heideman-yes, H. Schweitzer-yes, M. Wilz-yes, K. Batten-no, C. Martinson-no). S. Bleck explained that if the decision is made to remove required instructional days from the academic calendar, this will need to be discussed at the Total Compensation Committee level as this will affect the calculation of certified staff salaries. V. New Business A. Review of 2023-24 Audit Report J. Marquardt reviewed the 2023-24 audit report. B. Budget Update J. Marquardt gave a budget update. C. Board of Education Business/Donors Recognition S. Bleck and C. Martinson discussed the process of recognizing business and donors whose generosity has greatly supported district functions. A motion was made by J. Heideman and seconded by H. Schweitzer to award the Board of Education Business of the Year recognition to Tigerton Lumber. Motion carried. D. Review of WASB Self-Evaluation Tool S. Bleck reviewed the WASB self-evaluation tool and timelines. The evaluation tool will be emailed to the Board of Education members the week of January 27. E. Review of Director of Teaching and Learning Employment Posting and Hiring Timeline S. Bleck reviewed the employment posting and hiring timeline for the Director of Teaching and Learning position. F. Board of Education Special Committee on Student Achievement and Growth S. Bleck and C. Martinson explained the potential establishment of a special committee to focus on in-depth discussions and exploration of student academic growth and academic achievement. The Board will continue their review of this concept at the next Board meeting. G. Review and Potential Approval of Agri-Science/FFA Out-of-Country Field Trip Request C. Retzlaff reviewed out-of-country field trip request. It was moved by M. Grossman and seconded by N. Grundy to approve the Agri-Science/FFA out-of-country field trip to Italy/France during the summer of 2027 as presented. Motion carried. IV. CLOSED SESSION It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by K. Batten to enter into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes as listed on the agenda at 7:44 p.m. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 7-0. It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by M. Grossman to enter open session at 8:29 p.m. Motion carried. V. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION TO TAKE ANY NECESSARY ACTION ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS It was moved by H. Schweitzer and seconded by N. Grundy to approve the Director of Business Service 2025-2027 contract. Motion carried. It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by H. Schweitzer to approve the District Administrator 2025-2027 contract. Motion carried. VI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by J. Heideman and seconded by H. Grundy to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 p.m. Motion carried. Katie Batten, Clerk Publish Feb. 20, 2025 WNAXLP
Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 14, 2025 5:30 PM District Meeting Room, 1048 E King Road, Tomahawk, WI 54487 Present: W. Quesinberry, R. Huseby, J. Lauber, S. Bolder, S. Woodall, M. Schommer, R. Flynn, B. Susa, and (2) community members I. Call to Order: R. Zimmerman called the meeting to order at approximately 5:30 pm II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call: Present: L. Calhoun, D. Huseby, S. Kirsch, K. Kissinger Wolf, D. Long, A. Swenty, D. Velleux, R. Zimmerman IV. Declaration of a Quorum: R. Zimmerman declared there was a quorum. V. Adoption of Agenda: Motion by A. Swenty and seconded by L. Calhoun to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. VI. Resolution Honoring the Life and Service of Bob Skubal: R. Zimmerman presented a resolution honoring the life and service of Bob Skubal. Motion by A. Swenty and seconded by S. Kirsch to adopt the resolution honoring the life and service of Bob Skubal. Motion carried unanimously. VII. District Administrator Report: W. Quesinberry presented to the Board. No official action was taken. VIII. Consent Agenda Items A Approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting on December 10, 2024. B Approve the Minutes from the Closed Session of the Regular Meeting on December 10, 2024 C Approve the Minutes from the Policy Committee Meeting on December 18, 2024 D Approve the Minutes from the Referendum Planning Committee Meeting on January 9th, 2025 E Approve the Invoices from December F Employment/Contract Adjustments 1. Replacement Staff Melissa Belmas, 3rd Grade Teacher 2. Resignation Samantha Mayer, High School Special Education Paraprofessional 3. Above Pay Kezleigh Vacho, Middle School Girls Basketball Coach G Donations Janie Jaecks, $1,230.00 in Art Supplies to the Elementary Art Program Gifts from