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The BEST 1 listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST 1 listings near North Central Wisconsin


Village of Iola Notice of Application for Retail Liquor License Notice is hereby given that application for a combination Class “B” Beer and Class “B” Liquor License to sell from the date of July 1, 2024, until June 30, 2025, intoxicating liquor as defined by sub-section 176.01 of the Wisconsin Statutes, at retail, subject to the limitations imposed by chapter 176 of the Wisconsin Statutes and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto at the described premises in the Village of Iola has been made by the following: Thirsty Perch, LLC, Agent: Sherri Miller, 195 Water Street, Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. Rustic Golf Properties Inc. “Rustic Grill at Glacier Wood”, Agent: Elver Grimm III, 604 Water Street, Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. 10LA Corner Bar & Grill LLC, Agent: Aaron Straton, 195 North Main Street, Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. Iola Old Car Show, Inc., “Otto’s Bar & Beer Garden” Agent: Joseph Opperman, 350 Chrome Place, Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. 160 W State St Iola WI 54945 LLC, “Mark McCoy’s Flat Tracker Tap”, Agent: Mark McCoy, 160 W State St., Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin Notice is hereby given that application for a combination Class “A” Retail Beer and Class “A” Retail Intoxicating Liquor License to sell from the date of July 1, 2024, until June 30, 2025, intoxicating liquor as defined by sub-section 176.01 of the Wisconsin Statutes, at retail, subject to the limitations imposed by chapter 176 of the Wisconsin Statutes and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto at the described premises in the Village of Iola has been made by the following: ND Gatsby, Inc, Agent: Nathan Kulinski, “Iola Sentry Foods”, 125 Meadow Road, Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. Depot Street Station, LLC, Agent: Erik P. Hanson, President, 140 Depot Street, Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. Notice is hereby given that application for a combination Class “A” Retail Beer to sell from the date of July 1, 2024, until June 30, 2025, intoxicating liquor as defined by sub-section 176.01 of the Wisconsin Statutes, at retail, subject to the limitations imposed by chapter 176 of the Wisconsin Statutes and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto at the described premises in the Village of Iola has been made by the following: Depot Street Station, LLC, Agent: Erik P. Hanson, President, “Iola Cenex” 305 N. Main Street, Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. Notice is hereby given that application for a Class “B” Beer License and Class “C” Wine License for the sale of wine to sell from the date of July 1, 2024, until June 30, 2025, intoxicating liquor as defined by sub-section 125.26(1) and 125.51(3m) of the Wisconsin Statutes, at retail, subject to the limitations imposed by chapter 176 of the Wisconsin Statutes and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto at the described premises in the Village of Iola has been made by the following: Regen Iola Mills, “Iola Mills” Agent: Edward Lemar, 300 North Main Street, Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. Crystal Café of Iola, LLC, Agent: Judith S. Boiler, 126 N. Main Street, Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. Little Wolf Gallery, Agent: Donovan Brooke, 180 N. Main St., Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin Notice is hereby given that application for a Class “C” Wine and Class “A” Liquor License to sell from the date of July 1, 2024, until June 30, 2025, intoxicating liquor as defined by subsection 125.26(1) and 125.51(3m) of the Wisconsin Statutes, at retail, subject to the limitations imposed by chapter 176 of the Wisconsin Statutes and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto at the described premises in the Village of Iola has been made by the following: Crystal Café of Iola, LLC, Agent: Judith S. Bolier, 126 North Main Street, Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. Little Wolf Gallery, Agent: Donovan Brooke, 180 N. Main St., Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin The Iola Village Board of Trustees will meet Tuesday, June 11th, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the Iola Community Center, Community Room to consider these applications. To see a complete list of operator’s and more detailed go to Laura J. Krogwold Clerk/Treasurer, Village of Iola Publish May 30, 2024 WNAXLP

Lost and Found 

Lost: Car key on Second St. Stevens Point on sidewalk near Co-Op. Reward. Call 715-498-5233

Lots and Acreage for Sale 

FOR SALE: 15.44 acres. Just west of Appleton on School Rd. Excellent building site. Priced to sell. Call Jeremy 920-878-0288 or Herb 920-878-0005.

Lots and Acreage Wanted 

WANTED TO BUY - Land with or without buildings in town- ship of Dale or Caledonia. Call 920-878-0005 or 920-878-0288.

Meetings and Public Hearings 

The Village of Iola Board Meeting will be held the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM. at the Iola Village Hall, Community Room, 180 S. Main Street. The Finance Committee meeting is held thirty minutes prior to the board meeting. WNAXLP

Miscellaneous Merchandise 

Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-948-3442
FREE / TRADE: Books on CDs and cassettes. History, romance, mystery & more. 715-420-1736

Miscellaneous Pet 

PAWS 2 THINK helps feed local pets for those having financial difficulties. Donations are needed: Monetary or dry dog & cat food. Drop at Tomahawk Warehouse Liquor. For info, call 715-612-5866

Miscellaneous Services 

ME­U­NIER'S CAR­PET & Up­hol­stery Clean­ing. Pro­fes­sional clean­ing at af­ford­able rates. Res­i­den­tial & com­mer­cial. Tom­a­hawk, 262-208-6384.

Musical Instruments 

High quality Getzin Bb series 700 trumpet appraised in Oct. 2024 $1000, asking $900. Excellent, like new cond. in original leather case. Why rent $250/year? 715-341-5373

Name Change 

Professional and Technical 

Sporting Goods 

Eskimo Viper Quick Start 8” gas Ice Auger. Thumb throttle control, starts & runs great! Exc. Cond. $100 ALSO: Voltask 120v electric snow blower, 15” cut, single stage, adjustable chute control. Exc. Cond. $75 864-710-0836


2011 Jeep Com­pass Latitude, 4x4, 4 WD, Sil­ver, Heated seats, 108,000 miles, $6,750. Roggen­buck Auto N5336 State Rd. 17, Glea­son. 715-846-1082
FORD ESCAPE: 2015, 4-door, front wheel drive, 110,00 miles, red, no rust, clean. $7,900. 715-282-6613

Tools and Equipment 

For Sale: 441 Stihl chainsaw with 20-inch bar. $300 obo. 715-253-2060


5th Wheel Trailer frame- 23'x6', upper deck 8'x7', $995 OBO. Call 715-282-6238.
Dump Trailer, 6x10, like new. $5500. 715-445-4742


2004 Chevy for TRADE ONLY, for chevy extended cab, normal height to the road. White Lake area. 262-497-9417

Wanted to Buy 



Nicolette Coffee
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