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The BEST 1 listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST 1 listings near North Central Wisconsin

General Announcments 

Farm Fresh Food Delivered To Your Door! Place Order By 10 pm Wednesday for Friday Delivery.
Farm Fresh Food Delivered To Your Door! Place Order By 10 pm Wednesday for Friday Delivery.
FLORIDA BOUND EMPTY TRUCK Can move household & Cars - CHEAP! Local 414-520-1612
FLORIDA BOUND EMPTY TRUCK Can move household & Cars - CHEAP! Local 414-520-1612
Hub City Times Clas­si­fied Ad Dead­line To place a clas­si­fied ad call our of­fice at 715-384-4440 or on­line at clas­si­ be­fore 10am on Fri­day. Your ad will run in the paper the fol­low­ing week. Cost starts at $10/week for 5 lines (appx 25 words). Pre­pay­ment is re­quired.
I will pick up your un­wanted small and large items for FREE! 715-355-9776
School Registration Christ Ev. Lutheran School (located in West Bloomfield) will be holding their school registration on Tuesday, August 6th. Hours: Noon – 6pm. Come grow with us! For more information, contact our school at: Secretary@ Phone 920-867-3263
St Teresa Mother Teresa - Say nine Hail Marys for eight days. Ask for three wishes, first for busi­ness, sec­ond and third for the im­pos­si­ble. Pub­lish this ar­ti­cle on the ninth day. Your wishes will come true even though you may not be­lieve it.
The Message of The Cross is Foolishness to those perishing, but to us who are being saved its the power of God. 1st Corinthians 1:18
WORK WANTED Can do almost any work you need done, inside or out. Leave a message at 715-227-3606

General Employment 

De­liv­ery Dri­ver Needed! $15.00 per hour. Fri­days ap­prox. 6 hours. Call Bill 920-606-3082 for more info.

General Labor 

Wittenberg Area Summer help wanted for yard work. Call Jim 262-202-7571 or 715-253-2171


CASH FOR GUNS An­tique or Mod­ern Ri­fles • Pis­tols • Shot­guns HIGH­EST PRICES PAID Also Buy­ing: Scopes • Ammo • Knives Shoot­ing & Hunt­ing Ac­ces­sories 715-614-3560 Fed­er­ally Li­censed
WE BUY USED GUNS! Bulls­eye Sports 1201 S. Cen­tral Ave. Marsh­field, WI 715-384-6580

Health Care 

Heating and Cooling 

Eliminate high heat­ing costs. EPA Qual­i­fied Cen­tral Boiler E-Clas­sic OUT­DOOR WOOD FUR­NACE. Ther­moPEX & Maxim prod­ucts also avail­able. Mike's Cen­tral Sales & Ser­vice Ves­per, WI - 715-459-4887

Homes for Rent 

Beau­ti­ful 2 BR man­u­fac­tured home. Laun­dry, cen­tral air, oak cab­i­nets, large deck, stor­age shed. All for $750/mo. No pets. Within 30 mile ra­dius of Wausau. 715-302-1128
Beaver Dam: 4 bed­room 2.5 bath home, large pool, out­side-of-town sub­di­vi­sion, na­turesque back­yard, up­dated & clean! $3,600/wk with 2-week min­i­mum. 239.398.6161
House for rent, 4 bdrm. 2 full baths, ½ block from grocery store, gas station and movie theatre, no pets/no smoking, $1500/mo. 715-570-2663.


UP TO $15,000 OF GUARANTEED LIFE INSURANCE! No medical exam or health questions. Cash to help pay funeral & other final expenses. Call Physicians Life Insurance Company 844-433-5898 or visit (WCAN)


Nicolette Coffee
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