Heaven, $2,000 towards the school lunch deficit, $500 towards Elementary Snack Supply Motion by D. Long and seconded by D. Velleux to approve the consent agenda items. Motion carried unanimously. IX. Staff Reports A Brett Susa SRO Report: Brett Susa gave an update on SRO actions and participation in the District. No official action was taken. X. Consider recommendation for the addition of WIAA Girls Wrestling Program: R. Flynn presented a proposal to add the WIAA Girls Wrestling Program to the District. Motion by D. Long and seconded by L. Calhoun to approve the addition of the WIAA Girls Wrestling Program to the District. Motion carried unanimously. XI. Consider RVA Contract Renewal to become an Invested Member: W. Quesinberry explained the RVA Contract Renewal and change to becoming an Invested Member. Motion by K. Kissinger Wolf and seconded by D. Huseby to approve the 5-year RVA Contract Renewal as an Invested Member. Motion carried unanimously. XII. Approve the number of Regular Education and Special Education spaces available within the District per State Stat. 118.51(5)(a)1: Motion by D. Velleux and seconded by A. Swenty to approve the number of Regular Education and Special Education spaces available within the District per State Stat. 118.51(5)(a)1. Motion carried unanimously. XIII. Update on January 17, 2025 Teacher Professional Development Day: M. Schommer updated the Board on the January 17, 2025 Teacher Professional Development Day. No official action was taken. XIV. Consider Teacher Curriculum Rate Increase: W. Quesinberry presented a proposal to increase the teacher curriculum rate from $19/hr to $27/hr. Motion by A. Swenty and seconded by S. Kirsch to approve an increase in the teacher curriculum rate from $19/hr to $27/hr. Motion carried unanimously. XV. School Board Election Update: W. Quesinberry presented an update of the school board election status. No official action was taken. XVI. Approve the second reading of the following policy: A po5610.03 Alternatives to Expulsion and Re-Entry Plans: Motion by D. Huseby and seconded by A. Swenty to approve the second reading of po5610.03 Alternatives to Expulsion and Re-Entry Plans. Motion carried unanimously. XVII. Approve the first readings of the following policies: A po3120.02 Nepotism - NEW - 1st Reading B po4120.02 Nepotism - NEW - 1st Reading C po8600 Transportation - NEW - 1st Reading Motion by S. Kirsch and seconded by D. Long to approve the first reading of the three (3) aforementioned new policies. Motion carried unanimously. XVIII. Approve the revisions to the following policies: A po3440 Job-Related Expenses B po4440 Job-Related Expenses C po6110 Grant Funds D po6111 Internal Controls - Replacement for Administration of Grant Programs E po6112 Cash Management of Grants F po6114 Cost Principles - Spending Federal Funds G po6325 Procurement - Federal Grants/Funds H po7310 Disposition of Personal Property I po7450 Property Inventory J po8531 Free and Reduced-Price Meals K po8640 Transportation for Field and Other District-Sponsored Trips - TO BE DELETED L po8660 Transportation by Private Vehicle M po8680 Bus Service Contracts Motion by D. Long and seconded by D. Velleux to approve the revisions of the aforementioned policy revisions. Motion carried unanimously. XIX. Review 2025-2026 WASB Resolutions: W. Quesinberry presented the 2025-2026 WASB Resolutions. No official action was taken. XX. Public Comment-S. Kirsch, on behalf of a community member, suggestion to consider moving Public Comment to the beginning of the agenda or adding a second Public Comment. No official action was taken. XXI. Board Referrals – There were no Board Referrals. Motion by D. Long and seconded by K. Kissinger Wolf to move into a closed session under Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) "Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Motion carried unanimously in a roll call vote. A Personnel Update XXII. Adjourn : R. Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at approximately 6:37 pm. _______________________ Board Clerk Published February 19, 2025 WNAXLP
SCHOOL BOARD MEETING MINUTES January 27, 2025 Special Meeting Pursuant to the regulations, a special Board meeting was held on the above date in the Waupaca High School Community Room. The purpose of the Board Meeting Minutes is to capture the essence of discussions through the actions voted on. These minutes should not be interpreted to represent a transcription of the meeting. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Ron Brooks at 5:28 p.m. Roll Call: Present in the WHS Community Room: Ron Brooks, Steve Klismet, Betty Manion, Molly McDonald, Dale Feldt, Bob Adams, and Lori Verhalen. Also Present: Present in the WHS Community Room: Craig Gerlach and Mike Richie from HYA. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Dale Feldt and seconded by Molly McDonald to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Review of Board Meeting Norms: The Board reviewed their collective commitments. Adjournment into Closed Session: A motion was made by Dale Feldt and seconded by Bob Adams to adjourn into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 19.85(1)(c), Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Specifically, to conduct final interview(s) of candidate(s) for the District Administrator position. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote at 5:30 p.m. Reconvene in Open Session to Consider Action on Matters from Closed Session: The Board did not reconvene in open session. Adjournment: A motion was made by Lori Verhalen and seconded by Steve Klismet to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Ron Brooks, President Board of Education Betty Manion, Clerk Board of Education Publish Feb. 20, 2025 WNAXLP
School District of Horicon Board of Education Meeting January 20, 2025 6:00 p.m. Horicon School District Board Room – Room 407 Board of Education meeting called to order by President Strieff at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Vincent, Hodgson, Nicolaus, Grigg, Westimayer, Strieff, Bischoff, and Student Council Representative C. Dykstra. Motion by Grigg, second by Hodgson to approve the January 20, 2025 BOE agenda as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Bischoff, second by Vincent to approve the minutes of the December 16, 2024 BOE meeting as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Grigg, second by Westimayer to approve the fund 10, 21, 27, 38, 39, 49, 50, 73, and 80 Vouchers in the amount of $683,648.44 [Check #33566 to Check #33653 and Check #51564 to Check #51596]. Roll call vote: Ayes-[Hodgson, Westimayer, Grigg, Strieff, Bischoff, Nicolaus, Vincent]. Nays-[None]. Motion carried. Motion by Bischoff, second by Vincent to approve the fund 60 Activity Account as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Hodgson, second by Nicolaus to hire Jeffrey Phoumyvong as a daily Long-Term Substitute for Elementary Music from February 21 – April 4, 2025. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Grigg, second by Westimayer to approve the High School Ice Fishing Team’s overnight field trip on February 14, 2025 to La Crosse, WI for the state ice fishing tournament, which is held on Saturday, February 15, 2025. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Nicolaus, second by Hodgson to approve the revised 2024-25 Cocurricular Coaches List as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Vincent, second by Bischoff to approve open enrollment seats 210 regular education – 4k(10), KG (19), 1st (5), 2nd (0), 3rd (8), 4th (11), 5th (23), 6th (10), 7th (1), 8th (9), 9th (37), 10th (24), 11th (34), 12th (19) and 4 speech/language, EC Half Day (1), Intensive 5K-5(0), Cross Categorical 5K-12(0) for the 2025-26 school year, based on the criteria outlined in the District’s open enrollment policy #5113. The District will guarantee approval to siblings of currently attending students per said policy. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Bischoff, second by Hodgson to approve district calendar option D as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Vincent, second by Westimayer to accept the School District of Horicon 2023-24 Audited Financial Statements prepared by Reilly, Penner and Benton, LLP.. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Vincent, second by Hodgson to accept the Neola Policy 5460 [Graduation Requirements] revisions as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Discussion Items: Wellness Committee Meeting & Horicon-Hustisford Football Co-op President/Administration/ Student Reports: C. Dykstra, Sawyer, LeBouton, Graven, Schwartz, & Appel. Committee Reports: Personnel Entertain a motion to go into closed session - It was determined by the Board of Education that a closed session was not needed or required. Motion by Grigg, second by Hodgson to adjourn at 7:13 p.m. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Approved February 17, 2025 David Westimayer, Board Vice President WNAXLP DCP 2/27
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF IOLA-SCANDINAVIA Regular School Board Meeting Elementary School - Room #6 450 Division Street, Iola, WI 54945 Monday, January 13, 2025 at 6 pm I. Meeting was called to order in the Elementary School - Room #6 at 6 pm by Mike Harbridge with the reading of the official notice. Roll call was taken and The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Board members present - Mike Harbridge, Tony Neumann, Mike Grassl, Laura Krogwold, Diana Jones, Vanessa Kirmse and Jason Boris Administration present - Chris Nelson, Sarah Thiel, Stacey Wester, Jan Bue-Wells and Tammy Bauer Obeserver’s present - Isaiah Hoyord, Kimberlisa Przychocki, Erikka Flowers, Phillip Johnsrud, John McConnell, Damien Aguirre, Tim Welch, Emily Conroy and Matt McGregor II. Approval of agenda Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. III. Public input/comments - None IV. Approval of consent agenda Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. A. Approval of the December 9, 2024 meeting minutes and January 6, 2025 working committee meeting minutes B. Auditing and approval of checks (receipts, checks) C. Treasurer’s report and Pupil Activity Accounts D. Fundraiser requests 1. Softball - Rib Fest and Egg My House 2. Spirit Club - Little Caesar Pizza Kits 3. HS Girls Basketball - Little Tbirds Winter Camp 4. HS Baseball - Meat Raffle 5. HS Baseball - Calendar Raffle E. Gifts and Donations 1. Our Saviors Lutheran Church V. District presentations A. Research/Technical Writing Students VI. Administration reports A. FAC Director’s Report - informational B. Principal’s Report - informational C. Administrator’s Report - informational D. Student Representative Report - informational VII. School Board News and Updates A. WASB Meeting/Convention Updates B. CESA 5 Meeting Updates VIII. Old Business A. Referendum Updates B. Hoffman information and approvals IX. Committee reports A. Building & Grounds - Chairperson Boris 1. Rezoning school property - informational B. Personnel & Nominations - Chairperson Kirmse 1. Resignation/Retirement a) Transportation Director Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Diana Jones to approve the retirement of the Transportation Director, Gary Trzebiatowski as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. 2. Co-Curricular Assignments Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the updated Co-Curricular Assignments as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. C. Finance - Chairperson Krogwold; lay committee members Erikka Flowers and Mark Sether No report D. Transportation - Chairperson Neumann No report E. Curriculum - Chairperson Jones 1. MS/HS course requests Motion was made by Vanessa Kirmse and seconded by Laura Krogwold to approve the MS/HS course requests as presented and for Mrs. Bue-Wells to use her discretion as needed and as staff allows with courses that are held. Motion carried by a voice vote. F. Policy & Legislation - Chairperson Grassl No report G. Negotiations - Chairperson Harbridge No report X. New Business A. Spanish Trip 2026 Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Vanessa Kirmse to approve the 2026 Spanish Trip as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. B. 25-26 School Calendar Motion was made by Tony Neumann and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve the 25-26 School Calendar as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote. C. 25-26 Special Education Open Enrollment Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl to approve zero special education open enrollment spaces for the 2025-2026 school year. Motion carried by a voice vote. D. 25-26 Open Enrollment Spaces Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Tony Neumann to approve 2024-2025 open enrollment spaces with no limits. Motion carried by a voice vote. XI. Future Agenda Items A. Upcoming Dates 1. February 3, 2025 Working Committee Meeting, Elementary School - Room #6 at 6 pm 2. February 10, 2025 Regular BOE Meeting, Elementary School - Room #6 at 6 pm XII. Adjourn to executive session. The following motion would be in order (roll call vote): Motion was made by Diana Jones and seconded by Mike Grassl at 6:55 pm to go into executive session in accordance with Wisconsin §19.85 (1)(c), (e) and (f) for the purposes and taking action, if appropriate concerning: 1. Employment, compensation, or performance evaluation data a. District Administrator Evaluation Motion carried by a roll call vote. XIII. Reconvene into open session to take possible action regarding XII. Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Jason Boris at 8:05 pm to reconvene into open session. Roll call vote - motion carried unanimously. XIV. Adjourn Motion was made by Mike Grassl and seconded by Tony Neumann at 8:06 pm to adjourn. Motion carried by a voice vote. Publish Feb. 20, 2025 WNAXLP
The Village of Iola Board Meeting will be held the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM. at the Iola Village Hall, Community Room, 180 S. Main Street. The Finance Committee meeting is held thirty minutes prior to the board meeting. WNAXLP

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